100字范文 > 调脂疗效 Curative Effect of Adjusting Serum Concentration of Lipid英语短句 例句大全

调脂疗效 Curative Effect of Adjusting Serum Concentration of Lipid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-18 19:19:05


调脂疗效 Curative Effect of Adjusting Serum Concentration of Lipid英语短句 例句大全

调脂疗效,Curative Effect of Adjusting Serum Concentration of Lipid

1)Curative Effect of Adjusting Serum Concentration of Lipid调脂疗效


1.Pravastatin vs. Simvastatin in Lipid-regulating Efficacy and Safety普伐他汀与辛伐他汀的调脂疗效与安全性比较

2.Effects of Polymorphism of Apolipoprotein B Gene on Lipid-regulating Efficacy of Atorvastatin载脂蛋白B基因多态性对阿托伐他汀调脂疗效的影响

3.Effect of Apolipoprotein AI Gene Polymorphisms on the Lipid Regulation of Atorvastatin载脂蛋白AI基因多态性对阿托伐他汀调脂疗效的影响

4.Cost-effectiveness analysis of Atorvastatin Tablets and Simvastatin Tablets on Lipid Efficacy阿托伐他汀和辛伐他汀调脂疗效的成本-效果分析

5.Clinical and Genetic Epidemiological Study on Efficacy of Lowering Cholesterol and Toxicity Response to Simvastatin Treatment;辛伐他汀调脂疗效及毒副作用的临床和遗传流行病学研究

6.A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study on Lipids Regulating Effects of Domestic Rosuvastatin;国产瑞舒伐他汀钙片调脂疗效的随机对照临床研究

7.An Experimental Study on the Lipid-modulating Effects and Safety of Domestic Pitavastatin Calcium;国产匹伐他汀钙片调脂疗效及安全性的试验研究

8.Efficacy and safety of atorvastatin on decreasing high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and blood lipid in elderly patients with primary hyperlipidemia阿托伐他汀对高脂血症者高敏C反应蛋白的影响及其调脂疗效和安全性评估

9.Treatment of Type n Diabetic Hyperlipemia with Qi and Yin Deficiency Syndrome by Tiaozhi Shumai Fang: A Clinical Observation of 30 Cases调脂舒脉方治疗2型糖尿病高脂血症气阴两虚证30例疗效观察

10.A Clinical Study of Therapy of Kun Zao Tiao Zhi Capsules on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease昆藻调脂胶囊治疗非酒精性脂肪肝的临床疗效观察

11.Effect of self-made Tiaozhi decoction and simvastatin on patients with hyperlipemia自拟调脂汤联合辛伐他汀治疗高脂血症疗效观察

12.Advances Research of Adjusting Blood-lipid Action in Effective Components of Natural Drugs天然药物有效成分调脂治疗的研究进展

13.The Research of Curative Effect and Mechanism on Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Interfered by Qinggantiaozhi Decoction;清肝调脂饮防治非酒精性脂肪性肝炎疗效机制探讨

14.The Efficacy and Mechanism Study of Qinggantiaozhi Decoction Preventing and Treating Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease;清肝调脂饮防治非酒精性脂肪性肝病的疗效及机制研究

15.Effect of intensive lipid-lowering by simvastatin on very high-risk patients with coronary heart disease强化调脂对极高危冠心病患者疗效及预后的影响

16.Clinical Study on the Effect of BuShenTiaoZhi Tablet in Treating Hypeilipidemia;补肾调脂片治疗高脂血症的临床研究

17.Clinical Study on the Effect of Tiaozhi Zengshou Decoction on Dyslipidaemia;调脂增寿汤治疗血脂异常的临床研究

18.Clinical Effect of Tiaozhi Granule in Treating 113 Cases of Hyperlipoproteinemia调脂颗粒治疗高脂血症113例临床观察


lipid-lowering efficacy降脂疗效

3)Lipid-lowering therapy调脂治疗

1.A stepped and synthetic strategy for clinical lipid-lowering therapy;临床调脂治疗的阶梯和综合策略

4)Lipids-modulating therapy调脂治疗

1.The influence of lipids-modulating therapy on carotid at herosclerosis in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease;调脂治疗对缺血性脑血管病患者颈动脉斑块的影响

5)adjusting blood lipid therapy调脂治疗

1.An analyze of clinical and after preparing onadjusting blood lipid therapy of unsteady angina pectoris;调脂治疗不稳定心绞痛患者的临床和预后分析

2.objictive:To evaluate the effect ofadjusting blood lipid therapy fro patients with unstable angina peetoris and nor- real blood lipid.目的:探讨调脂治疗对血脂正常的不稳定心绞痛患者预后的影响。

6)lipid-lowering treatment调脂治疗

1.The aim was to approach the effect oflipid-lowering treatment on insuli n resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.为了探讨调脂治疗对 2型糖尿病病人胰岛素抵抗的作用 ,选择血糖、血压控制稳定并伴有脂代谢紊乱的 2型糖尿病患者 84例 ,根据血脂异常的不同 ,4 9例用辛伐他汀 (商品名舒降之 )治疗 ,35例用非诺贝特 (商品名力平之 )治疗 ,为期12周 ,降糖、降压治疗维持不变。


普鲁脂芬 ,苯酰降脂丙酯 ,立平脂药物名称:力平脂英文名:Lipanthgl别名: 力平脂;美利普特 ,非诺贝特,苯酸降脂丙酯;降脂异丙酯;普鲁脂芬 ,苯酰降脂丙酯 ,立平脂外文名:Fenofibrate, Lipanthyl药理作用:本品有显著降低血清甘油三酯和极低密度脂蛋白、胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白和载脂蛋白-B的浓度,并使高密脂蛋白、载脂蛋白-A1及载脂蛋白-A与载脂蛋白-B的比值升高,较氯贝丁酯作用为强。 体内过程: 口服后胃肠道吸收快,4-6小时达峰值,肝内代谢,24小时内大部分以代谢物、少量以原形随尿及粪便排出,半衰期约为22-26小时。 成分: 非诺贝特 适应症: 成人饮食控制疗法不理想的高胆固醇血症和/或高甘油三酯血症。 用量用法:⑴ 微粒化胶囊:200mg qd,进餐时服用。标准化胶囊:100 mg tid或300 mg qd。维持剂量为100 mg bid或微粒化胶囊 200mg ,qd。 ⑵口服:每日300mg,可早餐后100mg,晚餐后200mg,或晚餐后300mg顿服。一般服药10日左右有明显疗效,2周左右(严重者4周左右)血脂恢复正常水平。此后,在饮食及运动配合下,维持量为每日100~200mg。儿童每公斤5mg。 禁忌: 有肝或肾功能损害者,儿童及妊娠妇女。 不良反应: 胃肠不适,如消化不良;皮肤过敏反应;一过性转氨酶水平升高及肌肉疼痛(偶尔伴肌酶水平增高)。 注意事项: 本药不能作为饮食控制的替代疗法;需定期进行常规血液及肝功能检查。 (注意事项 1.本品毒性甚低,少数病人可见肝功能障碍、停药后2~4周恢复正常。 2.曾有血尿素氮增高。 3.偶有口干、食欲不振、大便次数增多、皮疹、腹胀和白细胞减少等。 4.孕妇禁用;肝、肾功能不全者慎用。 )药物相互作用: 慎与其它降胆固醇药(其它贝特类,他汀类)同服。服用抗凝剂时慎用本药。 规格: 胶囊 标准化力平脂 100 mg x 25粒。300mg x 10粒。胶囊 微粒化力平脂 200 mg x 10粒。 类别:调节血脂及抗动脉硬化药
