100字范文 > “牛津小学英语4B”Unit 7参考教案_小学四年级英语教案

“牛津小学英语4B”Unit 7参考教案_小学四年级英语教案

时间:2019-10-12 14:34:18


“牛津小学英语4B”Unit 7参考教案_小学四年级英语教案

“牛津小学英语4b”unit 7参考教案at a snack bar常州市浦前中心小学 薛美一、本单元教学内容:1、四会词a pie、chips、 noodles、 sweets 、chocolat、 tea、 coffee、 juice、milk.2、三会词 hamburgers、sandwiches、biscuits3、三会学习交际用语 what would you like? how much is it/are they? it’s/they’re….4、 三会学习交际用语 how about you? some…,please. something to drink? anything else? what can you see in the picture?二、教学目标(一)认知目标:1、在听说读练中,学会食品及饮料的名称pies 、sandwiches、hamburgers、chips、sweet、biscuits 、noodles、milk、chocolate、juice、tea 、coffee.2、在听说训练中,学会what wold you like ? how about you ? anything else ? how much are they ? 等句子。3、通过听说训练,能正确听读、辨认辅音字母组合ds 、ts在单词中的发音。4、学会诵读歌谣 what would you like ?(二)功能目标:1、在活动过程中,学会询问他人需要什么食品,学会征求他人的意见。2、学会询问物品的价格并进行实际交际。3、通过听说演的训练,学会用英语表达自己的喜好。4、在诵读歌谣的过程中,学会自己编演 chant ,培养创新能力。(三)情感目标:1、在交际过程中,学会与他人相处,建立友谊。2、在交际过程中,培养学生自主学习的能力和合作的能力。三、教学重点:食品饮料名词的发音和书写。四、教学难点:掌握并熟练运用本课的交际用语。五、单元总课时:四课时第一课时一、教学目标1、 四会词: pies hamburgers chips noddles sweets 2、 三会词: sandwiches3、 四会交际用语 what would you like ?4、 三会交际用语anything else ?二、教学准备:1、 教师准备生词卡片,实物图片,录音机等。2、 教师准备一个小纸袋,内装一些本课学习所需要的食品。3、学生准备一些食品。三、教学重点:食品类名词的读音和书写四、教学难点: 理解并运用how about you ? anything else ?五、教学过程:(一):复习导入1、学生表演对话,要求用已经学过的语言编演。教师可以采取评五角星的办法。2、free talk t: good morning , class . today i have some food .look , here they are .(出示小纸袋)t: hello , xx. what would you like ? s: i’d like a hamburger .t:here’s a hamburger .here you are .s:thank you , miss xue .t:you are welcome . (用同样的方法询问几个学生,导入新课---at a snack bar) 教师领读课题。(二):呈现新知1、过渡语言t:oh dear .i’m very hungry . are you hungry ?s:yes .t: well , let’s do some shopping . ok ? i’d like a hamburger . hi, xx. what would you like ?s1:i’d like a hamburger .s2: i’d like a pie .t: how about you , xx ?s3:i’d like a sandwich..询问两、三个学生后,教师板书:what would you like ? how about you ?1、 情景引出食品类名词t: look , what’s this ? (出示一个苹果派)s: it’s a pie .t: yes , it’s an apple pie . do you like this apple pie ?s: yes .t: if you are good . this apple pie is for you . who wants this apple pie ? hi ,xx. what would you like ? i have many food .do you like ? now ,guess. what’s in my bag ?(根据学生猜测,教师逐个出示hamburger、 sandwich )用同样的方式引出新词教学:sweets 、chips 、biscuit 、noodlest: now , here are some food. who can act a salesman ? t: well , i’m very hungry . i want something to eat .s: what would you like ?t: i’d like a hamburger .s: here you are . work in pairs .2、 猜物游戏,教师带一个小袋,内装一些食品,让学生摸一摸,猜一猜。t:here are some food .guess what are these ? if you are right , you will get this .s: great .t:what are these ? s:sandwiches.t:yes . you are right ./ no , you are wrong .…….3、朗读小诗:what would you like ?4、情景引出: anything else ?t:hi,…what would you like ?s:i’d like a hanburger .t:anything else ? do you want a sandwich ? what else do you want ?s:i’d like a hot dog .t:good . here you are .(板书新句,教学anything else ?)5、师生示范串联对话t:what would you like ?s:i’d like a hamburger .t: how about you ?s: i’d like a hot dog .t: anything else ?s:some chips.t:here you are .work in pairs.三、巩固新知1、 听录音,学说话。2、 学生表演串联对话3、 布置作业: (1) 抄写新单词(2) 编演对话 unit 7 at a snack bar what would you like ? i’d like a hamburger . chips how about you ? sandwiches noodlesanything else ? a pie sweets 板书:
