100字范文 > 首次住院 fist-hospitalized-patient英语短句 例句大全

首次住院 fist-hospitalized-patient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-31 17:35:20


首次住院 fist-hospitalized-patient英语短句 例句大全



1.A correlative analysis of effect of nearby recovery in fist-hospitalized-patients with schizophrenia;影响首次住院精神分裂症近期康复疗效的相关因素分析


1.Clinical Analysis of 127 Cases of Initial In-Patient with Psoriasis;127例首次住院银屑病病例临床分析

2.Retrospective Analysis of Psychiatric Patients Admitted for the First time During the Period of 1966 to 20001966~2000年首次住院精神病患者病史资料分析

3.Clinical Analysis of 400 Cases of Initial In-patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus;400例首次住院系统性红斑狼疮病例临床分析

4.Investigation of the related knowledge need of the sufferer s family in hospital for first time;首次住院精神疾病患者家属相关知识需求调查

5.Analysis of the first hospitalization of schizophrenia patients影响精神分裂症患者首次住院因素分析

6.Survey and analyze on mental health of parents of college students in psychiatry department first time.首次精神科住院大学生父母心理健康状况调查分析

7.a maiden speech in the House of Commons.在国会下院的首次演说

8.the head of a religious order; in an abbey the prior is next below the abbot.宗教团体首领;在修道院中位次低于院长的人。

9.I always stay with him when he has to be in.每次他不得不住院时,是由我陪着他。

10.I go to see my friend in hospital every other day我每隔一天去看一次我住院的朋友

11.He had a history of alcoholism, with several hospital admissions for gastrointestinal bleeding.他有酗酒史,并因胃出血而住过几次院。

12.(UK) She had to go into the hospital for two weeks after the accident.(英)那次事故之后,她得住院两周。

13.(US) She had got to go to the hospital for two weeks after the accident.(美)那次事故之后,她得住院两周。

14.Training of Residents with Different Academic Qualifications不同学历层次住院医师培训方法研究

15.make one"s debut首次出场,首次露面

16.During the hospitalization, recurrent sepsis and candidiasis occurred.在住院中发生多次败血症及念珠球菌感染。

17.I was hospitalized following a severe heart attack and had been in intensive care for several days.一次严重的心脏病发作后,我住进了医院,在特护区住了好几天。

18.Result:The inpatient cases with laser therapy cost most in drugs and pay at public expense chiefly.结果 :激光治疗住院病人的费用 ,仍以药品费居首 ,以公费支付为主。


The first in hospital status首次住院状况

3)first admission首次住院患者

1.Method: A total of 374 cases offirst admission in the period of January 1,1966 to December 31,2000 were sampled.结果 :首次住院患者男、妇比较、男女平均年龄比较均差异有显著性 ;男女平均住院天数差异无显著性 ;病种以精神分裂症为主 ,脑器质性精神障碍、精神发育迟滞次之 ,其余病种所占比例较小 ,酒精所致精神障碍在 90年代以后有逐年增加的趋势 ,且均为男性 ,抗精神病药物治疗一直以氯丙嗪等传统药物为主 ,抗躁狂治疗以碳酸锂为主 ,抗抑郁治疗以三环类抗抑郁药物为主 ,利培酮、SSRIs类新上市药物未得到广泛应用 ,电惊厥在 90年代以后被逐渐停用。

4)The initial in-patients首次住院病例

5)Multiple Hospitalization多次住院

1.Investigation of the antipsychotic drug in treament of the patients of First-time andMultiple Hospitalization drug treatment for rhe first time and that of the repeatedly;首次与多次住院精神分裂症病人抗精神病药治疗调查

6)first time of admission初次住院


