100字范文 > 突出采煤工作面 work face of coal and outburst seam英语短句 例句大全

突出采煤工作面 work face of coal and outburst seam英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-02 05:39:26


突出采煤工作面 work face of coal and outburst seam英语短句 例句大全

突出采煤工作面,work face of coal and outburst seam

1)work face of coal and outburst seam突出采煤工作面

2)coal face采煤工作面

1.Analysis and ascertainment of people"s operation reliability atcoal face;采煤工作面人的操作可靠度分析与确定

2.The support power of the trend longwallcoal face;走向长壁高档采煤工作面支护力

3.The gas density is higher atcoal faces in the key-point area of gas management.瓦斯管理重点区的采煤工作面由于瓦斯体积分数比较高,在开采过程中过断层、补洞子、以及搬家撤面时,容易出现瓦斯积聚的情况。


1.Application of Saw Mining at No.43004 Coal Face in Dongfeng Coal Mine锯式采煤法在东风煤矿43004采煤工作面的应用

2.Determination of Ventilation Way at Coal Face with Longwall Mining Method长壁采煤法采煤工作面通风方式的确定

3.Technology of Gas Outburst Elimination,Gas and Coal Dust Management with Water Injection in Coal Seam at Coal Face in "Three Soft" Coal Seam“三软”煤层采煤工作面煤层注水消突治理瓦斯、煤尘技术

4.Study and Application on Safety Control of Roof at Coal Face;采煤工作面顶板安全管理的应用研究

5.Analysis and outlook of the present status of the coalface-used outburst-prevention drilling rig WANG Wei ZHA 0 Jiyun QIN Jiasheng采煤工作面防突钻机现状分析与展望

6.Instrument Blackout Applies Gas to Coal Mining Face Concre瓦斯断电仪在采煤工作面的具体应用

7.The Safe Performance Analysis of Lighting Lamp and Lanterns for Coalface采煤工作面照明灯具的安全性能分析

8.Research of Intelligent Inference and Graphical Presentation of Excavate Coal Working Face Supersedure in Coal Mine煤矿采煤工作面接替的智能推理与图形化研究

9.Technology Application Study on Hydraulic Pressing in Coal Face of Medium Hard Seam中硬煤层采煤工作面水力压挤技术应用研究

10.Research on Distribution Regularity of Deposited Dust in Return-air Way of Coal Face采煤工作面回风巷沉积煤尘分布规律的研究

11.Power Supply Plan for Thin-layers in Fully-mechanized Mining煤矿井下薄煤层综采工作面供电方案

12.Idea on combined coal mining technology with multi coal shearers for longwall coal mining face长壁工作面多采煤机联合采煤工艺的构想

13.Increasing Rate of Coal Mining with Improving Coal Caving Technology at Fully Mechanized Face改进综放工作面放煤工艺提高回采率

14.Practice of "Two Wining and One Caving" Technique on Blasting and Top-coal Caving Working Face“两采一放”工艺在炮采放顶煤工作面的实践

15.The Research on the Coal Mine Extraction Cost System Prediction煤矿工作面回采成本的系统预测研究

16.Study about Outburst Mechnism and the Predicting Method for Full Machined Coal Face;综采工作面煤的突然压出危险性预测

17.Application of the non-coal column recovery technology in fully mechanized top coal caving mining face无煤柱开采技术在综放工作面的应用

18.Equipment Lectotype of Full-mechanized Mining Face in Sandaogou Colliery三道沟煤矿综采工作面设备配套选型


coal face采煤工作面

1.Analysis and ascertainment of people"s operation reliability atcoal face;采煤工作面人的操作可靠度分析与确定

2.The support power of the trend longwallcoal face;走向长壁高档采煤工作面支护力

3.The gas density is higher atcoal faces in the key-point area of gas management.瓦斯管理重点区的采煤工作面由于瓦斯体积分数比较高,在开采过程中过断层、补洞子、以及搬家撤面时,容易出现瓦斯积聚的情况。

3)mining face采煤工作面

1.Application of a new pattern of hydraulic propeller inmining face;新型液压推溜器在采煤工作面上的应用

