100字范文 > 在役隧道 tunnel in service英语短句 例句大全

在役隧道 tunnel in service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-17 08:45:04


在役隧道 tunnel in service英语短句 例句大全

在役隧道,tunnel in service

1)tunnel in service在役隧道

1.Lining split mechanism and regulation research of thetunnel in service在役隧道衬砌裂损机理与整治研究

2.The current situation of monitor system fortunnel in service at home and abroad is reviewed,and then primary system composition and functions are put up.在简要综述国内外在役隧道安全运行监控系统的研究现状基础上,提出了在役隧道实时安全监控系统的基本组成,并总结现有隧道监控系统的监控内容,同时介绍常用的监控仪器和设备。

2)city tunnel in service在役城市隧道


1.Research on Crack Propagation Regularity and Its Temperature Effect in Lining of Urban Tunnel on Service在役城市隧道衬砌裂缝扩展规律及其温度效应研究

2.Identify in the Accidents and Risks of the City Highway Tunnels in Active Service;在役城市公路隧道的事故及风险识别

3.Studies on Applications of Monitoring & Measurement Technology in Urban Light Rail Transit Tunnel Construction监控量测技术在城市轻轨隧道中的应用研究

4.Analysis for Influence of a Road Subway Construction on Metro Tunnel in Service某城市下沉隧道施工对地铁隧道的影响分析

5.Discussing the Shield Approach Applied to Construction Files Management in Urban River Tunnel Construction盾构法在城市过江隧道施工中施工文件与档案管理工作的探讨

6.Study of Land Subsidence Induced by Construction of Urban Metro Tunnels for Mutil-Tunnel System;城市地铁群洞隧道施工地表沉降研究

7.Design and Implementation Lighting Control System of City Tunnel;城市隧道照明控制系统的设计与实现

8.Research on Intelligent Control Ventilation System for Urban Road Tunnel;城市公路隧道通风智能控制系统研究

9.Research on Integration Method of Urban Highway Tunnel Monitoring and Control System城市公路隧道监控系统集成方法研究

10.Urban design of the whole of the tunnel closed to traffic noise城市快速路全封闭隔音隧道设计浅析

11.The unsafe factors of urban electric power tunnel engineering and prevention城市电力隧道工程不安全因素及预防

12.Vibration Reducing Technique for Urban Shallow-buried Tunnel Blasting城市浅埋隧道爆破地震波的降振技术

13.Construction Techniques for the Control of the Settlement in Urban Shallow Tunnels城市浅埋暗挖隧道施工沉降控制技术

14.Construction Technology of the Large-section Tunnel under the Complex Environment in City城市复杂环境下大断面隧道施工技术

15.Risk Management Applied to Mechanized Tunnelling in Urban Areas城市地区机械化隧道工程的风险管理

16.The city was razed to the ground during the battle.这座城市在那一次战役中被夷为平地。

17.Construction techniques for a group of multi-arch tunnels of urban metro城市地下铁道连拱隧道群施工技术研究

18.Study of Land Subsidence Induced by Urban Subway Tunnelling on Complicated Conditions;复杂条件下城市地铁隧道施工地表沉降研究


city tunnel in service在役城市隧道

3)tunnel in service monitoring在役隧道监测

4)long-distance transported pipeline in use在役长输管道

1.On the base of foreign advanced assessment standards, we have developed the assessment system of remaining strength forlong-distance transported pipeline in use, take the present situation oflong-distance transported pipeline in use in our country into consideration.由于压力管道的缺陷常常导致灾难性后果及重大的经济损失,在役长输管道剩余强度安全评定是极具有意义的研究领域。

5)in service在役

1.By introducing the oversea s advanced technology,according to the various factors which impact gas pipeline integrity,an analysis is made of the integrity assessment of gas pipelinein service from three aspects:safety,reliability and risk.引入国外发展较好的完整性评价技术,从影响在役输气管线完整性的各种因素着手,对在役输气管线的完整性评价从安全性、可靠性和风险性3个方面进行分析。

2.Date of domestic and international show that the economic loss caused of the harms of enduring disease of the bridge structure is very huge, and along with variety of environment, growth of service time , raise of function request, The durability problem ofin service RC bridge is more and more outstanding.国内外有关资料表明,由于桥梁结构耐久性病害而导致的经济损失是非常巨大的,并且随着环境的变化、在役时间的增长、服务功能要求的提高,在役钢筋混凝土桥梁的耐久性问题愈来愈突出。

6)tunnel a hill在山里开隧道


士兵预备役(见预备役)士兵预备役(见预备役)reserve duty of the enlistedshibing yubeiyt士兵预备役(resery。du:y。fthe enlisted)见预备役。
