100字范文 > 电力推进 electric propulsion英语短句 例句大全

电力推进 electric propulsion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-25 11:35:25


电力推进 electric propulsion英语短句 例句大全

电力推进,electric propulsion

1)electric propulsion电力推进

puter simulation analysis ofelectric propulsion system of Yantai-Dalian Train Ferry;烟大铁路轮渡渡船电力推进系统仿真分析

2.Electromagnetism compatibility of convertor for shipelectric propulsion and power supply(Application of IEC 61800-3);船舶电力推进用变流器和供电系统的电磁兼容性(IEC 61800-3等标准的应用)

3.Investigation of the novelelectric propulsion device for ships based on Weis-Fogh mechanism;基于Weis-Fogh机构新型船舶电力推进装置研究


1.fuel cell electric propulsion apparatus燃料电池电力推进装置

2.nuclear power electric propulsion apparatus核动力电力推进装置

3.active rudder electric propulsion apparatus主动舵电力推进装置

4.gas turbine-electric propulsion apparatus燃气轮机电力推进装置

5.SEPST (Solar Electric Propulsion System Technology)太阳电力推进系统技术

6.diesel-batteries propulsion apparatus)柴油机蓄电池电力推进装置

7.Simulation of Harmonic Suppression for Power System of Marine Electric Propulsion;电力推进船舶电网谐波抑制仿真研究

8.Controlling Technology And Power Electrics Technology In Ship Electric Propulsion System舰艇电力推进控制技术及电力电子技术

9.Chaos Forecasting of Electric Propulsion Ship Power Load Based on Dead Weight load Influence载重量影响的电力推进船舶电力负荷混沌预测

10.Harmonic characteristic simulation of the synchronous generator-propulsion converter system in electric propulsion船舶电力推进同步发电机-推进变流器系统谐波特性仿真

bined and diesel electric plant柴油机和柴油机电力推进装置

bined steam and gas turbine electric蒸汽轮和燃气轮机电力推进联合

bined gas turbine and gas turbine electric燃气轮机和燃气轮机电力推进联合

bined diesel-electric and gas trubine installation柴油机电力推进和燃气轮机联合装置

15.bridge controller驾驶台电力推进装置操纵台

16.Specification for electric propulsion plant in shipGB/T13030-1991船舶电力推进系统技术条件

17.The Research on Principle and Operation Simulation of Marine Electrical Propulsion System;船舶电力推进原理与操作仿真的研究

18.The Simulation and Study of Characteristic and Control of Ship Electrical Propulsion;船舶电力推进特性与控制的仿真研究


electrical propulsion电力推进

1.An emergency propulsion control system plan for anelectrical propulsion vessel;关于某电力推进船应急推进控制系统方案的探究

2.Study on the parallel operation course ofelectrical propulsion prime mover based on the combined power plant;基于联合动力的电力推进原动机并车过程研究

3.Development trend ofelectrical propulsion ship;船舶电力推进未来发展方向

3)all electric propulsion全电力推进

1.Application of theall electric propulsion system in oil tankers and passenger/vehicle Ro/Ro ships proved its benefit and technical advantages.通过油船和车客渡船的电力推进系统的应用分析,展示该项技术在两类船型中的应用优势,认为全电力推进是船舶向更高效、更安全方向发展的一部分,随着推进器和推进电机技术的成熟,必将进一步降低电力推进的初投资,其应用会越来越广泛。

4)electromagnetic propulsion电磁推进力

5)electrically-propelled ship电力推进船

6)propulsion generator电力推进发电机


固液混合火箭推进剂(见火箭推进剂)固液混合火箭推进剂(见火箭推进剂)solid-liguid hybrid rocket propellantguye hunhe huoiian tui)in)i固液混合火箭推进剂(s olid一Iiguid hy-brid rocket proPellant)见火箭推讲齐,}_
