100字范文 > 空载损耗 no-load loss英语短句 例句大全

空载损耗 no-load loss英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-12 13:37:12


空载损耗 no-load loss英语短句 例句大全

空载损耗,no-load loss

1)no-load loss空载损耗

1.Reducingno-load loss of transformer iron core on locomotive;降低机车变压器铁心空载损耗的探讨

2.Effects of adopting transformer electrical steel and HIB steel onno-load loss and noise level of transformer are analyzed.阐述变压器电工钢、HIB钢对变压器空载损耗与噪声水平的影响,并对和的取向硅钢消耗量进行了预测。

3.The distribution of magnetic flux density in the iron core was studied by applying a voltage,voltage waveform and frequency change while theno-load loss of transformer was being measured,and the factors having effect on the measurement ofno-load loss of transformer were theoretically analysed in detail.对测量变压器空载损耗从施加电压的方式、电压波形、频率变化三个方面,研究了铁心中磁通密度的分布情况;并在理论上详尽地分析了影响变压器空载损耗测量的因素。


1.Influence of Low Voltage Measurement on Transformer No-load Loss低电压测量对变压器空载损耗的影响

2.Discussion of Reducing the No-Load Loss and the Noise for Step-Laminated Core Transformer“阶梯叠”铁心变压器降低空载损耗和噪声的探讨

3.Research on Relation between No-Load Loss and Power of SCB9 and SCBH15 Series TransformersSCB9与SCBH15系列变压器空载损耗与容量关系的研究

4.It shows that the Inertia displacement of mechanical drive system is used as the qulity index of mechanical drive and measurement of no-Load loss or transfer efficiency of mechanical drive system.并指出惯性位移量可作为机械传动系统的质量指标和传动系统的空载损耗或传递效率的量度。

5.Loss property of CPW phase shifter loaded with capacitor电容加载共面波导移相器的损耗特性

6.Dissipative Characteristic Investigation of Simply-Supported Reinfored Concrete Beams with Loading Damages钢混简支梁加载损伤后耗能特征试验研究

7.Standard Methods for Stray-Load Loss of Three-Phase Cage Asynchronous Motors三相笼型异步电动机负载杂散损耗的测试方法

8.Sech Spatial Lossy Soliton in Weakly Nonlocal Media;弱非局域介质中的Sech型损耗空间光孤子

9.Calculation on Losses and Slot Leakage Inductance for Air-cooled Excitation Winding转子空内冷励磁绕组的损耗和漏感计算

10.Elliptical Gaussian Lossy Spatial Soliton in Strongly Nonlocal Media强非局域介质中的椭圆高斯型损耗空间光孤子

11.Energy loss analysis of air handling units used for cooling组合式空调机组供冷工况的能量损耗分析

12.General Average Regarding Vessel in Ballast and not under Charter船舶空载不出租情况下的共同海损

13.A quantity or portion of something lacking after delivery or storage.减耗量物品的储运损耗部分或损耗量

14.Investigation on Energy Dissipation and Accumulative Damage of Welded Beam-to-Column Connection under Earthquake Cyclic Loading;地震循环载荷下钢结构梁柱焊接节点耗能与损伤行为的研究

15.Analytical Study on Energy Consumption and Damage to Cylindrical And I-Shaped Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls Subjected to Cyclic Loading循环荷载下圆柱和I型钢筋混凝土剪力墙的能量消耗与损伤分析

16.Stability Analysis of Ka-band TE_(01)-mode Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier with Lossy Dielectric-Load Waveguide损耗介质加载结构Ka波段TE_(01)模回旋行波管放大器稳定性的分析

17.Risk of normal loss(natural loss)?途耗或自然损耗险?

18.Hol mode low-loss transmissionHol模低损耗传输


no load loss空载损耗

3)open circuit loss空载损耗

1.Introduces theopen circuit losses status of high voltage stand-by transformer in Shengli power plant, puts forwrd the method of how to change into the automatic stand-by transformer and analyses the feasibility of it.介绍了胜利发电厂高压备用变压器长期空载损耗情况 ,提出了改自投备用方法及可行性分析。

4)open-circuit loss开路损耗,空载损耗

5)transformer no-load loss变压器空载损耗

6)measurement of no-load loss空载损耗测量


介质损耗角正切试验(见电容率与损耗因数试验)介质损耗角正切试验(见电容率与损耗因数试验)dielectric loss tangent test)!eZh.sunhooJ一002匕engq一e sh一yon介质损耗角正切试验(dieleetri。1055 tangenttest)见电容率与损耗因数试验。
