100字范文 > 中小物流企业 small and medium-sized logistics enterprises英语短句 例句大全

中小物流企业 small and medium-sized logistics enterprises英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-12 16:08:25


中小物流企业 small and medium-sized logistics enterprises英语短句 例句大全

中小物流企业,small and medium-sized logistics enterprises

1)small and medium-sized logistics enterprises中小物流企业

1.Application on ASP In the Small and Medium-Sized Logistics Enterprises;ASP在中小物流企业信息化建设中的应用

2.How to survive in increasingly intensive competition environment turns into an important problem thesmall and medium-sized logistics enterprises faced.如何在日益激烈的竞争中生存下来,成为我国中小物流企业面临的一个重要问题。

3.Logistics industry is in an initial development stage andsmall and medium-sized logistics enterprises is the overwhelming majority of logistics enterprises in china.物流产业在我国处于发展初期,中小物流企业占据了物流市场的主体地位。


1.Study on Logistics Strategy Alliance SMLEs in China;我国中小物流企业物流战略联盟研究

2.The Future Development Direction of the Small-Medium Sized Logistics Enterprise:Virtual Logistics;中小物流企业未来发展方向——虚拟物流

3.Logistics Collaborative Management System Orienting Small & Medium-sized Logistics Enterprises面向中小物流企业的物流协同管理系统研究

4.The Logistics Information System Applications Measures Studying of Small and Medium-sized Logistics Enterprises中小物流企业物流信息系统应用对策研究

5.Study on the Business Strategy of Small and Medium-sized Logistics Enterprises in Chengdu & Chongqing Region;成渝地区中小物流企业经营战略研究

6.Discussion on the Development of China Small-medium Sized Logistics Enterprises;对我国中小物流企业发展方向的思考

7.Joint Distribution:New Trend of the Small and Medium-sized Logistics Enterprises Development;共同配送——中小物流企业发展新趋势

8.Ideas on Information Management of Medium-small Logistics Enterprises;推进中小物流企业信息化管理的思考

9.Barriers and countermeasures in developing small-medium logistic enterprises;中小物流企业的发展障碍及对策研究

10.Study on the warehouse receipts pledge Management model in Small/medium-sized Logistics Enterprises中小物流企业仓单质押管理模式探讨

11.Tactics Studying on Logistics Development of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Central Region中部地区中小企业物流发展策略研究

12.The Optimal Patterns of Small and Medium-sized Transportation Enterprises Translating into Integrative Logistics Corporations;中小运输企业向综合物流企业转型的优化模式

13.Dummy Logistics--the Future Road for the Medium-Small Forwarder;虚拟物流企业——中小货代企业的未来之路

14.The Research on Logistics Business Process Design and Application of Medium-Sized and Mini-Sized Wine Enterprises;中小白酒企业物流业务流程设计与应用研究

15.Research on Logistics Management Diagnostic Procedure of Small/medium-sized Enterprises;中小型工业企业物流管理诊断流程浅探

16.Joint Procurement and Distribution Logistics Management in Yiwu Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises;义乌中小企业物流的联合采购和配送

17.Study on Developing Model of Small and Medium-Size Third-Party Logistics Enterprises;中小型第三方物流企业发展模式研究

18.Logistics Outsourcing Contract Management in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises;中小企业物流外包合同管理问题研究


small/medium-sized logistics enterprise中小物流企业

1.Based on the theory of Nash Equilibrium,the paper analyzes that the department of logistics security supervision wrestles with thesmall/medium-sized logistics enterprises in logistics security supervision and proposes how to improve the supervision of the departments and security operation of the enterprises.从纳什均衡理论出发,分析物流安全监管部门与中小物流企业之间在物流安全监管中的相互角力情况,并提出了一些改进物流安全监管部门监督、改善企业物流安全运作的途径。

2.The paper analyzes how thesmall/medium-sized logistics enterprises to face the five powers as the existing enterprises,potential new comers,substitute manufacturers,suppliers and customers in the market competition and provides them with development strategy in the fierce market competition.从影响行业竞争性的五种力量出发,结合中小物流企业自身的特点,分析了我国中小物流企业在市场竞争中如何面对行业内现有企业、潜在的进入者、替代制品制造商、供应者和顾客这五种力量,最后提出了中小物流企业在激烈的市场竞争中的发展策略。

3)small and medium sized logistics enterprises中小物流企业

1.For lots ofsmall and medium sized logistics enterprises, to realize all-round information modernization, not only do they lack of funds, but also expertise for information technology construction and maintaining experience.信息化已经成为现代物流企业提高其竞争力的有效途径,但是对于众多的中小物流企业来说,实现信息化不仅缺少资金,而且缺乏建设信息系统的专门人才和管理、维护经验。

4)medium and small-sized logistics enterprise中小物流企业

1.A Study on Performance Evaluation of Medium and Small-sized Logistics Enterprise;中小物流企业绩效评价研究


1.Study on Strategic Alliance ofSMLEs under Trade Integration;国际化背景下的中小型物流企业的战略联盟研究

6)logistics of small/medium-sized enterprise中小型工业企业物流


