100字范文 > 生产函数模型 production function model英语短句 例句大全

生产函数模型 production function model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-05 00:17:49


生产函数模型 production function model英语短句 例句大全

生产函数模型,production function model

1)production function model生产函数模型

1.Empirical analysis on the contribution of technology advancement to paper industry adoptingproduction function model was made, based on the relative data of China paper industry.采用生产函数模型,根据我国造纸工业的行业数据,对技术进步对造纸工业的贡献进行实证分析。


1.Minimax estimation of parameters in production function model and its applications;生产函数模型中参数的Minimax估计及应用

2.On Production Function Model of State-owned Large-sized Enterprises Talent Scale Control;大型国有企业人才规模控制的生产函数模型

3.The Construction and Implication of Natural Rubber and Sugarcane Production Function in Hainan Province;海南天然橡胶和甘蔗生产函数模型构建与应用

4.Evaluation of the Applicability of Three Crop Water Production Functions三种作物水分生产函数模型的适用性比较

5.Analysis of Consistency about Two Crop Water Production Function Model2种作物水分生产函数模型的一致性分析

6.Crop Water Production Function of Winter Wheat and Summer Corn in the North of China;华北地区冬小麦与夏玉米水分生产函数模型研究

7.Modified Production Function Model of Relation among Shaanxi Power Grid Investment, Electricity Consumption and GDP Growth;陕西电网投资、电力消费与GDP增长关系的泛生产函数模型研究

8.A Study about Value Chain Management Model of Quasi-Production Function;类生产函数企业价值链管理模型研究

9.Parameter Production Function Estimation Model Based on Non-parameter DEA Front Line;基于非参数DEA前沿的参数生产函数估计模型

10.Implication and Output Function Model of Financial Derivatives Innovation;金融衍生品创新的内涵和产出函数模型

11.The Research of Input-Output Evaluation Modelof Enterprise Technological Innovation;企业技术创新成果C-D生产函数评价模型研究

12.Matching of Econometric Models with Data and Cobb-Douglas Production Function;经济学数量模型的选择与科布-道格拉斯生产函数

13.Asset Bubble Model Based on Hazard Rate Function and Related Data Fitting基于风险函数的资产泡沫模型与拟合

14.Stochastic Frontier Production Model with Undesirable Outputs: An Application to an HIV Immunology Model;含非期望输出随机生产前沿函数模型在HIV免疫治疗中的应用

15.A Study of Performance Evaluation Model of Public R&D Institutes Based on Knowledge Production Function;基于知识生产函数的公共科研机构绩效评价模型研究

16.Research of coal mining option of the production function of a certain coal pit based on Black-Shcoles model;基于Black-Shcoles模型的一类矿井生产函数的煤炭开采权的期权定价研究

17.Role of potential function in high order harmonic generation of model hydrogen atoms in intense laser field强激光场中模型氢原子的势函数对产生高次谐波强度的影响

18.Constructing Theoretical Models of FDI Strategy Motivations and Exchange Rate Based on CES Product Function基于CES生产函数汇率理论的FDI战略动机模型建构


CES productive function modelCES生产函数模型

3)modified production function model泛生产函数模型

1.Relationships among power grid investment, electricity consumption and GDP growth are researched in this paper based onmodified production function model.提出应用泛生产函数模型来研究电网投资、电力消费和GDP增长三者之间的关系,以陕西电网为例,分时段动态刻划了陕西电网投资、电力消费与GDP增长三者之间内在规律,证明了目前电网迫切需要加大投资、转变发展方式。

4)Transcendental Logarithmic Production Function超越对数生产函数模型

5)C-D production function modelC-D生产函数模型

1.To validate this problem,the author develops aC-D production function model and makes an evaluation of the technological spillover effect of FDI.为验证这一问题,笔者拓展了C-D生产函数模型,评估了FDI的技术外溢效应。

6)the G C D灰色生产函数模型

1.The relationship between technological advancement contribution rate and the input for science and technology in Henan Province are analysed by the grey production function (the G C D) and the grey econometrics model (the G E).运用灰色生产函数模型(GCD) 和灰色经济计量学模型(GE),对河南技术进步贡献率与科技投入的关系进行了实证分析- 研究结果表明河南科技三项经费每增加1 亿元,可使技术进步贡献率提高2 个百分点左右,全省R&D 经费每增加1亿元,可使技术进步贡献率提高约0-5 个百分


