100字范文 > 轮齿 gear tooth英语短句 例句大全

轮齿 gear tooth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-19 20:23:26


轮齿 gear tooth英语短句 例句大全

轮齿,gear tooth

1)gear tooth轮齿

1.In this paper,the formula for calculating the deformation of tooth meshing point is derived by simplifying the beveloidgear tooth as a beam with variable sections along radial and axial directions For the first time,the meshing synthetic rigidity of beveloid gear could be calculated through a mathematic model.通过将变厚齿轮轮齿简化为沿径向和轴向都为变截面的悬臂梁 ,推导出了轮齿啮合点变形的计算公式 ,首次解决了变厚齿轮轮齿啮合综合刚度的计算问题 ,并编制程序计算出了一对内啮合变厚齿轮轮齿的啮合综合刚


1.burnishing of gear teeth(齿轮的)轮齿研磨

2.straight-cut gear直齿圆柱齿轮,正齿齿轮

3.spur and helical hobbing machine正齿轮和斜齿轮滚齿机

4.increment angle(圆锥齿轮)齿端角

5.straight and conical gear shaper直齿-锥齿轮刨齿机

6.twin-input single-output gear双主动齿轮单出轴齿轮

7.ckyclindrical gears and gear pairs圆程齿轮和圆柱齿轮副

8.hyperboloidal gear双伞齿轮,双曲面齿轮

9.double helical (spur) gear双螺旋齿轮,人字齿轮

10.drive idler gear空转传动齿轮,怠速齿轮

11.gear wheel drive齿轮传动齿轮传动装置

12.One cog-wheel engages with another.一齿轮与另一齿轮啮合.

13.cross helical gear螺旋齿轮, 交错斜齿轮

14.curve-tooth bevel gear弧齿伞齿轮,曲线齿锥齿轮

15.main gear wheel主大齿轮行星齿轮中心齿轮

16.A small cogwheel that engages or is engaged by a larger cogwheel or a rack.小齿轮,齿杆啮合大齿轮或被大齿轮或齿条啮合的小齿轮

17.long addendum gear长齿顶齿轮;径向正变位齿轮;径向正变位齿轮

18.internal spur gear内啮合圆柱齿轮,直齿内齿轮



1.The paper instroduces a kind ofgear dynamic parameter testing system.介绍了一种基于Labview编程的轮齿动态参数测试系统。

3)gear tooth齿轮轮齿

1.The analysis and protecting measures on the questions of drivegear tooth fracture;传动齿轮轮齿断裂问题的分析及防护措施

2.The fracture problem ofgear tooth is discussed based on engineering example in this paper.本文从工程实例出发,讨论了齿轮轮齿断裂的形式,针对推土机从动齿轮轮齿的断裂问题,提出了实用的修复新方法,并通过工程实践证明了其有效性。


1.Failure analysis of the spot flaking on 40Cr steelgears surface;40Cr钢齿轮齿面点状剥落失效分析

2.The Visual Teaching in the Measurement of Gear Parameters;谈“齿轮参数测量”的直观教学

3.One approach to reducing noise of automobile rear axlegear assembling;一种降低汽车后桥装配中齿轮噪声的途径


1.Review on carburizing and hardening technology ofgears in China;对我国齿轮渗碳淬火技术的评述

2.Squeeze Casting of Zn-Al Alloy Gears with High Strength;高强度锌铝合金齿轮挤压铸造成形

posite Technics of Shot-peening and Brush-plating for Renovating Gears on Helicopter;直升机齿轮喷丸-电刷镀复合修复工艺研究

6)gear wheel齿轮

1.This paper illustrates the processing art method of the hardgear wheel with big modulus in accordance with the mill wheel machine equipment in our factory and analyzed the big modulusgear wheel.针对我厂现有磨齿机的设备和对特大模数齿轮参数分析制定出特大模数硬齿轮加工工艺方法。

2.The feederless foundry method for a large ductile irongear wheel was described.介绍了大型球铁齿轮的无冒口铸造工艺。

3.It is shown that the macrocracks are initiated by a strong stress in the root of thegear wheel,and the distribution as well as the propa-gation of the fatigue crack are the characterstics of the resonance.本文对减速器主动齿轮断裂行为进行了分析。


齿轮轮齿渐开线、螺栓、弹簧autolsp源程序一、齿轮轮齿渐开渐开线(defun c:gear(/)(setqp0 (getpoint"输入齿轮中心p0: ")m (getreal"输入齿轮模数M: ")z (getint"输入齿轮齿数Z: ")ha 1c 0.25a (/ pi 9)ra(/ (* (+ z (+ ha ha)) m) 2)rf(/ (* (- z (+ (+ ha ha) c)) m) 2)r(/ ( * m z) 2)rb ( * r (cos a))ri rbang 0g (polar p0 ang rb))(command "circle" p0 ra)(command "circle" p0 rf)(command "circle" p0 r)(command "line" g) (while (< ri ra)(setqang ( + ang(/ pi 360))ri ( / rb (cos ang))cta ( - (/ (sin ang) (cos ang)) ang)g(polar p0 cta ri))(command g))(command ) )二、螺旋源程序(defun errMsg (s) (if (/= s "function cancelled") (princ (strcat "\nError: " s))) ; 当命令执行时出现错误 (setvar "cmdecho" ocmdold) ; 例如用户按下了CTRL + C (setvar "osmode" osmold) (setq *error* olderr) ; 恢复旧的错误处理 (princ))(defun c:3Dthread (/ radouter threadpitch threadlength threadangle ptStart innerdiafactor radmid radinner ocmdold osmold 4H 5H 6H h6 g6) ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 获取公制外径大小、螺距总长 ; 然后计算一系列几何点 ; 并且关闭对象捕捉、命令回显 ;------------------------------------------------------------------- (setq 4H (list 0.0015 0.002 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010)) (setq 5H (list 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.004 0.0045 0.0055 0.0065 0.0075 0.009 0.010 0.0115 0.0125 0.0135)) (setq 6H (list 0.003 0.004 0.0045 0.0055 0.0065 0.008 0.0095 0.011 0.0125 0.0145 0.016 0.018 0.020))
