100字范文 > 社区保健 community health care英语短句 例句大全

社区保健 community health care英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-18 10:13:54


社区保健 community health care英语短句 例句大全

社区保健,community health care

1)community health care社区保健

1.Significance of diabetes propaganda and education incommunity health care;糖尿病宣教在社区保健中的作用


1.public and community health公共保健和社区保健

2.International Conference on Community Health in Africa非洲社区保健问题国际会议

3.The Clinical Analysis of Somatoform Disorders (SDs) in Community Health Care Institution;社区保健机构中躯体形式障碍的临床分析

4.Study on Establishment of Community Health Care Service Information System建立社区健康保健服务信息系统初探

5.demands of community health service in file:the old health care, health inculcation, regular health examination.社区卫生需求 :老年健康保健、健康教育、定期健康检查。

6.Conference on Community Financing in Primary Health Care基本保健方面社区筹资会议

work of Community-Oriented Educational Institutions for Health Sciences保健科学面向社区教育机构网

8.A study for the requiremint of the community health care in ourside floating population外来流动人口社区卫生保健需求初探

9.The Estimation and Control of Health Care Costs of Residents in Communities社区居民医疗保健费用的预测与控制

10.Developing Community Health Services to Improve the Care Level发展社区卫生服务 提高健康保障水平

11.To ensure public health work in the community region, training community nurses is important.为担负起社区内人们的健康保健工作,培养社区护士势在必行。

12.The Influencing Factors and Countermeasures of Community Prevention and Health Care in Chongqing重庆主城区社区预防保健工作的影响因素研究

13.Dwellers" health care consciousness and community nursing demand in suburb of Jiujiang city郊区居民保健意识及社区护理需求调查

14.Evaluation of Health Care Services in Harmonious Community and Degree of Satisfaction-Taking Tianjin as Example;和谐社区卫生保健服务评价及满意度研究——以天津社区为例

15.Analysis about Demand for Reproductive Health Care of the Aged in the Community in Shanghai.上海城市社区老年人生殖保健需求分析

16.The Present Situation and Strategy for Health Care for the Elderly in Urban Community in Yunnan云南省城市社区老年人医疗保健现状及对策

17.Developing Community Health Services,Revitalizing Urban Primary Health Care发展社区卫生服务,振兴城市初级卫生保健

18.Approaches on Sustaining Development of Family Health Care Contract in Community社区家庭卫生保健合同服务的持续发展探讨


perinatal preventive work in communities社区围产保健

3)health care services in community社区保健服务


5)Community Health Nursing社区保健护理

6)District MCH社区妇幼保健




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