100字范文 > 基本方略 basic strategy英语短句 例句大全

基本方略 basic strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-14 05:16:02


基本方略 basic strategy英语短句 例句大全

基本方略,basic strategy

1)basic strategy基本方略


1.On the Way of Implementing the Fundamental Principle of Ruling the Country by Law;论全面落实依法治国基本方略的途径

2.Major Obstacles to the Constructionof Top World Universities and Their Countermeasures;建设世界一流大学的障碍与基本方略

3.Deng Xiao-ping s Thought on Legal System andthe Fundamental Tactics for Running the StateAccording to Law;邓小平法制思想与依法治国基本方略

4.Discuss about the Bright Characteristics of Administering Country by Morality in China论新世纪新阶段“以德治国”基本方略的鲜明特色

5.On the Basic Strategies of People s Action Party to Build the Harmonious Society of Singapore;人民行动党建设和谐新加坡的基本方略探析

6.On the Historical Inevitability of Development of the Basic Means of Administering Country by Law of the Party;论党的依法治国基本方略产生的历史必然性

7.To Study and Implement the Party Constitution to Carry out the Basic Principles of Ruling the Country by Law;全面落实依法治国基本方略 必须学习贯彻党章

8.The Philosophical Interpretation of the Fulfillment of the Fundamental Strategy of Rule by Law;全面落实依法治国基本方略的哲学解读

9.Main method and realistic significanceof strategic cost management;战略成本管理的基本方法与现实意义

10.On Deng Xiaoping s Strategies Managing China;略论邓小平治国方略的基本内容及特点


12.On the Basic Framework and Essential Factors of Administrating a Nation Legally;论依法治国方略的基本架构及其要素

13.Based on cost strategy for Third-party logistics of e-business;基于电子商务的第三方物流成本战略

14.The Basic Idea and Strategy of the Curriculum Construction of Local Culture;地方文化课程建构的基本理念与策略

15.Multi-strategy ontology mapping based on Stacking method基于Stacking方法的多策略本体映射

16.Research on Human-oriented Educational Management in Higher Learning Institutions;高校教育管理人本化的基本内涵和实施方略

17.Calculates variance based on the entire population (ignores logical values and text in the population)计算基于给定的样本总体的方差(忽略样本中的逻辑值及文本)

18.Estimates variance based on a sample (ignores logical values and text in the sample)估算基于给定样本的方差(忽略样本中的逻辑值及文本)


general plan基本方略

1.In case of strengthening and improving the ideological and political work in colleges and achieve the sound effects,we must make clear thegeneral plan of the ideological and political work in colleges such as its value(why is it that),its content(what to teach) and its method(how to do).要加强和改进高校思想政治工作,首先必须明确新时期高校思想政治教育工作的基本方略,即其价值关怀是"为什么"、内容体系是"教什么"、方法指导应"怎么办"的问题。

3)the basic strategy in ruing a country治国基本方略

4)new conceptio n and basic measure新观念和基本方略

5)basic strategy基本战略

1.The author thinks that thebasic strategy of economic development of middle China should be to advance the industrialized process rapidly through taking the new-type industrialized road, promoting both the integration of the informationization and industrialization and that of the urbanization and industrialization and making them three drive each other.如何防止"中部塌陷"?笔者对中部地区经济发展的基本战略、区域发展战略、对外开放战略进行了思考。

6)Basic strategy基本策略

1.It is a basic strategy for the smooth development of collaborative and inquiry-based learning to give full play to teachers and improve students self quality.充分发挥教师作用,努力提高学生本身的素质,是促进合作探究学习顺利进展的基本策略。

2.By using the methods of literature and market investigation, and in combination with the marketing theory, the author has analyzed the concept and value of competition marketing and put forward the basic strategy of competition marketing in the light of the character of the competitive performance service, i.采用文献资料及市场调查法,结合营销学理论分析赛事营销的概念和价值,并根据竞赛表演服务的性质,提出赛事营销的基本策略。

3.This paper combines the practical work of Chinese medical hospital and puts forward the basic strategy of cultivating Chinese medical talent:Firstly,updating talent training philosophy;Secondly, Innovating talent training mechanism;Again,Perfecting talent cultivation measures.本文结合中医院工作实际,提出培养中医人才的基本策略:首先要更新人才培养的理念;其次,创新人才培养机制;再次,完善人才培养措施。


