100字范文 > 综合运用能力 integrated abilities of English英语短句 例句大全

综合运用能力 integrated abilities of English英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-28 10:26:21


综合运用能力 integrated abilities of English英语短句 例句大全

综合运用能力,integrated abilities of English

1)integrated abilities of English综合运用能力

1.Based on the college English Reform in our university since ,this article aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the new teaching model and put forward some suggestions on a better combination of CAI system and the traditional teaching,so as to further promote studentsintegrated abilities of English.通过对实践中出现问题的分析和探讨,提出了合理利用自主学习系统,使之与传统课堂教学更好结合起来的英语施教策略,从而切实提高学生的语言综合运用能力。


1.On Rapidly Improving the Comprehensive Competence to the Preparatory Students;快速提高预科学生英语综合运用能力

2.Suggestions on Training College Student s to Improve Their Comprehensive Ability in Using English;高校学生英语综合运用能力培养的几点建议

3.Research on Training College Students English Integrated Applied Abilities;高校学生英语综合运用能力培养的研究

4.Developing Students Comprehensive Language Abilities Basedon the Practice of Technical Communication;专业交际学与大学生语言综合运用能力的培养

5.Reading English Simplified Masterpieces to Improve the Students" Comprehensive Ability of Using English赏析英语名著简写本,提高英语综合运用能力

6.Cultivating Students" Comprehensive Ability in Using English by Means of Strengthening College English Writing Instruction加强大学英语写作教学,培养语言综合运用能力

7.He showed discernment in judging my general ability.在判断我的综合运用能力上,他显示出非凡的眼力。

8.Training in Listening and Improving the Ability in Using the Language;加强听力训练,提高综合运用语言的能力

9.Utilizing Theme-based Approach to Cultivate College Students English Comprehensive Application Competence;运用主题教学法培养大学生英语综合应用能力

10.Evaluate the profitability of enterprises and improve the comprehensive use of indicators;企业盈利能力评价指标完善及综合运用浅析

11.Using the Method of Item Grouping to Improve Student s Comprehensive Abilities in Track and Field Sports;运用“项群归类法”提高学生田径综合能力

12.The Application of Cognitive Approach and Communicative Approach to the Training of Learners Language Ability;认知法、交际法在语言综合能力培养中的运用

13.Transportation: The comprehensive capacity of transportation was further reinforced.交通运输业:综合运输能力进一步增强。

14.Analysis on Comprehensive Transportation Demands Fluctuation and Application in Transportation Reserve Capacity Caculation;综合运输需求波动分析及其在运输储备能力计算中的应用

15.Multiple utilizate all the language to communicate, developing the students self-study ability.能综合运用所学语言进行交流,发展学生自主学习的能力。

16.On the effection of Emotional Education in Developingthe Students Ability of Multipurpose Language Use;情感态度在培养学生综合语言运用能力中的作用

17.The Training of the Comprehensive Competence of Adolescent Javelin Athletes;论青少年标枪运动员综合能力的发展

18.A Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis to the Adaptability of Qinghai-Tibet Railway Transportation Ability;青藏线运输能力适应性综合评价分析


English integrated applied abilities英语综合运用能力

1.This paper stresses the necessity for training college students English integrated applied abili- ties,explores the implication of improving integrated applied abilities,and puts forward some measures to improve studentsEnglish integrated applied abilities.围绕培养高校学生英语综合运用能力这一主题,阐述了培养高校学生英语综合运用力的必要性,探究了英语运用能力的内涵,提出了培养高校学生英语综合运用能力的对策。

3)comprehensive Chinese proficiency汉语综合运用能力

1.In order to improve Chinese learners’comprehensive Chinese proficiency, more importance should be attached to the balance of language skills in teaching design and written language teaching should be strengthened.本文主旨为关注世界第二语言教学新的教学理念;提出汉语教学与汉字教学之关系乃探讨汉语作为第二语言教学模式的关键所在;教学设计应充分注意语言技能的平衡,大力加强书面语教学,全面提高学习者汉语综合运用能力。

4)compre-hensive capability of English lan-guage handling英语综合语言运用能力

5)language proficiency综合语言运用能力

6)the ability of using language综合运用语言的能力


后勤综合保障能力(见后勤保障能力)后勤综合保障能力(见后勤保障能力)integrated logistic support capabilityhouqin zonghe baoZhang nengli后勤综合保障能力(integrated logistiesupportc叩ability)见后勤保障能力。
