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时间对称性 time symmetry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-28 17:26:24


时间对称性 time symmetry英语短句 例句大全

时间对称性,time symmetry

1)time symmetry时间对称性

1.The conservation of charge corresponds totime symmetry,while conservation of current corresponds to space symmetry.电荷守恒对应于时间对称性,而电流守恒则对应于空间的对称性。

2)loop"s time asymmetry环时间非对称性

3)Time-reversal symmetry时间反演对称性


1.KEY WORDS: time and space translation symmetry; time reversal symmetry; conservation law; symmetry breaking.关键词:时间和空间平移对称性;时间反演对称性;守恒律;对称破缺。

2.Time Reversal Symmetry and Discrete Rotation Symmetry in Magnetic Particles磁性粒子的时间反演对称性和旋转对称性效应

3.The fundamental equations of physics have a property which is referred to as time reversal symmetry物理学的基本方程式里面有种被称为时间反演对称性的特性

4.Time reversal invariance is a very useful symmetry in subatomic physics.时间反演不变性在亚原子物理中仍然是一种很有用的对称性。

5.used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement.演讲时,对从事同一运动的男性称呼的演讲用词。

6.Propagation Characteristics of Time-Reversed Electromagnetic Wave and Its Application时间反演电磁波的传播特性及其应用

7.Spherical Temporal Dissipative-Structures of Tri-Molecular Reaction-Diffusion Equations三分子反应扩散方程的球对称时间耗散结构

8.Time reversal T is not unitary.时间反演T不是幺正的。

9.Time-reversal invariance predicts equality of transition probabilities for a reaction and its inverse.时间反演不变性预言,一个反应和它的逆反应,其跃迁几率相等。

10.TOC (Table Of ContentsMD内容表,包括磁盘名称、轨数、演奏时间

11.His writings are one long tirade against ignorance.他的著作称得上反对无知的长篇演说。

12.Inversion of Two-Dimensional Axisymmetric Potential Field Using the Distorted Born lterative Method轴对称二维位场的变形玻恩迭代反演

13.Using Perturbation Method to Reduce Dimensions of the Inverse Problem of the Wear-line of an Axi-symmetric Melting Container轴对称体内壁腐蚀反演的摄动降维法

14.asymmetrical tonic neck reflex非对称紧张性颈反射

15.antisymmetric multilinear mapping反对称多重线性映射

16.Study of Spectral Problems of Second-Order Symmetric Linear Equations on Time Scales;时间尺度上二阶对称线性方程谱问题研究

17.The Study of Asymmetry of Antonym "Zao-Wan";反义词“早—晚”不对称的共时和历时考察

18.The Anti-Noise Performance Research of Phase-Inversion Symmetric Method in Time Domain and a Double Input Double Output System;时域反相对称法和双入双出系统抗噪声性能的研究


loop"s time asymmetry环时间非对称性

3)Time-reversal symmetry时间反演对称性

4)time and space translation symmetry时间和空间平移对称性

5)space-time symmetry时空对称性

1.This paper discusses the nature of relativity theory, promotive actions ofspace-time symmetry’s principles and geometrodynamical ideas on the developments of quantum theory and cosmology.论述相对论的本质、时空对称性原理和几何动力学观念对于量子理论和宇宙学发展的促进作用,并探讨近期相对论研究中的一些令人困惑的问题以及相对论的进展趋向。

6)space symmetry空间对称性

1.The conservation of charge corresponds to time symmetry,while conservation of current corresponds tospace symmetry.在不同的惯性系中,电流和电荷联合起来,构成四维矢量,它们具有Lorentz时间-空间对称性。


