100字范文 > 人口老化 Aging英语短句 例句大全

人口老化 Aging英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-17 20:56:36


人口老化 Aging英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis ofAging and Aged Problems in China;我国人口老化与老年人口问题辨析


1.Consultative Meeting on Population Aspects of Aging人口老化问题协商会议

2.Population Aging in China and the Elderly Human Resource Development;我国人口老龄化与老年人力资源开发

3.Population Aging and China s Pension Reform;人口老龄化与中国养老保险制度改革

4.Population Ageing and New Ddevelopment of Tourism for Older Persons in China;我国人口老龄化与老年旅游的新发展

5.Under the aging population situation to develop our country s old age industry;人口老龄化形势下发展中国老龄产业

6.Aging and Old Age Medical Insurance in Rural Areas Center for Social Security Studies of Wuhan University;人口老龄化与农村老年医疗保障制度

7.Aging of Population and China’s Endowment Insurance System Reform;人口老龄化与我国养老保险制度改革

8.Population Aging and the Reform of Old-people s Social Security System in China;人口老龄化与老年社会保障体系改革

9.Study on the Aging Problem of Beijing and the Consumption of Senior Citizens;北京人口老龄化与老年消费行为研究

10.Chinese Aging Problem and the Strategy of Sports for the Old;我国人口老龄化与老年体育发展对策

11.Aging Population and Pension Security in Ningbo;宁波市人口老龄化与养老保险的研究

12.The Study of Urban Aged Mode on the Background of Aging of Population人口老龄化背景下城市养老模式研究

13.What to do about the aging of population in Hunan Province湖南人口老龄化与安老养老问题的调查与思考

14.Characteristic of Population Aging and Its Health Care Analysis in Macao SAR;澳门人口老龄化的特点及老龄化医疗照顾

15.To Meet the Challenge of Population Aging and Fulfil the Strategy of Successful Aging;迎接人口老龄化挑战 实现健康老龄化对策

16.The Research on the Socialization of Old-age Support Based on the Population Aging in Xinjiang基于人口老龄化的新疆社会化养老模式探索

17.Technical Meeting on Population Ageing and Living Arrangements of Older Persons人口老龄化和老年人生活安排问题技术会议

18.The Study on the Urban Builiding for the Aged on the Background of Chinese Aging Population;人口老龄化背景下的城市老年人建筑研究


population aging人口老龄化

1.Research on Library Work under Population Aging;人口老龄化背景下图书馆工作的探索

2.New estate mortagage endowment insurance model in settlingpopulation aging;新型财产抵押养老保险模型在人口老龄化问题中的应用

3.On the Countermeasures of the Population Aging in China;试论我国人口老龄化的对策

3)aging of population人口老龄化

1.Status quo ofaging of population and community care in China and its strategies;我国人口老龄化和社区护理现状与对策

2.The residential area program how to suit the demand of theaging of population;居住区规划应如何适应人口老龄化的要求

3.Spatial distribution and trends of theaging of population in Guangzhou;广州市人口老龄化的空间分布及趋势

4)Aging population人口老龄化

1.The Balanced Economic Growth Path under the Aging Population;人口老龄化条件下的经济平衡增长路径

2.Aging Population and the Introduction of "Alternative Currency"人口老龄化与“补充货币”的引入

3.The risk of pension caused by aging population can be decentralized and decreased by a multi-layer flexible system of pension insurance.建立多层次弹性养老保障制度可以分散和降低人口老龄化带来的养老风险。

5)Population ageing人口老龄化

1.The development stages and trend of population ageing and its regional differences in China;我国人口老龄化发展的阶段、趋势和区域差异

2.Analysis on spatial characters of population ageing and its influencing factors in Baoji City宝鸡市人口老龄化的空间特征及影响因素分析

3.The population ageing is a problem that can be avoid in process of population development.聊城市属经济欠发达地区,人口老龄化具有速度快、程度低、老龄化进程与经济发展不协调、受人口政策影响较大等特点。


1.Aging and Old Age Medical Insurance in Rural Areas Center for Social Security Studies of Wuhan University;人口老龄化与农村老年医疗保障制度

2.Social Adaptation of the Urban Elderly in Aging Era;人口老龄化背景下城市老年人的社会适应问题研究

3.This paper gives a brief account of theaging problems in our country and their effects on health.阐述我国人口老龄化的现状,老龄对健康造成的巨大影响,以及对老年护理的挑战,提出老年护理的对策。


