100字范文 > 高校校报 university newspaper英语短句 例句大全

高校校报 university newspaper英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-16 12:17:20


高校校报 university newspaper英语短句 例句大全

高校校报,university newspaper

1)university newspaper高校校报

1.How to operate on layout of "three is pressed close to" foruniversity newspapers;论高校校报版面设计如何实现“三贴近”

2.Readability and Spread Effect of University Newspaper;高校校报可读性与传播效果

3.How the University newspaper to Serve the Whole University Situation;高校校报如何为学校大局服务


1.On the Role of College Media in Campus Culture;试论高校校报对校园文化的传播作用

2.The Campus Newspaper in Private College Serve for Promoting a Harmonious Campus浅论民办高校校报服务和谐校园建设

3.On the Educational Function of the College Journals;充分发挥高校校报的育人功能——兼论高校校报编辑的育人意识

4.The Developing Foreground of University Newspaper under the Challenge by Netnews;网络新闻挑战下的高校校报发展前景

5.An Analysis on the Readers Draining and its Countermeasures in University Newspaper;高校校报受众缺失的原因及对策研究

6.Wed-based Communication Power of University Newspaper Analysis;基于网络时代的高校校报传播力分析

7.On the Role of Students Journalist Society of University Newspaper in Talent Cultivation;论高校校报大学生记者团的育人作用

8.How to operate on layout of "three is pressed close to" for university newspapers;论高校校报版面设计如何实现“三贴近”

9.Challenges and CountermeasDres of the College Newspaper Work under the New Sitnation;新形势下高校校报工作的挑战与对策

10.Views on the Problems of University School Paper and the Countermeasures for Resolution;试论目前高校校报存在的问题及对策

11.On the "Consciousness of Chief Editors" of College Newspapers in Information Era;论信息时代高校校报总编的“总编意识”

12.On Improving Electronic Edition ofCollege Newspaper;建立和完善电子版 推动高校校报发展

13.A brief analysis of the simplicity of the layout designof the university newspaper;试析高校校报新闻版面设计的简洁性

14.University Newspaper Should Become an Important Stage forTraining Innovative Talent;高校校报应成为培养创新人才的阵地

15.On supervisory function of public opinion in university(college) newspaper(weekly, monthly…);试论高校校报如何发挥舆论监督作用

16.On How the College Newspaper Plays An Advocacy Role Effectively Under The New Situation新形势下高校校报面临的挑战与对策


18.On the Functions of College Newspaper in Campus Culture Construction;高校校报在校园文化建设中的独特功能刍议


college newspaper高校校报

1.The special inquiries and unique campus features ofcollege newspaper;高校校报的特殊要求与校园特色

2.The Problems of College Newspaper and the Countermeasures for Resolution;高校校报面临的困境及应对策略

3.The practice and understanding on building a team of student journalists ofcollege newspaper;高校校报学生记者队伍建设的实践与体会

3)college newspapers高校校报

1.By analysing the present situation of the layout ofcollege newspapers,this article proposes the layout ofcollege newspapers should have clear positioning,scientific layout,personalized format and professional personnel.通过分析目前高校校报版面设计的现状,提出高校校报的版面设计要做到定位明确化、编排科学化、版式个性化、人员专业化。

2.In the new period of internet s quick development and severe media competition,college newspapers communication has received great impact.在互联网迅猛发展、媒体激烈竞争的新时期,高校校报的传播受到巨大冲击。

4)university newspapers高校校报

1.Being one of the major media to convey news,theuniversity newspapers coexist with other powerful media.高校校报是高校党委和行政的机关报,作为组织传播的重要媒体,要成为校园里的主流强势媒体,在多种媒体的夹缝中求生存求发展,就必须关注传播效果,实现有效传播。

2.Aiming at the present condition of lacking affinity ofuniversity newspapers, the article studies how to improve the affinity ofuniversity newspapers by converting the concept of running newspapers, reforming the contents of newspapers and creating the format design on the basis of analyzing the realistic meaning of improving the affinity ofuniversity newspapers.针对高校校报普遍缺乏亲和力的现状,文章在分析增强高校校报亲和力的现实意义基础上,探讨了以转变办报观念、改革办报内容、创新版式设计来增强高校校报亲和力。

5)college journals高校校报

1.The boundary personality of corrent college students and the countermeasure ofcollege journals;当代大学生的边际人格及高校校报的应对策略

2.Construction of harmonious campus needs originality in the edition and service mode ofcollege journals.构建和谐校园需要创新与之相适应的高校校报采编及服务模式。

3.In order to improve the quality ofcollege journals,the most important thing we may do is to make use of the internet to establish a college journal net to develop its surviving space besides actively creating characteristic and supreme columns.要提高高校校报的生存质量,除了要积极创设特色专栏、构筑精品栏目,更重要的是利用互联网的优势,加强校报网站的建设,拓展传统校报的生存空间。

6)College journals高校学报

1.The network for college journals is an inevitable trend;高校学报网络化是大势所趋

2.Individualization of College Journals: Restrictive Factors and Strategies;影响高校学报特色化办刊的制约因素及对策


