100字范文 > 住院孕妇 Hospitalized Gravidas英语短句 例句大全

住院孕妇 Hospitalized Gravidas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-23 08:40:41


住院孕妇 Hospitalized Gravidas英语短句 例句大全

住院孕妇,Hospitalized Gravidas

1)Hospitalized Gravidas住院孕妇

1.Analysis on the Causes of Unauthorized Dismiss ofHospitalized Gravidas and Countermeasures住院孕妇擅自外出原因分析及对策


1.A Study on Anxiety Level and Its Related Factors in the Last Trimester Hospitalized Pregnant Women孕晚期住院孕妇焦虑水平及其相关因素研究

2.Investigation on the perinatal nursing service needs of pregnant women住院孕产妇围生期护理服务需求调查研究

3.Delivery Analysis of 660 Cases of Maternal High-risk Pregnancy660例高危妊娠孕产妇住院分娩情况分析

4.Study on Hospital Delivery Expenditre and Its Determinants in Atertiary Teaching Hospital;某三级甲等教学医院孕产妇住院费用及相关因素研究

5.Analysis on effect factors of delivery in hospital of rural pregnant women in Lingqiu county,Shanxi山西省灵丘县影响农村孕产妇住院分娩的因素分析

6.The status and demands of prenatal education among pregnant women in Chengdu成都地区住院产妇孕期参加产前教育的现状及需求调查

7.Article 22 Pregnant women who cannot be hospitalized for deli-very shall receive sterilized midwifery by trained and qualified midwives.第二十二条不能住院分娩的孕妇应当由经过培训合格的接生人员实行消毒接生。

8.(of a pregnant woman)about to give birth(指孕妇)临产.,

9.Investigation of the Risk Factors of Nosocomial Infection in High-risk Gravidas and Parturients高危孕产妇院内感染危险因素调查分析

10.Intervention study on contraceptive knowledge of abortion women at hospitals in three cities三城市医院流产妇女避孕知识的干预研究

11.Bring into center play the professional work guide of MCH hospital to promote the management quality of the pregnant and lying-in women发挥妇幼保健院业务指导中心作用 提高孕产妇保健管理质量

12.Effect of health education in pregnant woman school of mahild care service center in Fenghua City of Zhejiang Province浙江省奉化市妇幼保健院孕妇学校健康教育效果分析

13.Pregnant and prenatal care should be improved, and hospitalized delivery and breast-feeding encouraged.加强孕产期保健,提倡住院分娩和母乳喂养。

14.Analysis of Serum CA125 in 255 Cases of Gynecological Patients255例妇科住院患者血清CA125分析

15.Preliminary Study on Training of Residents and Specialists of Gynecology and Obstetrics妇产科住院医师及专科医师培养初探

16.Research on maternal Hospitalization Expenditures Tendency and Related Factors某医院产妇住院费用变化趋势及相关因素研究

17.An Analysis on Inpatients Disease Formation for Two Years of a Provincial Maternity and Children Health Care Hospital某省级妇幼保健院住院病人疾病构成分析

18.In old China, since there were no maternity and child care centers, countless women died from pregnancy complications or other gynaecological complaints.旧中国没有专门的妇幼保健院,因孕产期病或其他妇女病丧失生命的妇女不计其数。


hospitalized postpartum women住院产妇

3)pregnant woman孕妇

1.Examination and treatment of perinatalpregnant woman chlamydia trachomatis infection;围产期孕妇沙眼衣原体感染的检测和治疗

2.Influence factors of designingpregnant woman bra;孕妇文胸设计影响因素探讨

3.Research and implementation of quantitative nutritional diagram algorithm forpregnant woman孕妇个体化定量化营养曲线的绘制算法研究及实现


1.Study on the Influence of Antisyphilitic Treatment In Gravidas with Latent Syphilis in Different Duration ofPregnancy on Their Neonates;治疗干预对不同妊期潜伏梅毒孕妇新生儿影响的研究

2.Observations on Virus Development Intervention Efficacy and Safely of Lamivudine in Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B Patients withPregnancy;拉米夫定对慢性乙型肝炎孕妇病毒动态的干预效果及安全性观察

3.Influence of ObesePregnancy with Anthropometric Parameters and Leptin Levels of Offspring in the First Month of Life;孕妇肥胖对子代出生1个月内体格发育和瘦素浓度的影响


1.Effects ofgravida supine hypotensive syndrome on neonatus nerves behavior development;孕妇仰卧位低血压综合征对新生儿神经行为发育的影响

2.The effect on fetal development andgravida health by instructing individually maternal diet during pregnancy;孕期个体化营养指导对胎儿发育及孕妇健康的影响

3.A survey and analysis on emotion state ofgravida in countryside;农村孕妇情绪状态调查分析


1.Analysis of vaginal pathogenic candida in healthy women,pregnant women and pregnant women with diabetes;正常妇女 健康孕妇及糖尿病孕妇阴道念珠菌感染情况分析

2.Study on the Chlamydia trachomatis infections in pregnant women inChongqing using Gap-LCR-ELISA;缺口-连接酶链反应-酶联免疫吸附法检测孕妇沙眼衣原体感染

3.A Comparison of the Feeding Knowledge Before and Before Medical Health Education among thePregnant Women.;孕妇母乳喂养健康教育的前后对比分析


