100字范文 > 中小型物流 small and medium-sized logistic英语短句 例句大全

中小型物流 small and medium-sized logistic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-17 22:32:07


中小型物流 small and medium-sized logistic英语短句 例句大全

中小型物流,small and medium-sized logistic

1)small and medium-sized logistic中小型物流

1.With the further deepening of reform and opening-up and dramatic changes of domestic and foreign political and economic,the situation of China\"ssmall and medium-sized logistics enterprises are facing a more severe business environment.随着改革开放的进一步深入和国内外政治、经济形势的剧烈变化,我国中小型物流企业面临的经营环境更加严峻。


1.Analysis on SWOT and Medium and Small-sized Logistics Enterprises of our Country;基于SWOT法的我国中小型物流企业分析

2.The Integrating Modes of Small and Medium-Sized Logistics Enterprises in China;我国中小型物流企业的整合模式分析

3.The Apply of ERP System in the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises;浅谈ERP系统在中小型物流企业中的应用

4.Inter-organization Option among Small-and Medium-sized Logistic Enterprises in China;我国中小型物流企业合作的中间组织方式选择

5.Factors Influencing E-logistics Development in SMEs and Relative Suggestions;我国第三方中小型物流企业发展电子物流的研究

6.A Study of Business Development of Small and Medium Enterprise of Third Parties Logistics (3PL) Providers in Hong Kong;香港中小型物流服务企业发展问题研究

7.Logistics SMF s Human Resources Management Study;中小型物流企业人力资源管理对策研究

8.Research on Integer Motivation and Improving Strategy of Logistics Enterprise;中小型物流企业整体激励及其改进策略研究

9.Study on Developing Model of Small and Medium-Size Third-Party Logistics Enterprises;中小型第三方物流企业发展模式研究

10.The development strategies of the middle-small scale TPL enterprise;我国中小型第三方物流企业发展对策

11.Development and Choice of Strategy for the Small and Medium-sized Third-party Logistics Corporates;中小型第三方物流企业发展策略选择

12.Research on Logistics Management Diagnostic Procedure of Small/medium-sized Enterprises;中小型工业企业物流管理诊断流程浅探

13.Research of Transformation from Small and Medium-sized Highway Transportation Enterprises to Third Party Logistics;中小型公路运输企业向第三方物流转型研究

14.Establishment of Logistics Distribution Center Based on Medium and Small-sized Chain Enterprise;基于中小型连锁企业的物流配送中心建设研究

15.Chinais Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to the Traditional Materials of Modern Logistics Enterprise Transformation Strategy Analysis;我国中小型传统物资企业向现代物流企业转型的策略分析

16.Application of Bar Code Sensor Technology in Small-scale Logistics Automatic Control System条码传感技术在小型物流自控系统中的应用

17.Research on the Choice of Sale s Logistic Mode for Small-Medium Manufacturing Enterprises;中小型加工制造业销售物流模式选择研究

18.The Study on the Strategic Alliance of Medium and Small-Sized TPL Corporations in Our Country;我国中小型第三方物流企业的战略联盟研究



1.Study on Strategic Alliance ofSMLEs under Trade Integration;国际化背景下的中小型物流企业的战略联盟研究

3)logistics of small/medium-sized enterprise中小型工业企业物流

4)small and medium-sized 3PL enterprise中小型第三方物流企业

1.Based on the concept and function of logistics resource integration,the paper analyzes the characteristics and the current situation of Chinasmall and medium-sized 3PL enterprises and proposes how thesmall and medium-sized 3PL enterprises to implement the integration.从物流资源整合的概念及作用出发,通过分析我国中小型第三方物流企业的特点及现状,遵循资源整合的原则,提出了中小型第三方物流企业进行资源整合策略的实施措施。

5)middle and small basins中小型流域

6)mini material handling vehicle小型物流车

1.This paper first presents the supporting wheel disposal scheme of themini material handling vehicle under research and then gives a design of the free wheel with cushioning and damping capability on the basis of referring documents on the structure of castor wheels at present.本文首先对所研究的小型物流车支承轮布置方案进行了叙述,在参考现有脚轮结构资料基础上设计了一种具有缓冲及阻尼能力的自由轮,在其缓冲能力设计中给出了一种综合考虑多种不确定因素的设计思路,对同类机构设计有一定的参考作用。


