100字范文 > 时滞性 time lag英语短句 例句大全

时滞性 time lag英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-20 02:09:37


时滞性 time lag英语短句 例句大全

时滞性,time lag

1)time lag时滞性

1.Aiming at thetime lag between water supply departments and consumers,we proposed a method to establish the model for optimal water resource allocation based on isochrones.将供需部门之间的时滞性用空间显示来表述,并利用大系统优化理论对该模型进行了求解。

2.Thetime lag of Chinese course is that there is a relative lag between the development of Chinese course and request of times.时滞性是语文课程的本质特征之一,它是随着语文课程的产生而产生的,并将随着语文课程的发展而长期存在。

3.Influencing factors oftime lag and attenuation law were discussed.本文基于注采井的生产动态数据波动和数值模拟技术,应用信号处理与线性系统分析思想和多元线性回归方法,对油藏井间动态连通性进行了定量表征研究,讨论了油藏静、动态参数对注入信号时滞性与衰减性的影响;分别建立了基于注采数据的多元线性回归模型和基于注采数据、压力数据的压缩模型,并在多元线性回归模型中构造了非线性扩散滤波器和一阶线性系统褶积器。

2)time-delay characteristic时滞特性

1.In order to overcome thetime-delay characteristic of the plants in industrial process,a comprehensive optimization analysis method to Fuzzy PID Controller is proposed in this thesis.针对工业过程中被控对象具有时滞特性的特点,提出了一种模糊PID控制器的优化方法,即根据设计指标要求,对模糊控制器的规则和参数进行优化,改善模糊控制的性能,并与改进的Smith预估控制器相结合,设计了一种优化模糊PID—Smith预估控制系统,利用MATLAB进行仿真分析,按照确定性指标的要求比较仿真结果,表明新系统在稳定性、快速性、鲁棒性等方面优于常规的过程控制方法,可以取得比较好的控制效果,在实际中有一定应用前景。


1.Analysis of Rolling Resistance Caused by Rubber Hysteresis for Truck Radial Tire;载重子午线轮胎橡胶材料时滞特性引起的滚动阻力分析

2.On Delay-Dependent Stability of Neutral Systems with Time-Varying Delay中立型时变时滞系统时滞相关稳定性


4.Optimum Control of Structure Feature of time Lag-Random Linear System;时滞随机线性系统的结构特点及其最优控制

5.Properties of the solutions of neutral volterra integral differential equations with infinite delay;无限时滞中立型Volterra积分微分方程解的特性

6.Chaotic characteristics and circuit implementation in time-delay feedback Lorenz system时滞反馈Lorenz系统的混沌特性及其电路实现

7.ECG characteristics of the intermittent complete left bundle branch block间歇性左束支阻滞时QRS波形态特点的分析

8.New Delay-Dependent Stability Criteria for Linear Time-Varying Delay Systems线性时变时滞系统的时滞相关稳定性新判据

9.Multiple Stable Motions and Their Regions of Attraction the Delay Induces in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems;时滞诱发的非线性动力系统多稳态运动及其吸引域特性

10.Delay-dependent H_∞ Control for Continuous Linear Systems with Time-varying Delay;连续线性时变时滞系统的时滞依赖H_∞控制

11.Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems;非线性时滞系统时滞相关稳定性分析与控制

12.Asymptotic Analysis of Delay Neural Networks and Delay Impulsive System;时滞神经网络与时滞脉冲系统的渐近性分析

13.Delay Dependent Stability and Feedback Control of Delay Systems;时滞系统的时滞相关稳定性及反馈控制

14.Delay-dependent Stability Criteria for Neutral Systems with Mixed Delays;具混合时滞的中立型系统时滞依赖稳定性准则

15.Robust stability of time-delay systems with delay dependent parameters具有时滞相关系数的时滞系统的鲁棒稳定性

16.Delay Dependent Robust Disturbance Attenuation for a Class of Multiple Time-delay Systems with Nonlinear Uncertainties一类非线性时滞系统时滞依赖干扰抑制

17.Research on Delay-Dependent Stability Criteria for Time-Delay Systems with Uncertainties不确定时滞系统的时滞依赖稳定性条件研究

18.Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis for T-S Fuzzy Systems with Time-DelayT-S模糊时滞系统时滞相关稳定性分析


time-delay characteristic时滞特性

1.In order to overcome thetime-delay characteristic of the plants in industrial process,a comprehensive optimization analysis method to Fuzzy PID Controller is proposed in this thesis.针对工业过程中被控对象具有时滞特性的特点,提出了一种模糊PID控制器的优化方法,即根据设计指标要求,对模糊控制器的规则和参数进行优化,改善模糊控制的性能,并与改进的Smith预估控制器相结合,设计了一种优化模糊PID—Smith预估控制系统,利用MATLAB进行仿真分析,按照确定性指标的要求比较仿真结果,表明新系统在稳定性、快速性、鲁棒性等方面优于常规的过程控制方法,可以取得比较好的控制效果,在实际中有一定应用前景。

3)time-lag effect时间滞后性

4)nonlinear delay时滞非线性

1.Based on literatures [1, 3], applying Lyapunov method, from the stability ofnonlinear delay problems, this paper studies the sufficient conditions for asymptotical stability of zero solution, and studies the robust stability of distributed parameter ofnonlinear delay problems.在文献[1],[3]的基础上,应用李雅普洛夫方法,从时滞非线性问题的稳定性出发,研究其零解大范围渐近稳定的充分条件;进而研究时滞非线性分布参数问题的鲁棒稳定性,最后给出其零解鲁棒稳定的充分条件和有关证明。

5)time-delay stability时滞稳定性

1.Aiming at the practical time-delay factors,the analysis oftime-delay stability of robust PID vibration control system was carried out and the maximum time-delay of the stable system was obtained.考虑到实际系统中存在的时滞因素,对设计出的鲁棒PID控制系统进行了时滞稳定性分析,得出了使系统稳定的最大时滞量。

6)complete delay stability全时滞稳定性


