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校报 college newspaper英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-09 20:51:20


校报 college newspaper英语短句 例句大全

校报,college newspaper

1)college newspaper校报

1.How to fulfil the "Three Approaches" of thecollege newspaper;高校校报如何实现“三贴近”

2.On the netting ofcollege newspapers;高校校报网络化建设初探

3.The problems to tackle in improving the qualityof news report incollege newspapers;提高校报消息质量必须解决的三个问题


1.Reporter for high school newspaper @School Days校报“校园时光”的记者

2.On the Role of College Media in Campus Culture;试论高校校报对校园文化的传播作用

3.The Campus Newspaper in Private College Serve for Promoting a Harmonious Campus浅论民办高校校报服务和谐校园建设

4.On the Educational Function of the College Journals;充分发挥高校校报的育人功能——兼论高校校报编辑的育人意识

5.Strategies of Running a College Newspaper and the Improvement of Ideological and Political Work;调整校报办报策略 服务思想政治工作

6.Overall Reports Planning of College Newspaper in the Information Era;网络时代高校校报的整体新闻报道策划

7.The Developing Foreground of University Newspaper under the Challenge by Netnews;网络新闻挑战下的高校校报发展前景

8.The Influence of School Newspaper Reporters in Harmonious Campus Construction;论校报记者在建设和谐校园中的作用

9.An Analysis on the Readers Draining and its Countermeasures in University Newspaper;高校校报受众缺失的原因及对策研究

10.Wed-based Communication Power of University Newspaper Analysis;基于网络时代的高校校报传播力分析

11.Elementary exploration on editorial skill for literature supplement of engineering college s newspaper;工科院校校报文艺副刊编辑技巧初探

12.On the Role of Students Journalist Society of University Newspaper in Talent Cultivation;论高校校报大学生记者团的育人作用

13.Which university do you want to apply for?你想报考哪所学校?

14.Journal of Heze Medical College菏泽医学专科学校学报

15.Journal of Linyi Medical College临沂医学专科学校学报

16.The secretary of municipal Party committee came to our school to report.市委书记来我校做报告

17.Journal of Branch Campus of the First Military Medical第一军医大学分校学报

18.the school poster for the play this year.今年学校话剧的海报。


school newspaper校报

1.On the Conditions and Countermeasures for the School Newspaper s Construction in the Newly Found Undergraduate Colleges in the Ethnic Regions;民族地区新建本科院校校报建设的现状和对策浅析

3)University Newspaper校报

1.University Newspaper Should Become an Important Stage forTraining Innovative Talent;高校校报应成为培养创新人才的阵地

2.The university newspaper has been developed almost one hundred years in university.在高校里,有近百年发展历史的校报如何应对新兴的校园网络新闻的挑战?是一个值得深入探究的课题。

3.With the use of university s internet network, the leading campus media, the university newspaper is facing new challenges.高校网络的开通,使昔日校园主导媒体校报受到了严峻的挑战。

4)campus newspaper校报

1.Exactly understand and exert the public opinion force ofcampus newspaper of colleges and universities;正确认识和发挥高校报的舆论影响力

2.On giving full play to the ideological and political educational functions ofcampus newspapers of colleges and universities;论高校校报的思想政治教育功能

3.Close combination of guidance with readability forcampus newspapers;高校校报要将指导性与可读性紧密结合

5)college newspapers校报

1.With the change of the times,the reform of society,the progress of science and technology and the conversion of concepts,it is inevitable forcollege newspapers journal to reform their formats.时代的发展,社会的变革,科技的进步,观念的转变,已经给高校大众传媒之一的校报版式改革提出了不可避免的要求。

2.Building a group of teaching staff reporters ofcollege newspapers can stabilize draft source, abundantcollege newspapers content, raise popularity ofcollege newspapers, strengthen every propaganda of unit report consciousness, make what is going on at higher levels known to lower levels, make the situation below known to those above better.建设一支校报教工通讯员队伍可以稳定稿源,丰富校报内容,提高校报的知名度,强化学校各单位的宣传报道意识,更好地促进上情下达、下情上达。

3.This essay begins with the inquiry about the posibility and good basis of network edition incollege newspapers, and about the future of network development.从对校报网络版的可行性、良好的基础、网络发展的前景探讨入手 ,为对校报传统的传播方式进行改革提供理论依据 ,并希冀校报焕发改革与发展的活

6)college journals高校校报

1.The boundary personality of corrent college students and the countermeasure ofcollege journals;当代大学生的边际人格及高校校报的应对策略

2.Construction of harmonious campus needs originality in the edition and service mode ofcollege journals.构建和谐校园需要创新与之相适应的高校校报采编及服务模式。

3.In order to improve the quality ofcollege journals,the most important thing we may do is to make use of the internet to establish a college journal net to develop its surviving space besides actively creating characteristic and supreme columns.要提高高校校报的生存质量,除了要积极创设特色专栏、构筑精品栏目,更重要的是利用互联网的优势,加强校报网站的建设,拓展传统校报的生存空间。


