100字范文 > 再生浆 recycled pulp英语短句 例句大全

再生浆 recycled pulp英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-30 08:06:19


再生浆 recycled pulp英语短句 例句大全

再生浆,recycled pulp

1)recycled pulp再生浆

1.61% and the retention ofrecycled pulp increases 6.结果表明,淀粉与聚胺形成了复合物,该复合物对再生浆的作用效果与阳离子淀粉相当,具有明显的增强作用。

2.Therecycled pulp from waste corrugated paperboard box contained a certain amount of ash and fine,its total charges were larger than these of wheat chemical pulp,but the surface charges of the pulp were less than these of the latter.废纸箱再生浆含较多的灰分和微细纤维 ,其总电荷大于麦草化学浆 ,但表面电荷小于后者。

3.In order to improve the intensity of paper made fromrecycled pulps, synthesis and modification of AM-ST copolymer and its application inrecycled pulp papermaking were studied.为了提高再生浆纸张的强度,研究了AM-ST共聚物的合成与改性及其在再生浆造纸中的应用。


1.It can apply to the washing and concentrate of recycled thick liquid of the old and useless newsprint, old and useless books and periodicals paper extensively.可广泛应用于废旧新闻纸再生浆、旧书刊再生浆料的洗涤与浓缩。

2.This machine use series after purifying expansion definition of wasted paper recycled thick liquid material after discongesting in papermaking trade( bleach) mainly.本机主要用于造纸行业(白)化后浆料的连续磨浆或废纸再生浆料疏解后均整磨浆。

3.RTE (Regenerative Turboprop Engine)再生式涡旋浆发动机

4.Effect of powder in recycled fine aggregate on compressive strength of recycled mortar再生细骨料中粉料对再生砂浆抗压强度的影响

5.On Effect of Generated Bone Meal Attached to Mortar on Strength of Recycled Concrete through Finite Element Analysis用有限元分析再生骨料附着砂浆对再生混凝土强度的影响

6.This paper discussed the efficient method to use rejected cement mortar.探讨利用废弃水泥砂浆的有效再生利用途径。

7.A Technical Study about the Recycle of Remaining Syrup in the Production of Tube Stakes by Centrifugal Method;管桩离心成型余浆循环再生产利用的工艺研究

8.New Technology of Wax Oil Regeneration by FCC Slurry Adsorption Treatment催化裂化油浆吸附处理再生蜡油新技术

9.Research on Measurement Method for Mortar Content of RCA and Its Classification再生粗骨料砂浆含量测定方法及分级研究

10.The effect of platelet-rich plasma on the regeneration of rats′ periodontal tissue富血小板血浆对大鼠牙周组织再生的影响

11.The Study of the Effect of Old Mortar on the Mechanical Properties of Recycled Concrete老砂浆对再生混凝土力学性能影响模拟试验

12.Effect of beating process on reclamation properties of recycled plant fiber打浆过程对再生植物纤维回用品质的影响

13.Clinical and Experimental Study of Shengxue Syrup in Treating Chronic Aplastic Anemia KE生血糖浆治疗慢性再生障碍性贫血的临床与实验研究

14.Mr. Brown: I have two pairs of trousers and a jacket to be washed and pressed. And my wife"s ceremonial dress is to be starched and pressed.布朗先生:我这两条裤子和一件上衣要加洗加熨。我妻子的这套夜礼服浆一浆再熨。

15.Application of the technology of activated carbon regeneration by forced-discharge method to CIP process for gold extraction活性炭强制放电再生技术在炭浆法提金工艺中的应用

16.The Study on Application of Fully-graded Coarse and Fine Crushed Bricks as Aggregate in Concrete and Mortar全级配再生粘土砖集料在混凝土和砂浆中的应用研究

17.Study of type Th1/Th2 cytokines in plasma of patients with aplastic anemia再生障碍性贫血患者淋巴细胞免疫及血浆细胞因子水平研究

18.Application and effect of platelet-rich plasma and its relevant factors for tissue repair and regeneration富血小板血浆及所含相关因子在组织修复再生中的应用与作用


reclaimed pulp再生纸浆

1.Synthesis technology of super water-absorbent resin by grafting acrylic acid fromreclaimed pulp cellulose;利用再生纸浆制备高吸水性树脂的合成工艺

3)recycled mortar再生砂浆

1.Effect of powder in recycled fine aggregate on compressive strength ofrecycled mortar再生细骨料中粉料对再生砂浆抗压强度的影响

4)recycled aggregate mortar再生骨料砂浆

1.The mortar which made by the recycled sand is calledrecycled aggregate mortar.而以再生砂配制的砂浆称为再生骨料砂浆。

5)wastewater from reproduced pulp papermaking再生纸浆造纸废水

1.Thewastewater from reproduced pulp papermaking was treated by coagulation process with four inorganic coagulants,Al2(SO4)3,PAC,FeSO4,FeCl3,two organic coagulant aids(PAM,sodium alginate).通过四种无机混凝剂(Al2(SO4)3、PAC、FeSO4、FeCl3)和两种有机助凝剂(PAM、海藻酸钠)对再生纸浆造纸废水进行了混凝处理研究。

6)waste water from waste paper pulping废纸再生纸浆废水


