100字范文 > 疗效评价 curative effect evaluation英语短句 例句大全

疗效评价 curative effect evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-16 11:08:43


疗效评价 curative effect evaluation英语短句 例句大全

疗效评价,curative effect evaluation

1)curative effect evaluation疗效评价

1.Application of life quality and its scale incurative effect evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine;生存质量及其量表在中医药疗效评价中的应用

2.The diagnosis andcurative effect evaluation of radionuclide imaging in ischemic cardiomyopathy(ICM) patients核素显像对缺血性心肌病的诊断与疗效评价

3.The contents includes Chinese medicine clinicalcurative effect evaluation criterion framework under the disease binding model,evaluation scale,PRO scale,individualization evaluation approach and evaluation criterion of Chinese medicine identifying syndrome.基于中医临床疗效评价研究现状,对目前研究中若干观点进行阐述,包括病证结合模式下的中医临床疗效评价标准框架、证候诊断指标与疗效评价指标差异、中医疗效评价量表、中医PRO量表、中医临床疗效个体化评价方法、中医辨识证候的评价标准等观点。


1.Evaluation on Clinical Efficacy of Treating Children Pneumonia with Combined Internal-External Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine内外合治法治疗小儿肺炎的疗效评价

2.Efficacy evaluation of two minimally invasive procedures for osmidrosis两种微创手术方法治疗腋臭疗效评价

3.The Effect of Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization in Primary Liver Cancer before Hepatectomy原发性肝癌术前介入治疗的疗效评价

4.Evaluation of the effect and strategy of surgical treatment of cervical spine tuberculosis颈椎结核的外科治疗策略与疗效评价

5.Curative Effect of Proper Price on Surgical Treatment for Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus in 115 Cases手术治疗肱骨髁间骨折115例疗效评价

6.Assessment of therapeutic effect of superficial needling therapy on scapulohumeral periarthritis浮针治疗肩关节周围炎疗效评价(英文)

7.Efficacy of ~(99m)Tc-MDP in treatment of osteoporosis~(99m)Tc-MDP治疗骨质疏松症疗效评价

8.Efficiency of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in the treatment for portal vein tumor thrombus in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma3DCRT治疗肝癌并门静脉癌栓的疗效评价

9.Efficacy Evaluation of Intra-arterial Embolization Therapy in Massive Hemoptysis大咯血介入动脉栓塞治疗及疗效评价

10.Healing Effect Evaluation on Amniotic Replacement Therapy to Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes羊水补充疗法治疗未足月胎膜早破疗效评价

11.The Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Psychological Factors and Therapeutic Effect in Irritable Bowel Syndrome;肠易激综合征患者的症状和疗效评价

12.Study on Traditional Chinese Clinical Response Evaluation Based on HMM基于HMM的中医临床疗效评价分析研究

13.The Evaluation to the Clinical Effect of Implant Dentures in Periodontitis Patients牙周炎患者种植义齿的临床疗效评价

14.Application of Mode B Ultrasonic Image Processing in the Evaluation of HIFU Treatment EffectB超图像处理在HIFU疗效评价中的应用

15.Matching test for the therapeutic evaluation of tinnitus用耳鸣匹配法评价耳鸣治疗中的疗效

16.Objective: To evaluate the effect of laparoscopy in treating renal cyst.目的:评价腹腔镜下治疗肾囊肿的疗效。

17.To Evaluate the Effect of Radiotherapy on Rats Pulmonary Tumor Model with PET-CT;PET-CT对Wistar大鼠肺癌放疗疗效的评价

18.Evaluation on Therapy of AIDS and Prediction Model of Curative Effect;艾滋病疗法的评价及疗效的预测模型


efficacy evaluation疗效评价

1.Clinical Efficacy Evaluation of Ankylosing Spondylitis Steaming Therapied by Chushi Juanbi Fang;除湿蠲痹方熏蒸治疗强直性脊柱炎的临床疗效评价

2.Objective:To exp10re standardized method of pattern identification andefficacy evaluation in health status of elderly patients;Methods: Application of geriatric literature research and geriatric prospective clinical diagnostic tests.目的探讨老年病的辨证及其证型的疗效评价规范化方法;方法应用老年病文献调研和老年病前瞻性临床诊断试验,对357例门诊病例作症状的系统聚类分析筛选出25项症状,对含血脂等理化检查的40例筛选出4项计量指标;结果40例病例的29项指标的聚类分析结果与传统辨证结果相符;结论在老年病范畴内的辨证和证型的疗效评价可以通过对29项指标的量化进行规范。

3.Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore a kind of feasibleefficacy evaluation method for gingivitis prevention and treatment through comparing the efficacy of the toothpaste containing triclosan/copolymer and the toothpaste containing honeysuckle/wild chrysanthemum with Chinese medicine(CM) and western medicine (WM) method.中西疗效评价系统从两种不同的角度进行疗效评价,且具有可互补的优缺点,两种方法结合起来评价药物的疗效应能收到取长补短、相辅相成的效果。

3)Therapeutic evaluation疗效评价

1.The Therapeutic Evaluation about the Reinforcing Spleen and Kidney Theory Used in the Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis;补脾益肾法治疗重症肌无力的疗效评价

2.The standard research of TCM therapeutic evaluation system accords with the present development trend of slight cognition disfunction research field and the general demands of traditional Chinese medicine.中医疗效评价体系标准研究 ,符合当前轻度认知功能障碍研究领域的发展趋势与中医学的共同需要。

3.The paper designs and implements interactive data mining framework based on therapeutic evaluation of childrens’ pneumonia.设计并实现了基于小儿肺炎中医疗效评价的交互式数据挖掘框架。

4)evaluation of curative effect疗效评价

1.Theevaluation of curative effect in the treatment of medical oncology is now developing,several new criteria are being accepted.肿瘤内科治疗的疗效评价也逐步发展和完善 ,新的疗效评价指标逐渐被接受 ,延长生存期和提高肿瘤病人的生存质量已成为肿瘤内科治疗疗效评价的原则。

2.Evaluation of curative effect of elbow fork-like arthroplasty in patients with tuberculosis of the elbow joint;以HSS肘关节评分标准进行疗效评价。

5)Evaluation of therapeutic effect疗效评价

1.The evaluation of therapeutic effects of TongBiLing on treating ankylosing spondylitis;通痹灵治疗强直性脊柱炎的临床研究近期疗效评价

6)Evaluation of therapeutic efficiency疗效评价

1.Methods:The thesis summarizes and analyzes problems which influence evaluation of therapeutic efficiency in the design of new drugs in clinical trials of Chinese medicine,and then proposes corresponding solutions.《药品临床试验管理规范》(GCP)和《中药新药临床研究指导原则》的颁布施行,临床流行病学/DME方法在中医药疗效评价的引入,对于中药新药临床试验循着科学化、规范化方向发展起到积极的推动作用。


