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保健 health care英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-06 15:13:46


保健 health care英语短句 例句大全

保健,health care

1)health care保健

1.Development of the Anion negative ion additive andhealth care and deodorized insole;负离子添加剂及保健防臭鞋垫的研制

2.Method and effect of interdisciplinary participation in performinghealth care program for neonates;多部门参与开展新生儿保健项目的方法和效果

3.Analysis on influence factors abouthealth care of pregnant and lying-in women in Hubei provience;湖北省孕产妇保健影响因素


1.public and community health公共保健和社区保健

2.II. Children"s Health and Care二、儿童的健康与保健

3.Programme Coordinator (Health)方案协调员(保健)

4.International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care国际保健技术评价学会(保健评价学会)

5.Medicus Mundi Internationalis国际保健合作组织(保健合作组织)

6.South Pacific Association for Family Health南太平洋家庭保健协会(家庭保健协会)

7.Health Care Financing Administration Medicare Provider卫生保健财政管理局医疗保健供应商

8.Advisory Committee on Health Research保健研究咨询委员会(保健咨委会)

9.The quality-guaranteed health-care products safeguard your health.本保健产品以品质保证维护您的健康。

10.health delivery system医疗保健制度,医疗保健系统

11.The hypertension-relieving pillow is a new memBer of the health world.降压保健枕,保健天地又一族。

12.Studies on the ingredients of the mellus Doumeri Leaf and its health care function;林檎叶保健成分及其保健功能的研究

13.Perfecting health care system to promote the development of the socioeconomic健全卫生保健体系 促进我国社会、经济健康发展

14.Perfecting health care system to promote the development of the socioeconomic;健全卫生保健体系 促进我国社会、经济健康发展

15.National Confederation of Health Cooperatives全国保健合作社联合会

16.National Institute of Child Health国家儿童保健研究所

17.pre-service training of health workers保健人员的任职前训练

18.International Commission on Occupational Health Association on Occupational Health国际职业保健委员会



1.Study on process ofhealth pumpkin beef sauce;保健型南瓜牛肉酱生产工艺研究

2.Nutrition andhealth function of asparagus and its preservation technology;芦笋的营养保健功能和保鲜技术

3)Health Protection保健

1.The Function of Nutrition and Health protection of the Fermented Milk;发酵乳的营养与保健作用

2.An research on the health protection of massage on foot′s reflection area;足反射区按摩保健作用的研究

3.A study on the substance foundation,health protection and medical effect of tea;茶叶的保健和药效作用及其物质基础


1.Research of bamboo charcoal polyester knitted fabrics forhealthy and comfortable functions;竹炭涤纶保健舒适针织面料开发

2.Research and development of ahealthy rice wine with the function on refreshment of strength and spirits;提神养精保健黄酒的研发


1.The Discussion of Travel Healthcare of Sub-health Persons;亚健康人员旅行保健的探讨

2.Glutinous rice wine and chrysanthemum juice were obtained respectively from glutinous rice and chrysanthemum,which were mixed and formulated to give ahealthcare chrysanthemum glutinous rice wine featured by special flavour,abundant nutrients and the effects of alleviating fever,treating disorders of the liver,clearing vision and delaying aging.分别以糯米和菊花为主要原料,经发酵制得的糯米酒与菊花浸提液进行调配勾兑,最终制得一种风味独特、营养丰富,能清热解毒、平肝明目、延缓衰老的功能性菊花保健糯米酒。

6)health care健康保健

1.During visiting to American, we know that comparatively perfecthealth care service system for senile people have been set up in American hospitals to suit to both the development trend of society aging andhealth care demand of people.在美国参观访问中,了解到美国医院适应社会老龄化发展趋势和人们健康保健需求,建立了较完善的老年保健服务体系,实施综合全面的医疗服务,服务环节细致周到,质量管理不断改进,都较好地实践了以病人为中心的服务理念。

2.Investigation on birth andhealth care situation of 1973 examples transient populations newborn.;【结论】流动人口中新生儿产前产时情况和出生后健康保健不容乐观,应加强对流动人口进行健康教育尤为重要,同时要加强围产期保健和儿童保健的意识,提高人口整体质量,得到有力保障。


