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纸张老化 aging paper英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-20 11:22:16


纸张老化 aging paper英语短句 例句大全

纸张老化,aging paper

1)aging paper纸张老化

2)paper aging纸老化

3)age resistant paper耐老化纸


1.A three-dimensional evaluation of the apparent smoothness ofpaper;纸张表观平滑度的三维评价

2.Investigation into the physical property and surface structure of AAL-TDI-PENpolyurethane treatedpaper;乙酸木素-TDI-PEG聚氨酯化纸张物理性能和表面结构的研究


1.Guillotine: Machine which cuts paper into sheets.切纸机:裁切纸张的机器。

2.die-cutting machine, for paper or paperboard纸张或纸板冲压裁剪机

3.paper suitable for drawing and making cutouts.适于画图和剪纸的纸张。

4.A single sheet of this material.纸张这种物质的单张

5.Paper size setting conflicts with the orientation.纸张大小设置和纸张方向有冲突。

6.The values for paper size and paper source are incompatible.“纸张大小”及“纸张源”选项的值不兼容。

7.Sheet-fed: Method of feeding paper to a printng unit, Sheets of paoper are fed and print one at a time as opposed to "reel-fed".单张给纸:把纸张送往印刷部所用的给纸方法。纸张逐张传送和印刷,有别于卷筒纸给纸。

8.Paper tears more easily with the grain than against it.纸张顺着纸纹较逆着纸纹容易撕开。

9.European Confederation of Pulp, Paper and Board Industry欧洲纸浆纸张纸板工业联合会

10.moulding machine for making articles in paper pulp, paper or paperboard纸浆、纸张或纸板制品造型机

11.The screen on which sheets of paper are formed in a papermaking machine.造纸网造纸机上形成纸张的屏障

12.The process or craft of making paper.造纸,造纸术制造纸张的程序或工艺

13.Finally, sanitary paper has been developed for use in tissue paper, paper toweling, and paper napkins.最后,清洁纸张被发展成卫生纸、纸毛巾和餐巾纸。

14.Flong: The turn over the film so that a mirror-image is produced.纸型纸(纸型):铅铸版制膜所用的特别纸张。压制成膜后则称[纸型]。

15.testing method for sizing degree of paper (stoeckight method)纸张尺寸试验方法(stoeckight法)

16.Two twenty dollar bills and one ten dollar bill.两张二十元纸币和一张十元纸币。

17.Oh. Well, I"d like four fifty-euro bills, two twenties and one five.哦。嗯,我要四张五十元纸币,两张廿元纸币,一张五元纸币,麻烦你了。

18.Page: One side of a sheet or leaf of book, periodical, etc.A sheet or leaf consists of two pages.页(版):一张纸(或书本、杂志内的一张纸)的一面。一张纸有两面页(版)。


paper aging纸老化

3)age resistant paper耐老化纸


1.A three-dimensional evaluation of the apparent smoothness ofpaper;纸张表观平滑度的三维评价

2.Investigation into the physical property and surface structure of AAL-TDI-PENpolyurethane treatedpaper;乙酸木素-TDI-PEG聚氨酯化纸张物理性能和表面结构的研究

5)full size整张纸张

6)chemical paper化学浆制成的纸张


晒图纸,重氮盐正像晒图纸分子式:CAS号:性质:又称晒图纸,重氮盐正像晒图纸(diazo erect image blueprint paper)或重氮感光纸(diazo sensitized paper)。以蓝图原纸作纸基,再把感光剂涂布于原纸上而制成的一种加工纸。为卷筒纸。原纸要求具有良好的湿抗张强度和吸收性能,湿变形极小,且不含影响感光材料性能的化学药品,通常用棉浆或漂白木浆在造纸机上抄造而成。合格的原纸制成的蓝图纸具有纸面平整、感光层涂布均匀。无白点、斑点、药渍、皱纹等。耐折度不小于33~50次,卷曲度小于15mm。将重氮盐和偶联剂等化学药剂涂布在原纸上加工而成。干法显影用氨气熏蒸,湿法显影则用显影液显影后干燥而成。显像后,图形有蓝色线条、紫色线条或黑色线条的,背底为浅色或白色。用于工程图、文件等的复制。
