100字范文 > 果浆 pulp英语短句 例句大全

果浆 pulp英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-26 15:39:10


果浆 pulp英语短句 例句大全



1.Rheological properties of thepulp with different contents of juicy peach were measured at different temperatures.用旋转式粘度计对水蜜桃果浆的流变学特性进行了测定,发现水蜜桃果浆为假塑性非牛顿型流体,其流动行为指数为0。

2.Fresh Fuji applespulp was used as main materials to ferment cider with the wine yeast in this study.以红富士苹果为原料,探讨了果浆酿制苹果酒的生产工艺和成品品质,研究发酵过程中酒精度、糖度的变化。


1.aromatic West Indian tree that produces allspice berries.芳香的西印度的树,可产出多香果浆果。

2.producing or bearing berries.结浆果或者生长浆果。

3.gather flowers, berries, nuts, etc采花、 浆果、 坚果等

4.a cluster of berries, flowers, curls一簇浆果、 花、 鬈发

5.remove the stalk of fruits or berries.除去水果或浆果的梗。

6.Resembling a berry in texture or form;berrylike.浆果似的在结构质地或形状上象浆果的;象浆果的

7.Application of Medium Consistency Ref ining on Hardwood Pulp“鹰牌”阔叶木浆中浓磨浆的应用效果

8.Qualitative Analysis of Fructose and Quantitative Analysis of pH in Seminal Plasma of Azoospermia Patient无精子症精浆果糖定性与精浆pH分析

9.The blackish-red berry of the pokeweed.美洲商陆的黑红色浆果

10.edible purple or red berries.可吃的紫色或红色浆果。

11.Berries contain vitamin C.浆果中含有维生素c。

12.The water bucket was filled full of berries.水桶里装满着浆果。

13.Berries: Nature"s Natural Desserts浆果??大自然的天然点心

14.The poisonous berry of a plant of this genus.该属植物的有毒浆果

15.They can catch fish and sometimes they eat berries.它们能捕鱼,有时吃浆果。

16.We went here and there looking for berries.我们四处找寻浆果。

17.Berries are also used in baked goods.浆果亦用于烘烤食品中。

18.Exports: copper, fish, fruits, paper and pulp, chemicals.出口:铜,鱼,水果,纸浆,化工。



1.Wildberry resources and popular use of Vaccinum in Fujian Province;福建越桔属野生浆果资源与民间利用状况

2.Determination and analysis on Vaccinium bracteatumberry demonstrated that it contains not only sugar, organic acid, but also protein, vitamins, especially biological value of protein and nicotinic acid.对乌饭树浆果营养成份进行测定与分析,结果表明,乌饭树浆果营养成份丰富,不仅含有糖、有机酸,而且蛋白质、脂肪和维生素等含量也比一般水果都高,特别是蛋白质生物价、尼克酸的含量甚高,营养价值极高。

3.Strawberry tomatoes are small-sized rich juiceberry and enjoy warmth, sunshine and have the biological features of fertilizer tolerance and semidrought resistance.樱桃番茄为小型多汁浆果,具喜温、喜光、耐肥、半耐旱等生物学特征。

3)Berry of Physalis pubescens酸浆浆果

4)berry syrup浆果浆

5)To bear or produce berries.结浆果,产生浆果

6)fig fruit latex无花果果浆

1.To investigate the effect offig fruit latex(FFL) on the proliferation of human cancer cells and to elucidate the mechanism of its activity,human glioblastoma,hepatocellular carcinoma and normal liver cells were tested in vitro for cytotoxicity,colony formation inhibition,Brdu incorporation,AO/EB apoptotic cell staining,and cell cycle distribution through flow cytometry after treatment with FFL.为了探讨无花果果浆(Fig fruit latex,FFL)对人肿瘤细胞的生长抑制作用及其机制,用无花果果浆处理体外培养的人肿瘤细胞,细胞增殖试验(MTT法)、克隆形成试验研究FFL对人肿瘤细胞的增殖抑制作用,Brdu掺入试验、吖啶橙/溴乙啶(AO/EB)染色、流式细胞术检测FFL对肿瘤细胞DNA合成、凋亡和细胞周期的影响。


昆明神衰果素 ,豆腐果甙 ,豆腐果苷药物名称:豆腐果甙英文名:Helicid别名: 昆明神衰果素 ,豆腐果甙 ,豆腐果苷外文名: Helicid药理作用:具有较强的止痛、镇静、安眠作用,对神经衰弱综合征效果显著,对血管性头痛有十分显著疗效,对于中枢神经紧张具有明显镇静催眠作用,同时对记忆力、思维力具有较好改善和调节作用。适应症: 用于神经衰弱,神经衰弱综合征,血管性头痛,三叉神经痛。特别对神衰引起的头痛、头昏、睡眠障碍显效较快。 用量用法: 口服:每日75~100mg,3~7日后显效。饭后服,重病者可饭前加服1片。一般1个月为1疗程。 注意事项: 常有口干、嗜睡等,但不影响治疗。 应饭后服药。 规格: 片剂:每片25mg。 类别:镇痛药
