100字范文 > 电力推进船舶电网谐波 harmonics in electric propulsive shipping system英语短句 例句大全

电力推进船舶电网谐波 harmonics in electric propulsive shipping system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-17 11:15:34


电力推进船舶电网谐波 harmonics in electric propulsive shipping system英语短句 例句大全

电力推进船舶电网谐波,harmonics in electric propulsive shipping system

1)harmonics in electric propulsive shipping system电力推进船舶电网谐波


1.Simulation of Harmonic Suppression for Power System of Marine Electric Propulsion;电力推进船舶电网谐波抑制仿真研究

2.Discussion on Methods of Harmonics Suppression in Electric Propulsive Shipping System电力推进船舶电网谐波抑制方案的探讨

3.Research on Control Methods of Harmonic in Power System of Electric Propulsion Ship船舶电力推进系统谐波控制方法研究

4.Harmonic characteristic research of the synchronous generatorpropulsion converter system in electric propulsion船舶电力推进系统谐波特性仿真与试验

5.Harmonic characteristic simulation of the synchronous generator-propulsion converter system in electric propulsion船舶电力推进同步发电机-推进变流器系统谐波特性仿真

6.Application of High Power Factor Converter in Harmonic Suppression System of Electric Propulsive Ship高功率因数变流器在电力推进船舶谐波抑制中的应用

7.Restoration research of electric propulsion ship integrated power system based on DAPSO algorithm基于DAPSO算法的电力推进船舶电网负荷恢复研究

8.Application of Passive Power Filter in Marine Electric Propulsion System无源滤波装置在船舶电力推进系统的应用

9.Research on Ship Power System Harmonics Based on Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm基于改进自适应遗传算法的船舶电力系统谐波问题研究

10.Specification for electric propulsion plant in shipGB/T13030-1991船舶电力推进系统技术条件

11.The Research on Principle and Operation Simulation of Marine Electrical Propulsion System;船舶电力推进原理与操作仿真的研究

12.The Simulation and Study of Characteristic and Control of Ship Electrical Propulsion;船舶电力推进特性与控制的仿真研究

13.Optimum Design of Central Cooling System of Electric Propulsion Ship;电力推进船舶中央冷却系统优化设计

14.Application of Web Database in Electrical Propulsion Ship;Web数据库在电力推进船舶中的应用

15.Development and application in marine integrated power system船舶综合电力推进系统的发展及应用

16.Direct torque control for electrical propulsion system of ship based on extended Kalman filter基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的船舶电力推进系统直接转矩控制

17.Design of Marine Electricity Grid Harmonic Analyzer Based on Singlechip单片机船舶电网谐波分析仪的设计与研究

18.Chaos Forecasting of Electric Propulsion Ship Power Load Based on Dead Weight load Influence载重量影响的电力推进船舶电力负荷混沌预测


electric propulsion ship电力推进船舶

1.Chaotic local forecasting of multivariate time series based onelectric propulsion ship power load was proposed for improving the forecasting accuracy ofelectric propulsion ship power load.为提高电力推进船舶电力负荷预测精度,提出电力推进船舶电力负荷的多变量混沌局部预测。

2.Wavelet transform was applied to decomposeelectric propulsion ship power load for improving the forecasting precision ofelectric propulsion ship power load.为提高电力推进船舶电力负荷预测精度,通过小波变换将电力推进船舶电力负荷分解为固有负荷分量和载重量影响负荷分量,在此基础上用混沌局域关联模型预测固有负荷分量;用线性回归模型预测载重量影响负荷分量。

3)ship electric propulsion船舶电力推进

1.The Research of Control System of Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Motors Applied in Ship Electric Propulsion;船舶电力推进中永磁同步电机控制系统的研究

2.Depending on the characteristic of modernship electric propulsion which is droven by frequency converter,a new type hybrid active power filter of sine wave is proposed.根据船舶电力推进变频驱动的特点,提出了一种新型变频器输出混合有源正弦波滤波器,在变频器的输出侧接上一个LC基波串联谐振电路,使变频器的输出电压对基波呈现低电抗、对谐波呈现高阻抗;同时实时检测负载端电压,根据瞬时无功功率理论可直接检测出谐波电压波形,并通过变流器和串联变压器反馈一个与谐波电压幅值相等、相位相反的电压去抵消系统中剩余的谐波电压。

3.This paper presents the design and realization of monitoring and controlling system forship electric propulsion system based on industry Ethernet and configuration software,particularly the construction of industry Ethernet and software flow and function of the top monitoring and controlling interface.船舶电力推进是现代化船舶发展的必然趋势,其监控系统是船舶可靠工作的重要保障。

4)electrical propulsion ship电力推进船舶

1.Dynamic modeling and simulation of central cooling system ofelectrical propulsion ship;电力推进船舶中央冷却系统动态特性建模及控制仿真

5)Marine Electric Propulsion船舶电力推进

1.The Control Methods of theMarine Electric Propulsion System;船舶电力推进系统控制方法

2.A brief analysis about the construction and features of marine electric propulsion system is given in this paper.对船舶电力推进系统的结构和特点进行了简要的分析,对其广阔的发展前景和空间予以肯定,并对发展电力推进的几个问题谈了作者的看法。

3.To research on marine electric propulsion by means of system simulation is a feasi- ble and efficient way,soMarine Electric Propulsion Dynamic Load Simulation System,which is a real-time Hardware-In- the-Loop simulation system and can reflect actual marine propeller load characteristics and simulate the entire ship motion process dynamically,is developed.船舶电力推进因其运营经济性、灵活性、可靠性和环保等优点,被预测为船舶推进的主流。

6)Marine electrical propulsion船舶电力推进

1.Today, marine electrical propulsion has been attached importance to many country armies and shipbuilding because of its advantages.当今,船舶电力推进由于其自身众多优点,随着研究的深入,技术的成熟,逐渐得到世界各国军方以及造船界的高度重视,必将在军舰以及民用船舶上得到广泛应用。


