100字范文 > 痰沉渣切片 sputum sediment section examination英语短句 例句大全

痰沉渣切片 sputum sediment section examination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-30 13:09:42


痰沉渣切片 sputum sediment section examination英语短句 例句大全

痰沉渣切片,sputum sediment section examination

1)sputum sediment section examination痰沉渣切片

1.This study aimed to directly compare the TCT andsputum sediment section examination with the conventional pick-and-smear(CP) method,with respect to the quality of the slides and diagnostic sensitivity.痰沉渣切片法也是痰液检查的重要方法之一,并且能够进行免疫细胞化学染色,对肺癌的分型有重要意义。

2)Sputum sediment section痰液沉渣切片

1.Sputum sediment section and sputum smear examinations were performed and compared for diagnosis of lung cancer.方法对经手术切除病理确诊的 12 0例肺癌患者 ,进行痰液涂片和痰液沉渣切片两种方法检查癌细胞的比较性研究。

3)deposit slicing沉渣切片


1.The Clinical Value of Thin-layer Cytology Test and Sediment Section Examination in Screening of Sputum for the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer痰液基薄层细胞学检查和沉渣切片法在肺癌中的临床诊断价值

2.Sediments were stainned by immunohistochemical method:a clinicopathologic analysis of 18 Hydrothorax and ascites18例胸腹水沉渣包埋切片及免疫组化检查的临床病理分析

3.Observation on Urinary Sediment Smear Staining of Acute Female Urinary System Infection女性急性泌尿系感染尿沉渣涂片染色观察

4.Experimental Research on Improving Properties of Composite Electroplated Diamond Dicing Blade提高复合电沉积金刚石切割片性能的试验研究

5.Her head was dreamy and confused; all was mist for a moment.脑子里朦朦胧胧,昏昏沉沉的,周围一切顿时都变成了一片迷蒙。

bination examination of sputum sediment paraffin section and traditional smear in diagnosis of lung cancer痰沉积物石蜡切片结合传统涂片在肺癌诊断中的意义

7.The lees of wine gradually subside.酒渣慢慢地沉淀下来。

8.Pour the dregs away and rinse the pot.倒掉沉渣,把壶涮干净。

9.(chemistry) of a liquid; floating on the surface above a sediment or precipitate.(化学)液体;在沉渣或沉淀物之上悬浮的。

10.Experimental Verification and Procurement of Slice Profile Data of STL Model in Metal Droplet Deposition Manufacturing金属熔滴沉积制造中STL模型切片轮廓数据的获取与试验验证

11.The society is as dead as the dodo.社交界一片死气沉沉。

12.Crisp bits of fried pork fat;cracklings.猪油渣,油渣将猪的肥肉油煎后制成的松脆小片;猪油渣

13.Diagnosis of origin of hematuria with UF-100 urinary sediment analyzerUF-100尿沉渣分析仪鉴别血尿来源

14.Stir the coffee to settle the grounds.把咖啡搅一搅好让渣滓沉淀.

15.The shed got covered with pools of all kinds of deposits and liquids.木棚里积满各种各样的沉渣和液体。

pared to that kind of intelligence, talent and scholarship are sediments.比了这种聪明,才学不过是沉淀渣滓。

17.Stain of the sediment reveals numerous bacteria.尿沉渣染色显示无数细菌。

18.The correlativity between UF-100 and the method of urinary sediment quantitative analysis boardUF-100和尿沉渣定量分析板法的相关性


Sputum sediment section痰液沉渣切片

1.Sputum sediment section and sputum smear examinations were performed and compared for diagnosis of lung cancer.方法对经手术切除病理确诊的 12 0例肺癌患者 ,进行痰液涂片和痰液沉渣切片两种方法检查癌细胞的比较性研究。

3)deposit slicing沉渣切片

4)induced sputum centrifugation诱导痰离心沉淀涂片

1.Objective:To study the diagnostic value of morning sputum direct smear,morning sputum tuberculous bacillus culture,andinduced sputum centrifugation sediment smear in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.目的 :探讨晨痰直接涂片、晨痰结核菌培养、诱导痰离心沉淀涂片 3种不同方法对肺结核的诊断价值。


1.Methods of Controlling UnusualSediment in Phosphating Slot;防治磷化槽异常沉渣方法

2.Some Measures on Reduce theSediment of Phosphating Technology at Low Temperature;减少低温锌系磷化工艺中沉渣量的几点举措

3.Phenols take part in the formation of accelerated oxidation stability sediment.碱洗脱除酚类化合物后 ,催化裂化柴油的安定性得到改善 ;酚类化合物参与柴油催速氧化安定性试验后不溶物即氧化沉渣的形成。



浓氯化钠注射液 ,高渗氯化钠注射液,高张氯化钠注射液药物名称:浓氯化钠注射液英文名:Injection 10% Sodium Chloride别名:浓氯化钠注射液 ,高渗氯化钠注射液,高张氯化钠注射液外文名: Injection 10% Sodium Chloride, Hypertonic saline适应症: 用于脱水症及调节体内水与电解质的平衡。 用量用法: 静脉滴注,临用前稀释,用量与浓度视病情需要而定。 注意事项: 心、肾功能不全者慎用。 规格: 注射剂:1g/10ml,本品为氯化钠的高渗灭菌水溶液。 类别:调节水、电解质及酸碱平衡药
