100字范文 > 晶型控制剂 chemical additives英语短句 例句大全

晶型控制剂 chemical additives英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-07 08:40:15


晶型控制剂 chemical additives英语短句 例句大全

晶型控制剂,chemical additives

1)chemical additives晶型控制剂

1.Influence ofchemical additives on the crystal polymorphs and shapes of precipitated calcium carbonate;晶型控制剂对沉淀碳酸钙晶型、形态的影响

2.The size and shape of the particles are controlled by the adding ways of reactors, reaction time, reaction temperature, stirring intensity andchemical additives.本文采用液相沉淀热分解法制备纳米氧化镁,以不同的镁盐与沉淀剂氢氧化钠合成前驱物氢氧化镁,通过控制反应物加入方式、反应时间及温度、机械搅拌速度等因素,控制纳米氧化镁前驱物的粒度及形貌,并通过添加晶型控制剂控制其形貌。

2)crystalline controlling agent晶粒控制剂

3)crystal control-additive结晶控制剂

1.Spherical porous calcium carbonate without polymerization was prepared by jetting calcium chloride([CaCl_2]) aqua into ammonium bicarbonate([NH_4HCO_3]) aqua in which trace H_2SO_4 ascrystal control-additive be mixed.通过将CaCl2水溶液与混有结晶控制剂H2SO4的NH4HCO3水溶液进行撞击反应,制得了疏松均匀的多孔性球形超细碳酸钙粉体。


1.The submicron CL-20 was prepared by solvent-nonsolvent method with differentsurfactants,and the influence factors about various kinds,quality and injecting styles ofsurfactants were analyzed.采用溶剂-非溶剂的方法,通过加入不同的晶形控制剂制备超细CL-20,并对晶形控制剂的种类和用量、加料方式等因素进行了分析。

2.By controlling of non-solvent temperature,non-solvent pH value and differentsurfactants,the effect of these factors on morphology of submicron/nano-HNS were analyzed.考察了该工艺中非溶剂温度、pH值及添加不同的晶形控制剂对制备亚微米HNS晶体的形貌的影响。


1.Application of Crystal Modifier in the Synthesis of Nitrophenol Potassium Salts晶形控制剂在苦味酸钾合成中的应用

2.Study on the Control of Phase Transformation and Photocatalytic Properties of Composite Photocatalysts;TiO_2晶型控制及复合光催化剂性能研究

3.Controlling Its Shape in the Process of Preparing Carbonate Manganese;碳酸锰微晶制备过程的形貌控制研究

4.Shape Control of CdSe Nanocrystals in Mono-solvent System单溶剂体系中CdSe纳米晶体的形貌调控研究

5.Mechanism of Phosphates Effect on Synthesis of CaCO_3 Whiskers以磷酸盐为控制剂制备碳酸钙晶须的作用机理

6.The Morphology Control of PbSe Nanocrystals under the Near-critical Conditions近邻界条件下PbSe纳米晶形貌的控制

7.Control of the Crystal Polymorphs and Morphology of Calcium Carbonate by Polymers聚合物控制碳酸钙晶型、形貌的研究

8.Synthesis of the Spherical Cathode Materials LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.2)O_2 Based on the Controlled Crystallization Method;控制结晶法制备球形正极材料LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.2)O_2

9.Condition Control Morphology TEM analysis of Hydrothermal Preparation of Nanometer AllOOH Whisker水热制备纳米AlOOH晶须条件控制形貌TEM分析

10.Phase- and Shape-controlled Synthesis of ZnS Nano- and Microstructures via Solvothermal Method;形貌和晶相可控的硫化锌纳米微米结构的溶剂热合成

11.Study on the Morphology Control of Solution Crystallization Processes for Organic Compound;有机物系溶液结晶过程中形态学控制研究

12.Liquid Crystal Displaying Weld Current Waveform and Controlling for a Secondary Rectifying Spot Welding;次级整流点焊电流波形液晶显示与控制

13.Simulation of Control Q345B Ultra-fine Grain Size during Hot Deformation by CSP基于CSP工艺Q345B热轧变形模拟的超细晶粒控制

14.Application of S1D13503 Graphics LCD Controller in MCU System图形液晶显示控制器S1D13503在单片机系统中的应用

15.Synthesis and Characterization of Cuprous Oxide Microcrystal with Different Morphologies微米级氧化亚铜晶体的形貌控制及其表征

16.Controlled Synthesis of Manganese Oxide Nanocomposites with Different Structures and Morphologies不同晶型和形貌MnO_2纳米材料的可控制备

17.The Analysis of the Triangle Linking of the Current Regulator Controlled by Thyristor晶闸管控制电流调节器三角形联结的分析

18.Crystal Structure Controlled Synthesis and Characterrization of Titania Nanocrystals and Supported-Titania Photocatalyst;纳米TiO_2晶型控制合成及负载型TiO_2光催化剂的制备与性能表征


crystalline controlling agent晶粒控制剂

3)crystal control-additive结晶控制剂

1.Spherical porous calcium carbonate without polymerization was prepared by jetting calcium chloride([CaCl_2]) aqua into ammonium bicarbonate([NH_4HCO_3]) aqua in which trace H_2SO_4 ascrystal control-additive be mixed.通过将CaCl2水溶液与混有结晶控制剂H2SO4的NH4HCO3水溶液进行撞击反应,制得了疏松均匀的多孔性球形超细碳酸钙粉体。


1.The submicron CL-20 was prepared by solvent-nonsolvent method with differentsurfactants,and the influence factors about various kinds,quality and injecting styles ofsurfactants were analyzed.采用溶剂-非溶剂的方法,通过加入不同的晶形控制剂制备超细CL-20,并对晶形控制剂的种类和用量、加料方式等因素进行了分析。

2.By controlling of non-solvent temperature,non-solvent pH value and differentsurfactants,the effect of these factors on morphology of submicron/nano-HNS were analyzed.考察了该工艺中非溶剂温度、pH值及添加不同的晶形控制剂对制备亚微米HNS晶体的形貌的影响。

5)polymorph control多晶型控制

6)crystal structure controlled synthesis晶型控制合成


