100字范文 > 电磁对称性 electromagnetic symmetry英语短句 例句大全

电磁对称性 electromagnetic symmetry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-28 14:47:25


电磁对称性 electromagnetic symmetry英语短句 例句大全

电磁对称性,electromagnetic symmetry

1)electromagnetic symmetry电磁对称性

1.The magnetic monopole is investigated andelectromagnetic symmetry is discussed.基于电磁对称性,认为在目前的经典电磁理论中用磁场强度定义磁单极子强度的单位比较合适,并推导出存在磁单极子时麦克斯韦方程组对称形式。

2)asymmetric magnetizing current非对称励磁电流

1.Based on the direct current biased magnetization properties for transformer core,an engineering-oriented practical method to calculate theasymmetric magnetizing current in DC biased large power transformer is presented in this paper.首先在按与实际产品1/50比例制作的产品级模型上通过试验研究建立了处于不同直流偏磁水平铁心的磁通?激励电流(Φ-I)曲线族,(B-H)曲线族;其次通过仿真计算考虑了偏置磁通对这些曲线的影响;最后提出了适合变压器工程应用的直流偏磁条件下非对称励磁电流的计算方法。


1.B-H Curve Based on Core and Asymmetric Magnetizing Current in DC-Biased Transformers直流偏磁条件下电力变压器铁心B-H曲线及非对称励磁电流

2.Research on ZVS AHB DC/DC Converter Employing Magnetizing Current励磁电流实现不对称半桥直流变换器ZVS的研究

3.exciter field breaker励磁电流断路器;励磁机励磁电流断路器;磁场电流断路器

4.The Influence of the Cross Section Area of DC Electromagnetic Yoke Iron Core on Magnetic Flux and Exciting Current直流电磁轭铁心截面积对励磁电流和磁通的影响

5.A Study on the Excitation Control System For AC Excited Generator交流励磁发电机励磁控制系统的研究

6.Study and Simulation on Excitation System for AC Excited Generator;交流励磁发电机励磁系统研究与仿真

7.Under excited reactive ampere limit (URAL).欠励磁无功电流限制(URAL)。

8.The lmpact of the Field Current on Voltage Regulator of DSEMG励磁电流负反馈对双凸极电机调压性能的影响

9.Influence of driving current on giant magneto-impedance (GMI) effect of CoFeSiB amorphous ribbon激励电流对CoFeSiB非晶带GMI效应的影响

10.Design of New Transducer for AC Excitation Electromagnetic Flow Meter;交流励磁电磁流量计新型转换器设计

11.Ride-through Control Strategy of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Symmetrical Grid Fault电网对称故障时双馈感应发电机不脱网运行的励磁控制策略(英文)

12.Study on Control Strategies of AC Excited Generator and Its Excitation Power Supply;交流励磁发电机及其励磁电源的控制策略研究

13.Study and Design of Excitation Power Supply of A.C.Excited Generator;交流励磁发电机励磁电源的研究与设计

14.Simulation study of exciter of AC excitation generator based on Saber基于Saber的交流励磁发电机励磁电源仿真研究

15.Semi-active Control of the Asymmetric Civil Structures with MRD;非对称建筑结构的磁流变阻尼器半主动控制

16.Design of Excitation System for ACEG Excited by the Dual PWM Converter;双PWM变换器励磁的交流励磁发电机励磁系统设计

17.Simulation and Study on AC-AC Excitation System for AC Excited Generator;交流励磁发电机交—交励磁系统仿真研究

18.Research and Design of Electromagnetic Flowmeter Excited by Trapezoidal Wave;梯形波励磁电磁流量计的研究与设计


asymmetric magnetizing current非对称励磁电流

1.Based on the direct current biased magnetization properties for transformer core,an engineering-oriented practical method to calculate theasymmetric magnetizing current in DC biased large power transformer is presented in this paper.首先在按与实际产品1/50比例制作的产品级模型上通过试验研究建立了处于不同直流偏磁水平铁心的磁通?激励电流(Φ-I)曲线族,(B-H)曲线族;其次通过仿真计算考虑了偏置磁通对这些曲线的影响;最后提出了适合变压器工程应用的直流偏磁条件下非对称励磁电流的计算方法。

3)Voltage symmetry电压对称性

4)circuit symmetry电路对称性

1.Circuit symmetry and emitter resistance s effect on KCMR (Common-Model Rejection Ratio) of differential amplifier is analyzed by using small signal model, and the relation betweencircuit symmetry and emitter resistance s effect is made clear, then some conclusions are certified correct by PSpice simulator.用微变等效电路法分析电路对称性和射极电阻对差动放大器共模抑制比的影响,论述了二者的关系,并用PSpice仿真程序验证了所得结论。

5)symmetrical electric circuit对称性电路

6)charge symmetry电荷对称性


