100字范文 > 治理方略 harnessing strategy英语短句 例句大全

治理方略 harnessing strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-26 20:12:59


治理方略 harnessing strategy英语短句 例句大全

治理方略,harnessing strategy

1)harnessing strategy治理方略

1.Wang Huayun"s contribution on the exploration and practice of yellow riverharnessing strategy王化云在黄河治理方略上的探索与实践


1.The Rule of Morals and the Rule of Law: Some Viewpoints on A General Plan for Police Governing;德治与法治:关于警察治理方略的几个观点

2.Study a Strategy of Government Governance on Non-governmental Organizations;我国政府对民间组织治理方略的研究

3.Talking about the Reasons of the Accounting Information Distortion and General Controlling Plan;浅淡会计信息失真的原因与治理方略

4.Problems and Measures to Be Taken in Digital Administration of Chinese City Community;中国城市社区数字化管理中的问题及治理方略

5.Study on Strategies of Basin Comprehensive Harnessing and Responses of Runoff and Sediment to Soil and Water Conservation Measures in Huangfuchuan River Basin;皇甫川流域水土保持综合治理的水沙响应及治理方略研究

6.The Reasons and Governance Strategy of Short-term Debt Financing of Listed Companies;上市公司债务融资短期化成因与治理方略

7."Water Crisis" and the Choice of Its Governance Strategy--Take Wuxi as An Example;“水危机”及其治理方略的选择——以无锡为例

8.On the Causes and Governing Strategies of Emergent Group Incidents试论突发群体性事件的原因及治理方略

9.Wang Huayun"s contribution on the exploration and practice of yellow river harnessing strategy王化云在黄河治理方略上的探索与实践

10.Strategies on China"s SOEs Governance:Theoretical and Positive Research of a Fiscal Issue;中国国有企业治理方略:一个财政学问题的理论与实证研究

11.On the Theoretical Basis of the Governance Plan of Rule of Law combine with Rule by Virtue;论法治与德治相结合治国方略的理论基础

12.Research on the Strategies of Political Affairs Open from the Perspective of Local Governance;地方治理视角下的政务公开策略研究

13.On the Military General Plan for Administering Qinghai in Qing Dynasty from the Angle of Poems;从咏青诗看清代治理青海的军事方略

14.On Traditional Political Style of Canada: Middle-of-the-road Policy;加拿大传统治国方略中的“中庸”理念

15.Correctly understand deep intension of policy rule by virtue ;正确理解"以德治国"方略的深刻内涵

16.Establishing the socialist concept of being ruled by law, implementing the strategy of being ruled by law;树立社会主义法治理念,实施依法治国方略

17.Political Party and the Strategy of Rulingthe Country in Accordance with the Law;从政党政治特征和国家治理方式看依法治国方略

18.Urban Environmental Management Strategy Choice of Local Governments--Governance as an example to Fenhe地方政府在城市环境治理的策略选择——以汾河治理为例


Policy and strategy on harnessing Huanghe River治理黄河方略

3)strategy of curbing corruption治理腐败方略

1.To combat corruption in a healthy,orderly and continuing way,we must formulate an effective and scientificstrategy of curbing corruption.要使反腐活动能够健康、有序、持久地开展下去,必须要构建科学的、行之有效的“治理腐败方略”,为此,要从理论与实践的结合上弄清治理腐败方略的涵义、要素以及基本类型等问题。

4)general plan for the Yellow River harnessing治黄方略

1.Along with deeper understanding on the rules of transport of sediment of the Yellow River,thegeneral plan for the Yellow River harnessing or proposition is also updated continuously.随着人们对黄河泥沙输移规律认识的不断深入,治黄方略或主张也在不断地更新。

5)general plan for regulating rivers and watercourses治水方略

1.Through implementing this moderngeneral plan for regulating rivers and watercourses of “flood management” it will be made a contribution to implement the harmony of human and water.以“洪水管理”为前提,重点从洪水管理的产生背景、基本理念和工作流程及具体措施等方面展开论述;表明希望摒弃“控制洪水”的落后行为,通过实施“洪水管理”这一现代治水方略,从而为实现人水和谐做出贡献。

6)general plan that manages a household治家方略


