100字范文 > 自体干细胞移植 autologous stem cell transplantation英语短句 例句大全

自体干细胞移植 autologous stem cell transplantation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-06 06:49:39


自体干细胞移植 autologous stem cell transplantation英语短句 例句大全

自体干细胞移植,autologous stem cell transplantation

1)autologous stem cell transplantation自体干细胞移植

1.Treatment effect of high-dose chemotherapy withautologous stem cell transplantation on patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin"s lymphoma;自体干细胞移植支持下的大剂量化疗治疗侵袭性非霍奇金淋巴瘤

2.Central nervous system relapses afterautologous stem cell transplantation for myeloma:a case report and review of the literature骨髓瘤自体干细胞移植后中枢神经系统复发1例报道和文献复习


1.Autologous stem cell transplantation for treating cirrhosis ascites自体干细胞移植治疗肝硬化腹水概况

2.Application of Autologous Cryopreserved Platelet in Patient with Autologous Stem Cells Transplantation冷冻自体血小板在自体干细胞移植患者中的应用

3.Autologous Adult Stem Cell Transplantation for the Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease;成体干细胞自体移植治疗缺血性心脏病研究

4.The Clinic Studies for Human Limbal Stem Cells Culture in Vitro and Autologous Transplantation;自体角膜缘干细胞体外培养后移植的临床研究

5.Clinical observation of limbal stem cell autograft transplantation and corneal autologous transplantation in vitro in the treatment of pterygium自体角膜缘干细胞移植与自体体外培养角膜干细胞移植治疗翼状胬肉临床观察

6.The Study of Transplantation of Autologous Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Infracted Myocardium;自体骨髓间充质干细胞心肌移植的实验研究

7.The Anesthesia of the Treatment of Diabetic Foot in Transplantation of Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cells;糖尿病足行自体外周血干细胞移植术的麻醉

8.Treatment of Severe Liver Damage with Autologous Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation in Human Patients;自体骨髓干细胞移植治疗肝功能不全临床观察

9.12 Cases of Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation for Malignant Lymphoma Treatment淋巴瘤自体外周血造血干细胞移植12例

10.Clinical effect observation of conjunctival flap autograft and with corneal limbus stem cells autograft for treating traumatic pterygium自体带角膜缘干细胞结膜瓣移植治疗假性胬肉

11.Clinical observation of limbal stem cell transplantation combined with amniotic membrane transplantation in the treatment of pseudo-pterygium自体角膜缘干细胞及羊膜移植治疗假性胬肉

12.Evaluation of transplantation of autologous bone marrow-derived stem cells in patients with severe hepatitis重型肝炎的自体骨髓干细胞肝内移植治疗评估

13.Autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation for spinal cord injury in 420 cases自体骨髓干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤420例

14.Autologous peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Parkinson"s disease in 10 cases自体外周血造血干细胞移植治疗帕金森病10例

15.Limbal corneae stem cell autograft transplantation for treatment of pterygium自体角膜缘干细胞移植治疗翼状胬肉疗效观察

16.Autologous bone marrow stem cell mobilization transplantation versus surgical transplantation for treatment of spinal cord injury自体骨髓干细胞动员移植与手术移植治疗脊髓损伤的比较

17.An Experimental Study on the Effect on the Cardiac Cells After Self Bone Marrow Stromal Stem Cells Transplantation in Congestive Heart Failure;自体骨髓基质干细胞移植对充血性心衰心肌细胞影响的实验研究

18.Hematopoietic Stem Cell Autograft Activated by Histamine and Interleukin-2;组胺联合白细胞介素2激活自体造血干细胞移植物


autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation自体造血干细胞移植

1.Recent thymic output function afterautologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation;自体造血干细胞移植后的胸腺近期输出功能

2.Induction of GVHD by CSA in patients undergoingautologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for hematological malignancies;自体造血干细胞移植治疗血液系统恶性肿瘤过程中CSA诱导的GVHD

3.Objective To explore the treatment and effect ofautologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(AHSCT) combined with anti-CD20-monoclonal antibody(Rituximab)for non-Hodgkin lymphoma of B cell.目的探讨自体造血干细胞移植(AHSCT)联合抗CD20单克隆抗体(利妥昔单抗)治疗B细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤(B-NHL)的方法和疗效。


1.The study of effect of Autologous Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (APBSCT) for 18 patients with solid tumors;自体外周血干细胞移植治疗18例实体瘤的初步报告

2.Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of autologous peripheral blood stem cells transplantation(APBSCT) in treating patients with ischemic heart disease(IHD) and dilated cardiomyopathy.目的观察自体外周血干细胞移植(autologous peripheral blood stem cells transplantation,APBSCT)治疗缺血性心脏病(ischemic heart disease,IHD)及扩张型心肌病(dilated cardiomyopathy)的疗效。

4)Corneal limbal stem cell autograft transplantation自体角膜缘干细胞移植

1.Objective To observe the therapeutic effects of fresh amniotic membrane transplantation,corneal limbal stem cell autograft transplantation and fresh amniotic membrane transplantation with corneal limbal stem cell autograft transplantation.目的评价新鲜羊膜移植、自体角膜缘干细胞移植、新鲜羊膜移植联合自体角膜缘移植3种不同术式的临床效果。

5)autologous bone marrow stem cells implantation自体骨髓干细胞移植

1.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety, near and long-dated efficacy ofautologous bone marrow stem cells implantation for the treatment of severe lower extremities ischemia.目的:了解自体骨髓干细胞移植对于治疗下肢动脉缺血性疾病的安全性、近期及远期疗效。

6)Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation自体外周血干细胞移植

1.Study on second remission of NK/T lymphoma treated with double autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation;双次自体外周血干细胞移植治疗NK/T细胞淋巴瘤再获缓解的研究

2.Health education for patients undergoing autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation;自体外周血干细胞移植病人的健康教育

3.Clinical analysis of autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in patients with malignant Lymphoma;自体外周血干细胞移植治疗恶性淋巴瘤的临床研究


自体睾丸移植术自体睾丸移植术autotransplantation of testis指将睾丸带着精索动、静脉移植到身体另一个地方,就地接上相应的动、静脉,恢复睾丸的血运和功能的手术。临床上用于高位隐睾患儿作睾丸复位手术时,由于精索动、静脉太短,无法牵下阴囊,故将睾丸连同其血管切下来,移到阴囊去,再接上腹壁下动、静脉。此种情况的输精管是够长可伸入阴囊的。此术比勉强将隐睾牵引下来为好。此术式是1976年Sibler最先报告,国内王玲珑(1985年)亦报告此手术。
