100字范文 > 在役梁桥 existing beam-bridge英语短句 例句大全

在役梁桥 existing beam-bridge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-29 19:37:49


在役梁桥 existing beam-bridge英语短句 例句大全

在役梁桥,existing beam-bridge

1)existing beam-bridge在役梁桥

1.Reliability forecasting method ofexisting beam-bridge bearing capacity is a researched aiming at the failure of main beam using time-dependent reliability research results,with deducing the rules of structure resistance time-dependent reliability.针对主梁的失效,利用已有构件时变可靠度成果,提出在役梁桥承载力可靠度预测方法和分析步骤,并进一步研究结构时变可靠度规律,是在役桥梁结构承载力可靠度预测研究的一个重要思路。

2)existing bridge在役桥梁

1.Parameter identification ofexisting bridge structure based on improved Gauss-Newton algorithm;基于改进Gauss-Newton法的在役桥梁结构参数识别

2.Prediction of Markov fuzzy reliability forexisting bridge;在役桥梁承载力模糊可靠性的马尔科夫预测

3.With ageing ofexisting bridge,its condition becomes worse and worse.应用结构可靠度基本理论和方法,对在役桥梁剩余使用寿命预测进行研究。


1.FNM Method to Estimate Full-Process Risk Probability of Existing Bridges在役桥梁全过程FNM风险概率估计法

2.A Hole-Drilling Method for Evaluating the Permanent Prestress of Existing Concrete Bridges;利用钻孔法对在役桥梁进行有效预应力的估计

3.Research on Condition Assessment of Existing Bridges and the Maintenance Managing Method;在役桥梁状态评估和养护管理方法的研究

4.Investigation and Application of Transverse Load Distribution Coefficients Measured in Existing Bridge在役桥梁实测荷载横向分布系数研究与应用

5.Forecasting Serviced Bridge s Remaining Life and Evaluating Its Reconstruction Program on Grey System;基于灰色理论的在役桥梁剩余使用寿命预测及改建方案评价

6.Influence of Dead-load Based Overload on Reliability of Flexural Members of In-service Bridges恒载性超载对在役桥梁受弯构件可靠性的影响规律

7.Analysis of In-service Simply-support Reinforced Concrete Bridge Reliability在役钢筋混凝土简支梁桥可靠度分析

8.Research on Reliability Evaluation and Remaining Service Life Forecast of Existing Concrete Bridge;在役混凝土桥梁可靠性评估与寿命预测研究

9.Reliability Assessment of Inservice Reinforced Concrete Bridge Based on Structure Inspection Information;基于结构检测信息的在役砼桥梁可靠性评估

10.The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Life Prediction of the Existing Highway Bridges在役公路桥梁的模糊综合评估与寿命预测

11.Practical evaluation method of component reliability for existing concrete bridge在役混凝土桥梁构件可靠性实用评估方法

12.Rough Durability Evaluation Method for Reinforced Concrete Structures of In-service Bridges在役钢筋混凝土桥梁耐久性模糊综合评估方法

13.The safety comprehensive evaluation of in service simple supporting reinforced concrete bridge system在役简支钢筋混凝土桥梁体系安全性综合评价

14.Reliability Evaluation Study on Existing Steel Reinforced Concrete Bridge在役钢筋混凝土桥梁结构的可靠度评估研究

15.The durability analysis of existing reinforced concrete bridges based on confidence level在役钢筋混凝土桥梁基于可靠度的耐久性分析

16.Method for Evaluating Durability of Existing Concrete Bridges Structures in Marine Environment海洋环境在役混凝土桥梁结构耐久性评估方法

17.The Study on Determination of Prestressing Force on Prestressed Concrete Bridge Structure in Service;在役预应力混凝土桥梁结构现存预应力测试理论与技术研究

18.Durability Research and Life Prediction of in Service RC Bridge Base on Reliability Theory;在役钢筋混凝土桥梁基于可靠度的耐久性分析与寿命预测


existing bridge在役桥梁

1.Parameter identification ofexisting bridge structure based on improved Gauss-Newton algorithm;基于改进Gauss-Newton法的在役桥梁结构参数识别

2.Prediction of Markov fuzzy reliability forexisting bridge;在役桥梁承载力模糊可靠性的马尔科夫预测

3.With ageing ofexisting bridge,its condition becomes worse and worse.应用结构可靠度基本理论和方法,对在役桥梁剩余使用寿命预测进行研究。

3)the used RC beam-bridge在役RC梁桥

4)PC bridge在役预应力桥梁

5)service bridge structure在役桥梁结构

1.Inspection and dead-load experiment research ofservice bridge structure;某在役桥梁结构的检测及静载试验研究

6)Steel bridge structure在役钢结构桥梁


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