100字范文 > 造纸沉渣 paper sediment英语短句 例句大全

造纸沉渣 paper sediment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-14 16:42:56


造纸沉渣 paper sediment英语短句 例句大全

造纸沉渣,paper sediment

1)paper sediment造纸沉渣


1.Surface Chemical Characteristics of the Sediment and Effect of Sediment on the Physical Properties of Paper造纸沉渣表面化学特性及其对造纸的影响

2.Bagasse fibre: Fibre sometines used in paper-making obtained from sugar cane.蔗渣纤维:甘蔗压榨后的蔗渣纤维,可作造纸用。

3.Technical Renovation of Oil and Scum Removal System in Aerated Grit Chamber曝气沉砂池除油刮渣系统的技术改造

4.The Treatment of Regenerated Paper With Ash Cinder-Cogulant Precipitate灰渣吸附——化学混凝沉淀法处理再生纸废水

5.Microwave Technology Treated Black Liquor of Paper Making,Its Development and Utilization;微波处理造纸黑液滤渣及其开发与利用

6.It is the ideal equipment of paper pulp removing section and dregs and the thick liquid material screens and purified in modemized papermaking industry.是现代化造纸工业中纸浆除节、除渣、浆料筛选净化的理想设备。

7.Renovation of Scum Treatment System in Aerated Grit Chamber of Wastewater Treatment Plant污水处理厂曝气沉砂池浮渣处理系统改造

8.Floatation de-inking: Removing ink from recycled paper by creating a "froth"which can be skimmed off.漂浮脱墨:把再造纸上的墨变为浮渣,然后把它撇去的脱墨办法。

9.Application of soft nip technology in producing high-grade culture paper with bleaching bagasse pulp软压光技术在漂白蔗渣浆抄造高级文化用纸中的应用

10.Synthesis of PAFCS with Industrial Residue and Application in Treatment of Papermaking Black Liquid;工业废渣合成PAFCS絮凝剂及其在处理造纸黑液中的应用

11.The Preparation of Poly-Aluminum Silicate Chloride Using the Substituting Solution of Indium and Its Application in the Papermaking Middle-Stage Wastewater of Burgess;铟置换液制备聚硅酸氯化铝及其在蔗渣造纸中段废水中的应用

12.Effect of Pretreatment by Potassium Permanganate on Treating Wastewater from Recycled Fiber Mill by Flocculent Precipitation高锰酸钾预处理对废纸造纸厂废水混凝沉淀处理的作用

13.bagasse-made wrapping paper用蔗渣生产的包装纸

14.The lees of wine gradually subside.酒渣慢慢地沉淀下来。

15.Pour the dregs away and rinse the pot.倒掉沉渣,把壶涮干净。

16.In countries with a deficiency of forest land, other natural fibers such as sugar cane pulp, bamboo, cereal straws, flax, and hemp are used.在森林地缺乏的国家,则用其他如甘蔗渣、竹子、谷类的茎杆、亚麻和大麻等天然纤维来造纸。

17.The soft nip technology of successful application in the field of producing the high-grade culture paper with bleaching bagasse pulp was Introduced.介绍首次成功将国产软压光技术在漂白蔗渣浆抄造高级文化用纸中的应用。

18.Study on Pulp and Paper Making Wastewater Treatment by Coagulate Settling Method-Micro-Electrolytic Route-Biochemistry Method混凝沉淀法—微电解法—生化法处理造纸废水的试验研究


waste sludge from paper mill造纸废渣

3)pulp residue after paper-making造纸浆渣

1.Thepulp residue after paper-making is usually discarded as wastes, but Huazhong Company makes a heat recovery through incineration.造纸浆渣常以废弃物丢弃,华众公司将其焚烧热能回用。

4)bagasse paper-making machine蔗渣造纸设备

5)block liquor sediment of paper industry造纸"黑液"沉淀物

6)Papermaking middle-stage wastew-ater of burgess蔗渣造纸中段废水


放射性废渣处理放射性废渣处理disposal of radioactive wastesfongshex一ng feizha ehu之h-放射性废渣处置(disposal of radioactivewastes)含有放射性物质的废渣经过处理或安置使之不危害人体健康或污染环境的过程。在铀、牡、稀土金属和担、锭等冶炼过程中排出的废渣含有放射性物质,称为放射性废渣,它包括水溶渣、全溶渣、酸溶渣、污水渣、镭钡渣、袒、锐渣等。放射性水溶渣和全溶渣是酸法冶炼稀土金属时产生的残渣,中国白云鄂博矿排出的水溶渣和全溶渣的比活度分别为3.15又20‘Bq/kg和4.7 X 105一7·4Xlo5Bq/kg。放射性酸溶渣是采用碱法冶炼稀土金属时产生的残渣,白云鄂博矿排出的酸溶渣的渣矿比为gokg八(矿),比活度为5.6又10‘~3.2又lo6Bq/kg。污水渣和镭钡渣是独居石冶炼的污水处理除镭产生的废渣,比活度分别为7.4 X lo6Bq/kg和4.4又10‘Bq/kg。放射性钮、铭渣是但钥冶炼产生的分解残渣,渣矿比为16okg/t(矿),比活度为2.24Xlo5~2.72又losl3q/kg。中华人民共和国《放射防护规定》中规定:比活度等于或大于Zxlo4Bq/kg,都属于放射性固体废物。放射性废渣会以外照射或通过其他途径进人人体产生内照射的方式危害人体健康。放射性污水渣中含有25%~30%的氧化稀土,具有回收价值。中国上海跃龙化工厂自1985年起,采用酸溶、钠盐沉淀、萃取提取氯化稀土、中稀土和重稀土产品。对放射性废渣应按照《放射防护规定》,采用贮存法和固化法处理。对于这类放射性废渣以及经过固化处理后的固化物,应贮存在符合标准的废物库内,或选择符合安全要求的浅地层埋藏场地进行处置。 (彭永安何长仪)
