100字范文 > 矿井涌水 mine inflow英语短句 例句大全

矿井涌水 mine inflow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-03 09:22:41


矿井涌水 mine inflow英语短句 例句大全

矿井涌水,mine inflow

1)mine inflow矿井涌水

1.This paper probes into the aquiferous characteristics of mine aquifer,the formation conditions ofmine inflow and the hydraulic connection between surface water and aquifer water,and analyzes the influences of mine water disaster on the production,and puts forward some treatment methods.探讨了矿井含水层的含水特征、矿井涌水的形成条件以及地表水与含水层水之间的水力联系,分析了矿井水害对生产的影响和处理方法。


1.A question against the "Open well method" predict of mine water inflow关于“大井法”矿井涌水量预测的质疑

2.Questioning on Mine Water Inflow "Virtual Large Diameter Well" Method Prediction“大井法”预测矿井涌水量问题探讨

3.Time Series Analysis on Mine Inrush Water Quantity in Yutianbao Mine鱼田堡煤矿矿井涌水量时间序列分析

4.Outcome characteristics and influencing factor of coal mining wastewater in Yushen mining area榆神矿区矿井涌水量特征及影响因素

5.A study on the nervous network based mine water inflow forecasts基于神经网络的矿井涌水量预测研究

6.Prediction of water inflow of mine with rainfall yield based on BP artificial neural network基于BP神经网络的降雨充水矿井涌水量预测


8.3-D Numerical Simulation for the Mine Discharge of Complex Karst Mediator;复杂岩溶介质矿井涌水量的三维数值模拟研究

9.Prediction of Mine Inflow Based on Genetic Algorithm and BP Neural Network基于遗传算法和BP神经网络的矿井涌水量预测

10.Research on Mode of Structural Control about Groundwater Pour-in Mechanism in Xiadian Gold Deposits of Shandong Province;山东夏甸金矿床矿井涌水机理构造控制模式研究

11.3-D Numerical Simulation for the Mine Inflow of the Eleventh Coal Mine under Conditions of Mining十一矿开采条件下矿井涌水量的三维数值模拟研究

12.Application of Gray System Model in Prediction of Water Discharge Yutianbao Coal Mine灰色理论在预测鱼田堡煤矿矿井涌水量中的应用

13.On impact of the Wenchuan Earthquake on Water Yield of Mine in the Tangjiahe Coal Mine“5.12”大地震对唐家河煤矿矿井涌水影响的分析研究

14.Application and Comparison of AR and BP Model to Forecast Water Yield of Coal Mine Based on Matlab基于MATLAB的AR及BP模型在矿井涌水量预测中的应用与比较

15.Gushing Law of Mine Water and Prevention and Cure Measures of Mine Water中岭煤矿井下涌水规律及防治水措施

16.The Forecast Model of Mine Water Discharge s Research about Coal Mining Area in Shanxi Province;山西省煤矿区矿井水涌水量预测模型研究

17.Analysis of Hydrogeological Characters and Forecast of Inflow in One Mine某矿井水文地质特征分析及涌水量预测

18.Hydrogeological Conditions and Prediction of Out-flow of Water in Shaft Test Area in Dongzhouyao Coal Mine东周窑煤矿井检区水文地质条件及涌水量预测


mine inflow矿井涌水量

1.The predictedmine inflow in the ″Jixian Mining Area Geological Exploration Report″ is 250m3/h,but the present actualmine inflow is as high as 1700-2000 m3/h.集贤矿区地质勘探报告中预测的矿井涌水量是250m3h/,但目前矿井实际涌水量达1700~2000m3h/,通过对开采前后水文地质资料的分析对比与研究认为,对矿井开采后地下水动力条件的变化缺乏足够认识,采用的矿井涌水量预测模型与实际情况不符是导致预测的矿井涌水量与实际涌水量相差很大的主要原因。

2.Forecasting themine inflow is exactly important meaning for preventing mine water inrush, mine flooded and other malignant mine accidents.矿井涌水量是矿山建设和生产过程中单位时间内流入矿井的水量。

3.To avoid the BP neural network common problem of trapped into a local solution and take advantage of the genetic algorithm\"s global optimization,a BP network optimized by genetic algorithm approach has proposed to predictmine inflow.为避免BP神经网络极易陷入局部解的问题,针对遗传算法具有全局寻优的特点,提出了用遗传算法优化BP神经网络预测方法,并以刘桥二矿为例,对其矿井涌水量进行了预测。

3)mine discharge矿井涌水量

1.Chaos inmine discharge and its maximum predictable time scale;矿井涌水量中的混沌及其最大预报时间尺度

2.Grey Markov Model for predictingmine discharge;矿井涌水量的灰色马尔可夫预报模型

3.The spectral analysis method of themine discharge"stime series and its application;矿井涌水量时间序列的频谱分析及应用

4)mine hydraulic discharge矿井涌水量

1.The long-term evolvement of groundwater system in mining area is infected by the time series ofmine hydraulic discharge.矿井涌水量时间序列包含矿区地下水系统长期演化的信息。

2.On the basis of introducing the multifractals concept,power spectrum ofmine hydraulic discharge act as a characteristic quantify is put forward,in order that the multifractal spectrum from time series ofmine hydraulic discharge is calculated combining with Chhabra and Jensen put up instant calculating method.介绍了多重分形的概念 ,在Chhabra和Jensen提出直接法的基础上 ,给出了以矿井涌水量时间序列的功率谱函数为特征量的多重分形谱的计算方法和步骤 。

3.On the basis of analyzing the relationship between fractional Brownian Motion and Joseph Effect, and discussing theoretical sense and practical calculable method in Hurst Exponent, themine hydraulic discharge research using time seriess rescaled rangle analysis method is put forward.以此为基础,提出了矿井涌水量时间序列分析的域重新标度法。

5)mine water flow矿井涌水量

1.By using the theory of grey control system,themine water flow is analysedand predicated through establishing mathematical model in Yongchuan Mine,SichuanProvince.采用灰色控制系统理论,通过建立数学模型,对四川省永川煤矿矿井涌水量进行分析和预测,结果表明,该方法在预测矿井涌水量中是一种简便而有效的好方法。

6)water sources in coal mines矿井涌水水源

1.The paper presents a way of analyzing moving clusters based on fuzzy equivalence relation and applies it successfully to the identification and classification ofwater sources in coal mines.并成功的运用此方法对矿井涌水水源进行了分类判别,提高了水源判别的科学性和准确性,通过对兖州矿务局杨村矿水样资料的验算,证明了判别的可靠性。


