100字范文 > 滞后角 lag angle英语短句 例句大全

滞后角 lag angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-22 01:06:17


滞后角 lag angle英语短句 例句大全

滞后角,lag angle

1)lag angle滞后角

1.Optical fiber winding was a important technique in optical fiber guided missile,andlag angle controlled by lead screw subsystem was a key factor in optical fiber precise winding.光纤自动精密缠绕是导弹光纤制导中的一项重要技术,其中滞后角是光纤精密缠绕中的关键因素,滞后角的控制是通过丝杠子系统来完成的。

2.0 programming,an optical fiberlag angle detection system was established.0编程技术,建立了一种光纤缠绕滞后角检测系统,该系统由图像采集和图像处理两部分组成。

3.The parameters,tension andlag angle of optical fiber,are the crucial factors.从中分析得到光纤张力和滞后角这两个重要的影响因素,并对光纤张力和滞后角进行了具体的分析,阐述了在缠绕的整个过程中,这两个参数的变化对缠绕图样缺陷的影响及其原因。


1.The Calculation of Inlet Guide Vane Deviation Angle for an Axial Compressor轴流式压气机进口导叶滞后角的计算

2.Dynamic characteristic of flow of triplex pump based on angle of delay of pump valve.基于泵阀滞后角的三缸泵流量动态特性

3.Study of the Discharge of the Drilling Pump Air Chamber under the Influence of the Pump Valve s Delaying Angle;泵阀滞后角影响下的钻井泵空气包排出管路流量的研究

4.Exploring the factors causing the lag of the institution innovation based on the 3C mode;制度创新滞后探析:基于3C模式的视角

5.Measuring Technique of Contact Angle and Contact Angle Hysteresis on Rough Solid Surfaces Ⅱ: Contact Angle Hysteresis on Rough Stainless Steel接触角测试技术及粗糙表面上接触角的滞后性 Ⅱ:粗糙不锈钢表面接触角的滞后性

6.Analysis on the Construction Stagnation of Rural;农村政治文明建设滞后的法治视角分析

7.Corneal Hysteresis and Corneal Resistance Factor in Pre-and Post-Phacoemulsification;白内障超声乳化手术前后角膜粘滞性和角膜阻力系数的变化

8.The Lag and Innovation in Peasant Political Participation--from the Perspective of Path Dependence in Institutional Innovation;农民政治参与的滞后与创新——制度变迁理论中路径依赖的视角

9.Analysis of the Reason of Economic Development Lag in West China;西部经济发展滞后的原因分析——基于新兴古典经济学视角

10.Loyal Obligations of Corporate Executives;公司经理忠诚义务探微——从实践的困惑与立法滞后的视角

11.lagged and unlagged acceleration theory滞后和无滞后的加速理论

12.Feedforward-feedback predictive control of delay system滞后系滞后系统的前馈——反馈预估控制

13.An Economic Explanation of the Decreasing EPS of China Listed Companies--Based on a Comparative Institutional Analysis and Governance-lag Model;上市公司业绩滑坡的经济学解释——基于比较制度分析的视角和公司治理滞后模型

14.Disadvantages in China s Financial Deepening:From the Perspective of Contract Enforcement and Financial Conversion Cost;论我国金融深化过程的滞后——基于履约承诺与金融转换成本视角的研究

15.pasteurization plant lag巴氏杀菌装置的热滞后

16.temperature-hysteresis effect of standard cel标准电池温度滞后效应

17.thermal lag (of the oceans, of the Earth)海洋或地球的热滞后

18.creeping of aneroid barometer空盒气压表的滞后现象


delay angle滞后角

3)lagging angle滞后角

1.Effect of valvelagging angle of triplex piston pump on theunevenness of pump’s delivery behind air chamber;阀滞后角对三缸泵排出空气包后流量不均度的影响

2.Finally the article expresses accurately all these factors by a single variable calledlagging angle which is the projective angle of the winding angle o.文中从力学及几何的角度,详细分析了影响光纤缠绕走向及其匝间间隙的多种因素,如光纤表面摩擦系数、光纤直径、绕轴直径及缠绕角度等,最后用一个变量即缠绕角在水平面的投影角度,亦称缠绕滞后角精确地集合了这些因素的影响,并得到缠绕滞后角的大小与光纤缠绕走向及其匝间间隙的定量关系。

4)mini lag angle小滞后角

1.In the process of development of measure instrument used to measure stiffness andmini lag angle of minitype torsion pole, the problem in precise measurement ofmini lag angle of minitype torsion pole was successfully solved(the measure precision reached 0 1″).在微型扭杆刚度及小滞后角测量仪的研制过程中 ,成功地解决了微型扭杆小滞后角的精密测量问题 ,测量精度达 0 。

5)lagging phase angle滞后相角

6)angle of lag移后角,滞后角,落后角


定风波 商角调 商角调 西江客舍【诗文】:恨行云、特地高寒,牢笼好梦不定。婉娩年华,凄凉客况,泥酒浑成病。画阑深,碧窗静。一树瑶花可怜影。低映。怕月明照见,青禽相并。素衾自冷。又寒香、枕上薰愁醒。甚银床霜冻,山童未起,谁汲墙阴井。玉笙残,锦书迥。应是多情道薄*。争肯。便等闲孤负,西湖春兴。【注释】:【出处】:
