100字范文 > 化学助剂 chemical additives英语短句 例句大全

化学助剂 chemical additives英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-27 04:20:49


化学助剂 chemical additives英语短句 例句大全

化学助剂,chemical additives

1)chemical additives化学助剂

1.The paper summarizes the methods of upgrading the recycled fiber : the mechanical beating and refining,the use ofchemical additives,the enzymatic treatment,physical fractionation and blending,each method has its own advantages and disadvantages,so in practice we combine some of them in order to get a high-grdae recycled fiber.机械打浆和精磨,化学助剂的使用,生物酶处理,以及纤维的分级与配抄,这四种方法各有其优缺点,在实际应用中常常综合起来使用,以达到最优的回复循环回用纤维品质的目的。

2.This article introduces thechemical additives effect the strength of sack paper ,The result shows that some type ofchemical additives was suitable for improving sack paper strength.介绍了国内外在纸袋纸中加化学助剂对纸张强度的影响 ,经探讨 ,提出以综合强度来评价助剂使用的全面效果。


1.Manufacturing sales : catalyst, chemical fertilizer, cement, asphalt.制造销售:催化剂、化学助剂、粘合剂、沥青。

bination of Bio-demulsifier XH-1 and Chemical Additive生物破乳剂XH-1与化学助剂的复配研究

3.Development of Beating Technologies with Chemical Additives and Pretreatment化学助剂及预处理方法在打浆过程中的应用

4.an review of neutral/alkaline papermaking and the development trend of wet end Chemicals中(碱)性造纸及其湿部化学助剂的发展趋势

5.Study on Synthesis and Properties of AM-NVP Copolymer for EOR新型采油化学助剂NVP-AM共聚物的合成与性能评价

6.Research on Filtration Effect of Ultra-fine Slime with Chemical Filter-aids化学助滤剂对微细粒煤泥的助滤作用研究

7.Sintering and Mechanical Property of Si_3N_4 with YF_3 Sintering AidYF_3助烧剂氮化硅的烧结及力学性能

8.Application of Busperse Cooking Agent in the Production of Hardwood Chemical PulpBusperse蒸煮助剂用于硬木化学浆的生产

9.The other 5 percent is represented by supplemental plasticizers, motor oil and chemical marker.另外5%则是辅助可塑剂,马达油和化学标记物。

10.Research Development and Future Trend on the Combined Use of Chemical Fiter Aids化学助滤剂混用的研究进展及发展趋势

11.The influence of the recent EC regulation for textiles on the textile auxiliaries;欧盟最新化学品法规对纺织印染助剂的影响

12.Application and Development of Cooking Aid in Chemical Pulping蒸煮助剂在化学浆制浆中的应用及其发展

13.Macrokinetics of Propane Dehydrogenation on CrAl Catalyst Improved by Rareearth Aids稀土助剂改良的铬铝催化剂上丙烷脱氢宏观动力学

14.wool carbonizing protecting auxiliary羊毛碳化保护辅助剂

15.Study on the Co-catalyst and Support for PEMFC"s Pt-based CatalystPEMFC铂基催化剂的助催化剂及载体研究

16.The viscosity reduction rate is over 85% at 240℃, 24hr, with catalyst accounting for 0.2% and toluene for 0.1%.与助剂甲苯复配,进行了稠油化学降黏的强化实验。

17.Xiangsu deep processing products, chemical fertilizer (excluding inflammable, explosive, hazardous chemicals) production sales.橡塑制品深加工、化工助剂(不含易燃易爆、化学危险品)生产销售。

puter Mathematics Spliting Model Supplementing Fiber-optic Sensing Determined Compositive Drug Preparation Dissolution;计算机数学分离模型辅助光纤化学传感过程监测复方制剂溶出度


Chemical assistant化学助剂

1.At present, the chemical assistant has played a very important rol e in the development of the oil field, and the product quality is very important, too.目前油田化学助剂在油田开发中已起到相当重要的作用,其产品质量至关重要,因此产品标准的制定就必须科学、严格。

3)chemical agent化学助剂

1.This paper described a method of improving the ?u idity of the liquid by addingchemical agents so as to enhance the web dryness on press section.实践表明,在纸机压榨部使用增干化学助剂能提高出压榨湿纸页干度2个百分点以上,纸张水分在喷雾加入助剂的同时立即下降,可用作纸张纵横向水分控制。

2.In order to improve the neatness,chemical agents are used in combination with direct steaming process, resulting in remarkable effects, with raw silk neatness scoring 92.山东叩官春庄口茧茧质较好 ,但洁净成绩达不到客户 92 5 0分的要求 ,为提高洁净成绩 ,采用了触蒸与化学助剂组合使用的方法 ,经试验效果明显 ,白厂丝洁净成绩达到 92 85分。

4)Auxiliary Chemistry助剂化学

5)chemical filter aids化学助滤剂

1.This paper summarizes the research development of the combined use ofchemical filter aids during the past three decades, points out the existing problem and the future trend.本文综述了近30年来化学助滤剂混合使用的0进展,并指出了目前存在的问题及今后的发展趋势。

6)oil field chemical assistant油田化学助剂


工程化学障碍物(见化学障碍物)工程化学障碍物(见化学障碍物)engineering-chemical obstacle习U·上日、11匕I一9 nuQXue Zhang’aiwu工程化学障碍物(engineelsng一ehemiealobstacle)见化学障碍物。
