100字范文 > 移植物排斥 graft rejection英语短句 例句大全

移植物排斥 graft rejection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-01 20:30:37


移植物排斥 graft rejection英语短句 例句大全

移植物排斥,graft rejection

1)graft rejection移植物排斥

1.Role of expression of an inhibitory receptor LAIR-1 ingraft rejection;抑制性受体LAIR-1表达在移植物排斥反应中的意义

2.FTY720 can function as an immunosuppressive agent through selective induction of apoptosis of lymphocytes and effect of lymphocytes homing, which are considered to be its potency of inhibitinggraft rejection in various animal allotransplantation models and effecting in human s re.FTY720是一种来源于子囊菌冬虫夏草的新型免疫抑制剂,与常规免疫抑制剂环孢素、他克莫司、西罗莫司等相比具有不同的作用机制,其主要通过致淋巴细胞凋亡及归巢效应等起到免疫抑制的作用,在多种动物模型的同种异体移植中具有抑制移植物排斥作用,在人体肾脏移植中也呈较强的免疫抑制活性,故在临床器官移植及自身免疫性疾病的治疗等方面具有广泛的应用前景。


1.Explore the Mechanisms of Alloreactive Natural Killer Cells Reducing Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease and Enhancing Engraftment;供者NK细胞减轻急性GVHD和移植物排斥机制的探索

2.Drugs for prevention and treatment of immunological rejection following corneal transplantation角膜移植后免疫排斥的药物防治(英文)

3.tissue transplant rejection reaction组织移植之排斥反应

4.The Study of Animal Experiment on Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Acute Renal Allograft Rejection;超声诊断移植肾急性排斥的动物实验研究

5.The Experimental Research on Graft Warm Ischemia Promoting Rejection of Small Bowel Transplantation in Rats;移植物热缺血影响大鼠小肠移植排斥反应的实验研究

6.Microarray-based Gene Expression Profiles of Acute Allograft Rejection in the Rat Kidney Transplantation Model;大鼠肾移植急性排斥反应移植物内基因表达的研究

7.Meta-analysis of the effect of basiliximab on renal graft rejection and survival巴利昔单抗对肾移植排斥反应及移植物存活影响的Meta分析

8.The graft will be rejected.移植物将遭到拒斥。

9.Eye black immunosuppression decoction in treatment of rejection after corneal transplantation in 26 cases黑睛排斥汤治疗角膜移植后排斥反应26例

10.It may come from the same or a different person or an animal. One from the same person-most often a skin graft-is not rejected.移植可能是相同或不同的人或动物。同一个人的移植不会有排斥作用,通常用于皮肤移植。

11.Experimental Study on Mechanisms of a Micromolecular Compound J2 in Prevention of Mouse Corneal Allograft Rejection;小分子化合物J2抑制小鼠角膜移植排斥反应的实验研究

12.Study on Expression of IL-2 and IL-12 in Rat Corneal Allograft and Immunosupressant IL-1RA on Its Rejection;IL-2、IL-12在大鼠角膜移植物的表达及IL-1RA的抗免疫排斥作用研究

13.Experimental Study on Effects and Mechanism of a Inhibitor (J2) of CD4/MHC-Ⅱ Molecule in Prevention of Mouse Corneal Allograft Rejection;拮抗CD4/MHC-Ⅱ小分子化合物J2抗角膜移植排斥作用的实验研究

14.Preliminary Study on the Immunosuppressive Effects of QHS, a Kind of Natural Drug, in Orthotopic Liver Transplantation Rats;天然药物青蒿素抗肝移植大鼠排斥作用的初步研究

15.Effects of the Extract of Erigeron on Rat Chronic Renal Allograft Rejection灯盏花提取物对大鼠移植肾慢性排斥反应的影响

16.Primary Studies on Proteomic Fingerprints of Renal Allograft Rejection by Seldi-Tof Ms运用SELDI-TOF MS筛选肾移植急性排斥反应特异性标志物的初步研究

17.Inducing factor and immunosuppressive treatment of immunological rejection following corneal transplantation角膜移植免疫排斥反应的诱发因素及免疫抑制药物治疗

18.A retrospective analysis on the relationship between C4d deposition and infiltration of plasma- cell nodules in liver and renal allografts and their roles in humoral rejection体液性排斥反应患者移植物组织C4d沉积和浆细胞聚集性浸润初探


Allograft rejection移植物排斥

1.The long-term outcome of the LTx recipient is influenced severely by allograft rejection and immunotherapy- related diseases.肺移植是治疗终末期肺病唯一有效的方法,但目前面临困境,免疫抑制效果尚显不足,免疫治疗相关并发症已十分严重,移植物排斥和免疫治疗相关疾病严重影响了肺移植受者的长期生存。


4)Grafting rejection移植物排斥

5)graft rejection/therapy移植物排斥/治疗

6)graft rejection/nursing移植物排斥/护理


