100字范文 > 生产函数 production function英语短句 例句大全

生产函数 production function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-29 02:39:02


生产函数 production function英语短句 例句大全

生产函数,production function

1)production function生产函数

1.An econometric estimation and selection on theproduction function in an environmental CGE model;环境CGE模型中生产函数的计量经济估算与选择

2.Main natures and mathematical proof of VESproduction function;VES生产函数的主要性质及其数学证明

3.Quantitative analysis ofproduction function of railway transportation in Shanxi;陕西铁路运输生产函数的定量分析


1."Family Production Function": an extended utility model;“家庭生产函数”:效用函数的一个拓展

2.Cobb-Douglas production function柯布-道格拉斯生产函数

3.production function in linear programming线性规划中的生产函数

4.A Query of Neo-classic Product Function and Quantities of Money-value Product Function;新古典生产函数的质疑与货币量值的生产函数

5.An Essence Theoretic Expression of Production Function--Elasticity Production Function;生产函数的一种基本理论表达式——弹性生产函数

6.Nonparametric estimation of the production function with time-varying elasticity coefficients时变弹性系数生产函数的非参数估计

7.Determination of Function of the Total Cost under the Conditions of CES Production Function;基于CES生产函数条件下总成本函数的确定

8.Empirical Research on Production Function and Cost Function of China Air Transport;中国航空运输生产函数和成本函数的实证研究

9.Dual Relation between Production Function and Cost Function;生产函数与成本函数的对偶关系及其特征

10.The function for coal production was established.建立了适合煤炭生产特点的生产函数。

11.The Normal Production Function and Production Technology;标准生产函数的建立与生产技术分析

12.Main natures and mathematical proof of VES production function;VES生产函数的主要性质及其数学证明

13.Minimax estimation of parameters in production function model and its applications;生产函数模型中参数的Minimax估计及应用

14.A Weighted Method of Parameter Estimation for the Cobb-Donglas Production Funetion;Cobb-Douglas生产函数参数估计的加权方法

15.Application of Production Function in Agricultural Put-into-and-out;农业投入产出生产函数及其应用研究



18.The Research on Production Function and Performance Measurement Based on Projected Panel Data;支撑面板数据下的生产函数及生产绩效分析


product function生产函数

1.Because of subjectivity of research models and measurements of variables,it is valueless to directly measure human-capital contribution to economic growth in our country by the means ofproduct function.由于模型构建和变量度量的主观性,我国学者通过扩展Cobb-Douglas生产函数来直接计量人力资本对经济增长的贡献率的做法是不足取的。

2.Adopting the famous economic growth theory "Douglasproduct function model", this paper conceives a series of regressing equations according to the data of Gross Domestic Product, the number of employees and capital asserts in Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou during 1994 to .采用经济增长理论中著名的"柯布—道格拉斯生产函数模型",通过1994—南京、苏州、无锡、常州的GDP、从业人员、固定资产投资增长数据构建回归方程,并在比对全国同期发展状况的基础上,对经济增长的三因素(人力投资、资本投资、技术进步)的贡献率进行了实证分析,最后提出实现经济集约型增长的初步建议。

3)Productive Function生产函数

1.This paper introduces the method that linear productive function estimates technical advance, and applies this method to calculate that technical advance and occupies portion in economic effective increase of water conservancy of xinjiang,which provides decision basis for development of hydraulic technical cause.介绍了线性生产函数估算技术进步的方法,并运用该方法计算了技术进步对新疆水利工程经济效益增长的贡献份额。

2.The model of Cobb-Douglas productive function,which is used to evaluate evealuated technical level,was established on the basis of a group of hypothesises.用于度量技术进步的Cobb-Douglas生产函数模型是建立在一组假设之上的,实际中与这种假设相违背的情况经常出现,度量的结论无法从经济意义上加以解释,暴露了模型自身的缺陷,给模型的应用增加了难度。

3.This article adopts the method of C D productive function to analyze the growth of agricultual economy along the watershed reach of Nihegou Gully and comes to the conclusion of taking the strategy of flourishing agriculture by science and technology, transforming the pattern of economy growth actively and choosing the way of ecological agriculture.本文选用 C- D生产函数对泥河沟流域农业经济增长进行分析 ,得出了农业发展必须以科技为先导 ,积极转变经济增长方式 ,走生态农业道路的结论。

4)production functions生产函数

1.Energy is introduced intoproduction functions,and a tri-elementproduction functions model is set up,in which the quantity relation of energy supplying and economy is defined and a method that can calculate the outage of city supplying system is given.通过将能源引入生产函数并建立三要素生产函数模型,以此为基础确定了能源供应和经济间的量化关系和计算城市能源供应缺能损失的具体算法。

2.Energy source is introduced intoproduction functions, and a tri-elementproduction functions model is set up, in which the quantity relation of energy supplying and economy is defined.通过将能源引入生产函数建立三要素生产函数模型,以此为基础确定了能源供应和经济间的量化关系并给出上海市的一个计算实例。

3.Presents the testing method of technical progress by calculations based on production factors andproduction functions.本文在介绍了生产要素和生产函数的基础上 ,通过运算给出了测定技术进步的方

5)produce function生产函数

1.Research on theproduce function of the district flood control and water drain;区域防洪治涝生产函数研究

2.This paper makes a quantitative analysis on the effects of scientific & techni-cal progress in economic development by using ofproduce function theory.本文运用生产函数理论,对经济增长中科技进步的作用进行了定量分析;研究了交通运输业对经济增长抑制作用,得到了相应的结论。

3.In factor analysis of economic growth,we analyse economic growth process by usingproduce function,and measure each factor contribution ratio for economic growth.在经济增长因素分析中,人们常用生产函数来分析经济增长过程,测算各要素对经济增长的贡献率。

6)CES production functionCES生产函数

1.In this paper,we use CES Production Function and Taylor Series to estimate the contribution rate of technology advancement to the economic growth of Shaanxi Province.运用CES生产函数模型和泰勒级数估计法,对技术进步及各要素对陕西省经济增长的贡献率进行测算,分析结果表明,陕西省劳动力的价值不能被资本的价值完全替代,总体经济处于规模报酬递增的阶段,仍是以劳动密集型产业为主导,资本基础存量低于劳动力基础存量。

2.In this paper,we use CES Production Function model to study the impact of technology advancement and the factors for the economic growth of ethnic areas in Guizhou Province.本文运用CES生产函数模型研究技术进步及各要素对少数民族地区(以贵州为例)经济增长的影响。

3.The relation between irrigation water use and water conservancy input of farmland irrigation of 12 provinces in China from to is analyzed withCES production function and panel data.本文基于CES生产函数,利用我国12个省份-的面板数据,实证分析了农业灌溉用水量与农田灌溉水利投入之间的关系。


生产函数经济学概念。生产函数(Production function)表示在每个时期所使用的各种投入品的数量与每个时期所能生产出来的最大产量之间的关系。生产函数 生产函数:每个时期各种投入要素的使用量,与利用这些投入所能生产某种商品的最大数量之间的关系。生产函数表明了厂商所受到的技术约束。Q= f(L,K,N,E) 式中,各变量分别代表产量、投入的劳动、资本、土地、企业家才能。
