100字范文 > 区域高校 regional colleges and universities英语短句 例句大全

区域高校 regional colleges and universities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-06 03:00:06


区域高校 regional colleges and universities英语短句 例句大全

区域高校,regional colleges and universities

1)regional colleges and universities区域高校

1.Through the efforts in many effects such as the regional universities and the regional societies etc;Theregional colleges and universities community services get on the right track basically.经过区域高校、区域社会等多方面的努力,我国区域高校的社会服务工作基本走上了正轨,并取得了显著的成绩,但也存在不少问题。

2.Theregional colleges and universities must change their concept in time to adapt the demand of social development.区域高校必须及时转变社会服务观念以适应社会发展的要求。

3.The community service ofregional colleges and universities in the developed countries has a long history and rich experience.发达国家区域高校社会服务历史悠久,经验丰富。


1.Analysis of the Present State of Community Service of Regional Colleges and Universities in the Developed Countries;发达国家区域高校社会服务现状分析

manding the Administrative Matters at Universities with the Scientific Outlook on Development以科学发展观统领区域高校工作全局

manding the Development and Reforming of Regional University under the Scientific Outlook on Development用科学发展观统领区域高校改革发展

4.Theoretical Support of Regional High Education Development;区域高等教育发展的理论支撑——评《区域大学的使命》的区域高校发展观

5.The Relationship Between University and Regional Econmic Denelopment of National Autonomy Region in the West;西部民族自治区高校与区域经济发展

6.A Probe into Regional Sole Higher University and Its Regional Social Interactive Development;区域独有高校与所在区域社会互动发展初探

7.Research on Regional Distribution of High-Level Sport Team in Our University;我国高校高水平运动队区域分布研究

8.Regional Higher Eeducation Development: Pearl River Delta as an Example;区域高等教育发展:以珠三角高校为例

9.Probing into Party School Education of University in View of Multi-Campuses;多校区视域下的高校党校培训问题探讨

10.The Characteristics of the Regional Distribution of HEIs and the Countermeasures of the Development Strategy in Fujian Province;福建省高校区域分布特征及发展对策

11.Effects of Regional Characteristics on University Property Management Development;区域特性对高校物业管理发展的影响

12.Reorganization of Educational Resources of Regional Sports Colleges;区域性高校体育专业教育的资源整合

13.On the Discussion of Interaction between the Institutions of Higher Education and the Development of Regional Economy;论高等学校与区域经济发展的互动性

14.Regional Development:Inevitable Choice of Local Higher Vocational Colleges;区域化发展:地市高职院校的必然选择

15.The Regional Development of Ordinary Local Colleges/Universities in the Context of Mass Education;大众化背景下一般高校的区域化发展

16.Thought of Higher Education Scientific Research on Regional Economy;高校科研对区域经济发展影响的思考

17.The Regional Game for College Talents Fluxion and the Balance;论高校人才流动的区域博弈及其均衡

18.Regional Enrollment Equity of Disciplines in"985"Universities“985”高校招生区域公平之科类探讨


Regional university区域高校

1.The regional university should attain the target through two aspects: Ideologically,they Should form the idea that every student has been overall developed talents; Strategically,they should construct the system of harmonious cultural quality education.区域高校要构建大学生文化素质教育资源整合与共享模式,应当从以下两方面着手:一是不断创新教育思想观念,树立起育人为本和着眼于每一名大学生全面发展的教育理念。

2.According to an analysis on the result of the psychological investigation, in the regional university fresh students whole psychological health level is on the low side, and lacking self-confidence and unstable moods are outstanding psychological problems.从对心理调查结果的分析来看,区域高校新生的心理健康整体水平偏低,一类筛选率较高,情绪不稳定和自信心缺乏是其突出的心理问题。

3)Regional Colleges and Universities(RCU)区域性高校

1.There is a close relation between Regional Colleges and Universities(RCU) and Local Economy and Society(LES).区域性高校为地方经济社会发展服务的实现途径为:以区域经济社会发展为导向,培养各类应用型人才;发挥高校科研资源优势,提高区域创新能力;依托高校的"文化中心"功能,引领区域软实力的提升。

4)journals of regional universities区域高校学报

1.Areas in error of running publications onjournals of regional universities such as ideas, modes and mechanisms af-fect and restrict the development of journals.区域高校学报在办刊观念、办刊模式、办刊机制等方面的误区,影响、制约了学报的发展。

5)Reqional Colleges libraries区域高校图书馆

6)newly established regional high education institute新建区域性高校


