100字范文 > 调式综合 Integration of Musical Mode英语短句 例句大全

调式综合 Integration of Musical Mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-04 16:56:59


调式综合 Integration of Musical Mode英语短句 例句大全

调式综合,Integration of Musical Mode

1)Integration of Musical Mode调式综合

2)Distributed Integration Mediation System(DIMS)分布式综合调合系统DIMS

3)comprehensive adjustment综合调整

1.Fuzzy evaluation method of reservoircomprehensive adjustment effect in ultra-high water cut stage;特高含水油藏综合调整效果的模糊评价方法

2.Design and implementation of polymercomprehensive adjustment optimizing system;聚合物驱综合调整优化系统的设计与实现

3.Application of fuzzy Petri net knowledge representation to polymerfloodingcomprehensive adjustment;模糊Petri网知识表示方法在聚驱综合调整中的应用


1.Application of Fuzzy Petri Nets in Polymer Flooding Comprehensive Adjustment System;模糊Petri网在聚驱综合调整中的应用

2.The Research of Integrated Adjustment Method of Injection Production System in Xinzhan Oilfield新站油田注采系统综合调整方法研究

3.Polymer Flooding Adjustment Technology for Thin and Poor Layers in Daqing SaZhong Development Area大庆萨中二类油层聚合物驱综合调整技术研究

4.Research on Daqing Peripheral Oilfields Water Flooding Development Comprehensive Adjustment Technology大庆外围油田注水开发综合调整技术研究

5.Optimization Method Study for Compositive Adjusting Measures in Oil Field during High Water-cut Stage;油田高含水期综合调整措施优化方法研究

6.Studying on the Technology Adjustment to the Water-Flood Effect for Lamadian Oilfield"s High Water-Cut Stage;喇嘛甸油田特高含水期水驱综合调整技术研究

7.Research and Implementation of Polymer-Flooding Comprehensive Adjustment System Based on COM;基于COM的聚驱综合调整系统的研究与实现

8.On integrated adjustment measure and effect in Mian14 Area of Bamianhe Oilfield;八面河油田面14区的综合调整措施及效果

posite post adjustment multiplier综合工作地点差价调整数乘数

10.general price level adjusted statement按综合物价水平调整的报表

11.general purchasing power reporting按综合购买力调整的报表

posite post adjustment index综合工作地点差价调整指数

13.Adjustments of the Japanese Trading Company s Business Strategies in China;论日本综合商社在华经营战略的调整

14.Empirical studies combined effectiveness of the layout of the school in Ningxia;宁夏学校布局调整综合效能实证研究

15."showing a usupleasing mixture of qualities, groups, etc"融合的;各组成部分相互协调的;综合的;完整的

16.Basin adjusting stage is the process of energy adjusting and material equalization.盆地调整阶段是能量调整、质补偿和综合平衡的过程。

17.(8) Comprehensive City Renovation(八)环境综合整治

18.take a global view of...整体 [综合] 地观察…


Distributed Integration Mediation System(DIMS)分布式综合调合系统DIMS

3)comprehensive adjustment综合调整

1.Fuzzy evaluation method of reservoircomprehensive adjustment effect in ultra-high water cut stage;特高含水油藏综合调整效果的模糊评价方法

2.Design and implementation of polymercomprehensive adjustment optimizing system;聚合物驱综合调整优化系统的设计与实现

3.Application of fuzzy Petri net knowledge representation to polymerfloodingcomprehensive adjustment;模糊Petri网知识表示方法在聚驱综合调整中的应用

4)synthetic adjustment综合调整

1.On the basis of numerical simulation results of black oil model for sandstone reservoir, we focus on studying the residual oil occurrence and dynamic predicting onsynthetic adjustment of Fuyu formation with low permeability and low daily output in the trial zone, Chaoyanggou oilfield.采用砂岩油藏黑油模拟器,应用数值模拟方法研究剩余油分布特征,进行综合调整方案动态预测。

2.Thesynthetic adjustment of the initial development in Bieguzhuang Oil- field is very effective.别古庄油田开发初期综合调整的效果显著,被石油天然气总公司评为“高效开发油田”,本文扼要介绍了该油田地质特征,着重分析了开发初期综合调整的依据、内容和效果。

5)comprehensive regulation综合调控

6)comprehensive investigation综合调查

1.Geoecological environment of the Loess Plateau in the middlereaches of the Yellow River and itscomprehensive investigation;黄河中游黄土高原地质生态环境综合调查


