100字范文 > 《牛津小学英语4B》Unit 4 参考教案_小学四年级英语教案

《牛津小学英语4B》Unit 4 参考教案_小学四年级英语教案

时间:2020-11-16 08:40:24


《牛津小学英语4B》Unit 4 参考教案_小学四年级英语教案

《牛津小学英语4b》unit 4 参考教案常州师范第二附属小学 王蕾一、本单元教学内容类别语音项目要求语音辅音字母组合th在单词中的发音听读、辨认词汇apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写日常交际用语can i help you?these or those?听得懂、会说、会读句型what are these/ those?they’re….how many kilos?… kilos, please.听得懂、会说、会读、会写歌谣<i like fruit>会朗诵二、本单元教学重点和难点:*△ 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some。2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语can i help you? these or those?*△ 3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are these/those? they’re…. how many kilos? … kilos, please.*△ 4.初步掌握名词复数的词形和读音的变化。5.了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。6.能有表情地流利的诵读歌谣《i like fruit》。( p.s. *为教学难点,△ 为教学重点。)三、教材内容分析:本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”,主要学习句子what are these/ those? they’re…。book4a中已经出现what’s this/ that? it’s…句型。教学中教师可以采用以旧带新的方法,从单数句式引出复数句式,还可以通过单复数形式比较找出它们之间的区别。本单元主要出现了水果类单词,除lemons, strawberries, grapes三种水果是第一次出现以外,其余八种均在book3a第三单元中出现过。教师可通过句型do you like …? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.的问答教授这三个新单词,并适当补充一些学生感兴趣的水果单词,如甘蔗(sugar cane),荔枝(lichee)等等。本单元出现的是这些单词的复数形式,涉及到词形、读音的变化,是教学中的难点。教师可以对名词复数的词形和读音进行归类。与本单元所出现的水果类单词紧密结合的是在商店里购物的常用语can i help you? how many kilos? these or those?等。在教学中教师要注意创设购物情景,让学生熟练自如的运用这些购物的基本用语。另外可以根据学生的具体情况适当补充一些其他购物用语或让学有余力的学生课后去收集这类交际用语,以扩充他们的知识面、锻炼他们的自主学习能力。四、课时安排: 四课时五、教学过程设计:period 1teaching aims and difficulties:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears。能听得懂、会说、会读单词pineapples, lemons, strawberries, mangoes。2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are these/those? they’re….3. 学会有表情的朗读歌谣《i like fruit》。teaching procedures:step 1. warming-up------- greetings.------- daily practise.t: point to the teacher, student, policeman, nurse, doctor, dentist, farmer, etc.s: teacher, student, policeman, nurse, doctor, dentist, farmer, etc.(do the action while speak out the word)t- s s- sstep 2. presentationt: do you like doctors/nurses/ policemen/ farmers/…?s: yes, i do. ( no, i don’t.)t: do you like your english/ chinese/ math teacher?s: yes, i do. (no, i don’t.)t: thank you. miss wang likes apples. do you like apples?s: yes, i do. (no, i don’t.)t: what do you like, then?s: i like pears/bananas/pineapples/watermelons/peaches/oranges/mangoes.step 3 new words, chant and structures learning1.new words learningt: oh, i see. now, i’ll play a game with you. it is called” touch and guess”. who’d like to come to the front and have a try?s: i try.t: xxx, come here. please touch and guess what are these in the bag?s1: pears.t: let me see. oh, you’re right. now i’ll change the fruits, please wait a minute. ok, who’d like to try now?s: i try.t: xxx, you please.s2: (touching the fruits)t: what are these?s2: oranges.t: i’m sorry you’re wrong. who can touch and guess once again?s: i try.t: ok, xxx, you please.s3: pears.t: i’m sorry you’re wrong, either. let me show you: what are these in the bag? ( take out the fruits in the bag) look, they’re lemons. say after me, lemons.s: lemons.t: lemon. ( point to one lemon)s: lemon.t: lemons. ( point to all lemons)s: lemons.t: ok, boys and girls. what are these in the bag?s: lemons.t: yes, you can also say: they’re lemons.s: they’re lemons.( teach the words “grapes” and “ strawberries” in the same way.)t: ok, now let’s do ‘’point to …” once again, but this time we don’t point to the students act in different jobs, we point to the fruits. are you ready?s: yes.t: good, here we go! point to the lemons, grapes, strawberries, etc.s: lemons, grapes, strawberries, etc.t-s s-s2. new chant learningt: you’ve done a great job just now. ok, it’s time to say a chant. do you like it?s: yes.t: ok. listen to the tape carefully.(play the tape recorder)s: (learn the chant)t: now, let’s say the chant by ourselves. strawberries, strawberries, red and sweet. one, two, start!s: ( say the chant and clap their hands together.)3. new structures learningt: very good! excuse me, what are these in the bag once again?s: they’re lemons.t: do you like lemons?s: yes, i do. ( no, i don’t.)t: thank you. boys and girls, can you guess what are those behind the bookcase?s1: they’re lemons, too.t: no.s2: they’re oranges.t: no, you’re wrong. ok, i can give you a hint: they’re red and sweet.s3: they’re strawberries.t: yes, how clever! you’re right. do you like strawberries?s3: yes, i do.t: can you guess what are those behind the door? they’re yellow and sweet.s1: they’re pears.t: no.s2: they’re peaches.t: i’m sorry.s3: they’re mangoes.t: bingo! you’re right. do you like mangoes?s3: no, i don’t.step 4. practicet: now, please use the fruits you brought here to make a dialogue with your desk mates. if you didn’t bring anything, you can talk about the pictures on page 33 in your english book. pay attention to use the new drills in your dialogues. now, i’d like to give you an example. please listen carefully. excuse me, what are these?s4: they’re apples?t: do you like apples?s4: yes, i do.t: what are those over there?s4: they’re lemons.t: do you like lemons?s4: no, i don’t.t: oh, i see. i like lemons. may i have one?s4: sure, here you are.t: thank you.s4: not at all.s: (work in pairs.)t: ask some pairs to act their dialogues out. t: take out your books and turn to page 30, let’s read after the tape.s: (read after the tape, and then read in groups/ pairs.)