2.It is widely used in the push of transporter of each type inmining face of coal mine underground.该产品属于外注式液压开式系统,用单体液压支柱液压枪和卸载扳手进行操作,它广泛应用于煤矿井下采煤工作面各种型号输送机的推移。

3.This paper analyzes the regularity of the gas emission inmining face and its main influencing factors,and expounds the gas treatment and control technology.分析了采煤工作面瓦斯涌出规律及其主要影响因素,论述了瓦斯治理及控制技术。


1.Through analyzing Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and Gene Expression Programming(GEP),a novel GEP Algorithm based on PCA is proposed and applied to predict the amount of gas emitted fromcoalface.在研究主成分分析和基因表达式程序设计的基础上,提出一种基于主成分分析的基因表达式程序设计新算法,并将其用于采煤工作面瓦斯涌出量的预测。

2.The prediction of the amount of gas emitted fromcoalfaces is the basis of ventilation system design and safety measurement implementation.预测采煤工作面瓦斯涌出量是进行通风设计和制定矿井安全技术措施的重要依据,而影响采煤工作面瓦斯涌出量的各因素之间关系不明确。

3.Based on some typical examples of gas explosions on thecoalface,the basic events resulting in gas explosions are generalized and a fault tree is drawn.根据矿井采煤面瓦斯爆炸的一些典型事例,概括出导致瓦斯爆炸的基本事件,编制了采煤工作面瓦斯爆炸事故树。

5)coal mining face采煤工作面

1.New method to determine dust concentration incoal mining face;确定采煤工作面粉尘浓度的新方法

2.Aiming at problems of easy accumulation of gas at corners of coal mine face worked,develop fan which is proper to keep work under the particularity environment,add a new of method for controlling the accumulation of gas at corners ofcoal mining face worked,gained all right result in the coal enterprise application.针对煤矿采煤工作面上隅角容易聚集瓦斯问题,研制出一种适合矿井特殊环境下使用的引风器,为采煤工作面上隅角瓦斯治理增加了一种新的途径和措施。

3.The paper also introduces the applications and expectation of modern manufacturing methods oncoal mining face.本文同时介绍了其在采煤工作面中应用与展望。

6)working face采煤工作面

1.This article analyses the cause of roof falling down in mineworking face, and puts forward 5 kind of improving methods.通过对采煤工作面机道漏顶的分析,找出4个方面的原因,并有针对性地采取了5条改进措施。

2.The state of the whole mining system is changed with theworking face advance or tunnel boring, as well as drag, rock pressure, gas concentration.本论文依托于国家“十一五”科技支撑重点项目《煤矿瓦斯、火灾与顶板重大灾害防治关键技术研究》,在大量煤矿安全评价资料的基础上,综合国内外煤矿安全评价理论和技术研究现状,针对目前煤矿安全评价存在的普遍问题,提出并建立了煤矿安全动态评价模型,编制了煤矿安全动态评价软件,并对具体煤矿采煤工作面单元进行了安全评价。


凹模、凸凹模工作型面加工工艺过程1)备料。 n 2)锻造。锻成长方形的坯料(每件留长工艺夹头)。 n 3)热处理。退火。 n 4)铣(刨)削。铣(刨)削六面成长方形模块。 n 5)磨削。磨削上、下两端面及相邻两侧面,用90。角尺测量相邻两面的垂直度。 n 6)钳工加工。用平板和划线盘按图划线,并打样冲眼;用钻头钻螺纹底孔;用圆柱销孔的预孔;用钻头钻挡料销让位孔;用钻头在中心处钻穿丝孔等;正、反面孔口倒角;凸凹模用钻头孔扩,保证刃口高度;攻螺纹;铰孔。n7)铣削。平口钳装夹工件;用的立铣刀铣削型孔至尺寸,保证深度。 n 8)热处理。凹模工件淬硬至HRC60~64,凸凹模工件淬硬至HRC58~62。 n 9)平磨。磨上、下两端面及相邻两侧面,用90。角尺测量相邻两面的垂直度至图要求;退磁。 n 10)线切割。按图编制线切割程序,切割模型孔成形,留单面研磨余量0.005 mm。 n 11)钳工加工。研光线切割面: n 12)检验。 n复合冲裁模的装配应选择凸凹模作为装配基准件,先装下模部分,后装上模部分
