100字范文 > 轮齿强度 tooth strength英语短句 例句大全

轮齿强度 tooth strength英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-04 09:25:05


轮齿强度 tooth strength英语短句 例句大全

轮齿强度,tooth strength

1)tooth strength轮齿强度

2)gear strength齿轮强度

1.It concludes that the carbide in the carbuinaing layer has negative effect on thegear strength.从齿轮受力和失效特点出发,通过金相检验分析,指出了渗碳层中的碳化物对齿轮强度有害,渗碳淬火后的齿面应避免出现碳化物。

2.We use the definition ofgear strength from the German Industrial Standard(DIN) and the Chinese National Standard,compare the strength definition of the tooth surface and tooth root,list all formulas and study the meaning of every factor.针对目前齿轮箱行业的状况,不同厂商相近箱体却标有较大差异的额定扭矩,从理论上分析其内因,以D IN和GB标准为基础,对齿面和齿根的强度定义进行分析,详细逐一对比公式中每个系数的含义和取值,从而得出寿命系数对许用应力的重要影响,也可澄清对齿轮强度的理解。

3.A new practical designs method ofgear strength reliability under different status is gived based on engineering example.从工程实例出发,给出了齿轮强度可靠性在不同状态下的实用设计新方法;讨论了隶属函数类型的选取方法及其参数变化对计算结果的影响;为同类问题的设计计算提供了范例和理论依据。


1.3-Dimension Parametric Finite Element Analysis of Helical Gear Teeth Strength;斜齿轮强度的三维参数化有限元分析

2.Some Problems With Gearing Stress Calculation;在齿轮强度计算中应注意的几个问题

3.Analysis of K_α and Coefficient of Contact Ratio in Gear Strength齿轮强度计算中的K_α和重合度系数的探讨

4.The Calculation of Strength for Reducers ZY and Software Development of Gears Equal Strength Optimal Design for Reducers;ZY系列减速器齿轮强度计算及减速器齿轮等强度优化设计软件研制

5.Finite Element Stress Analysis for Loxodrome Normal Circular-arc Spiral Bevel Gear;斜航式法向圆弧螺旋锥齿轮强度的有限元分析

6.Study on the Bending Strength and Contact Stress of Large Module Involute Cylindrical Spur Gear;大模数直齿轮轮齿弯曲强度与齿面接触研究

7.Study on the Bending Strength of Case-hardened Double-circular-arc Gear;硬齿面双圆弧齿轮齿根的弯曲强度研究

8.A study of the effect of contact strength on spiral bevel gears affected by contacting area etc接触区等对弧齿锥齿轮接触强度影响的研究

9.Study on the Bending Strength of Large Module Involute Cylindrical Spur Gear;大模数渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮弯曲强度研究

10.Calculation of Gear Tooth Root Flexural Fatigue Strength under the Action of Friction;摩擦力作用下的齿轮齿根弯曲疲劳强度的计算

11.Employing abrasive machining for the form of the gear and intellective-control carburizing and quenching technology for the surface, the gear is with high intensity, strong tenacity and wearability.齿轮齿形采用磨齿加工,齿面采用智能控制渗碳淬火技术,齿轮的强度高、韧性和耐磨性好。

12.According to the special tooth structure of the Circular-Arc-Tooth-Trace cylindrical gear (CATT gear), an analysing model of its bending strength is established.本文根据圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮轮齿的独特结构,建立了该齿轮的弯曲强度分析模型;

13.Standard of test method for surface load capacity of gearsGB/T14229-1993齿轮接触疲劳强度试验方法

14.Standard of test method for bending load capacity of gearsGB/T14230-1993齿轮弯曲疲劳强度试验方法

15.The FEA Analysis of Automobile Differential Spider Gear;差速器行星齿轮的有限元法强度分析

16.The Agglutination Intention’s Analysis on the Driving Gear of Circular Water Pump;循环水透平泵传动齿轮胶合强度分析

17.Finite element analysis of gear flexural strength under UG backgroundUG环境下齿轮弯曲强度的有限元仿真

18.Finite element analysis on gear tangency stress of straight conjugate internal gear直线共轭内啮合齿轮泵齿轮接触强度的有限元分析


gear strength齿轮强度

1.It concludes that the carbide in the carbuinaing layer has negative effect on thegear strength.从齿轮受力和失效特点出发,通过金相检验分析,指出了渗碳层中的碳化物对齿轮强度有害,渗碳淬火后的齿面应避免出现碳化物。

2.We use the definition ofgear strength from the German Industrial Standard(DIN) and the Chinese National Standard,compare the strength definition of the tooth surface and tooth root,list all formulas and study the meaning of every factor.针对目前齿轮箱行业的状况,不同厂商相近箱体却标有较大差异的额定扭矩,从理论上分析其内因,以D IN和GB标准为基础,对齿面和齿根的强度定义进行分析,详细逐一对比公式中每个系数的含义和取值,从而得出寿命系数对许用应力的重要影响,也可澄清对齿轮强度的理解。

3.A new practical designs method ofgear strength reliability under different status is gived based on engineering example.从工程实例出发,给出了齿轮强度可靠性在不同状态下的实用设计新方法;讨论了隶属函数类型的选取方法及其参数变化对计算结果的影响;为同类问题的设计计算提供了范例和理论依据。

3)gears fatigue strength齿轮疲劳强度

1.The mathematical model of reliability design forgears fatigue strength in press was provided and established.提出和建立了印刷机齿轮疲劳强度可靠性设计的数学模型,并以国产J2108型胶印机主传动系统的齿轮为例进行可靠度计算,找出了可靠度随转速变化的有关规律,这对制造印刷机有实际的指导意

4)tooth strength of cycloid-gear摆线轮齿廓强度

5)Automotive high strength gear高强度汽车齿轮

6)high strengthening cylindrical gear高强度圆柱齿轮


表光合强度(见光合强度)表光合强度(见光合强度)forecast of sowing or transplanting timeb iaoguanghe qiangdu表光合强度见光合强度
