100字范文 > 空载运转 no-load running英语短句 例句大全

空载运转 no-load running英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-23 20:32:02


空载运转 no-load running英语短句 例句大全

空载运转,no-load running

1)no-load running空载运转

1.This article introduces a device forno-load running test of main components of drilling rig.新设计的石油钻机主要运动部件空载运转测试装置采取空载试车形式,以电动机为动力源,通过液力变矩器、变速箱变速后带动被测的钻机部件,可以对ZJ15、ZJ20、ZJ30、ZJ40等型号钻机的主要运动部件(包括绞车、钻井泵、转盘、水龙头)进行空载运转测试,对噪声、振动、温度等数据进行采集及分析,具有结构紧凑、操作安全、变速范围大、数据分析简便可靠等特点。


1.An adjustable time of3-5 minutes will be set for cooling after transfer time.发电机组空载运转3-5分钟(调)机后自动停机。

2.The compressor is loaded up with the medium of air( nitrogen, process gas).压缩机以空气(气、艺气体)载运转。

3.Research of Aerial Soldier Air Transportation Field Loader Forecast Based on SVM基于SVM的航空兵空运转场载机架次预测研究

4.aerodynamic characteristics of launch vehicle运载火箭空气动力特性

5.Typical droop is two cycles in frequency from no load to full load.从空载到满载转速降一般为两赫兹。

6.Study on Internally Carried Air-launched Launch Vehicle Separaftion from Aircraft内装式空射运载火箭与载机分离研究

7.rotational moment of steering gear转向器空载转动力矩特性

8.Built-in electric load can make the instrument conveniently perform idling/ load conversion.内置电子负载能方便的进行空、载转换测试。

9.Built-in electric load can make the instrument conveniently perform idling/load conversion.内置电子负载能方便的进行空、负载转换测试。

10.Pressing Application of Anti-Radiation Missile to Enemy’s Warship Air Defense System机载反辐射导弹对敌舰载防空系统的压制运用

11.International transportation service: sea, air, inland transportation, air & sea multi transportation, and transshipment at the 3rd country.国际运输服务:海运、空运、陆运、海空联运,以及第三国中转运输服务。

12.Design and Simulation of Control System of submarine-to-air Missile Capsule潜空导弹运载器控制系统设计与仿真

13.The earth does not move round in empty space.地球并不是在空无一物的空间运转。

14.Air Transport Loading Plan Analysis of Air Unit Based on Cargowiz;基于Cargowiz的航空兵成建制空运装载方案分析

15.The turbine had been running for4 hours before carrying a full load.透平在满载前已经运转了四个小时。

16.Progress On Intestinal Oligopeptide Transporter PepT1 of Fishes鱼类肠道小肽转运载体PepT1的研究进展

17.Research on the Law of Coal Dust Settling at Transfer Point and Simulation Analysis煤炭运输转载点粉尘沉降规律的研究

18.Analysis and Optimization of Freight Rate:A Case Study of Air Freight;物流载运率的分析与优化——以航空运输为例


no-load run空转,无载运转,空载运转

3)no load run空转空载运行

4)empty running空载运行,空转

5)vacant operation空转,空载运行

6)no-load planer operation刨床空载运转

1.In this paper,we investigated and analyzed the sound signals arisen duringno-load planer operation.我们通过研究分析刨床空载运转过程中产生的声音信号,运用数字信号处理技术,包括时域分析、幅域分析和频域分析的方法,提取出了它在不同域内的特征参数,进一步深入研究可以将该特征参数用于刨削加工过程的识别与诊断。


