100字范文 > 迟到时间 lag time英语短句 例句大全

迟到时间 lag time英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-18 01:57:20


迟到时间 lag time英语短句 例句大全

迟到时间,lag time

1)lag time迟到时间

1.As for the conventional logging in sidetracking slim hole horizontal wells which were opened through casings in the several old wells of North Jiangsu Oilfield, the paper discussedlag time selection, cutting bailing and lithology identification during cutting logging, analyzed the influence on conventional fluorescence logging, and pointed out difficult.该文从苏北油田几口老井套管开窗侧钻小井眼水平井的常规录井角度出发,探讨了岩屑录井过程中的迟到时间选择以及岩屑的捞取与岩性识别,分析了对常规荧光录井的影响,指出了常规录井遇到的难点及应对措施。


1.We test the lag time every 100 meters with calcium carbide dropping.我们每100米用电石投测一次迟到时间。

2.The correction for the influence of hole diameter enlarging rate on cutting lag time.井径扩大率对岩屑迟到时间的影响校正

3.He didn"t arrive as soon as we"d hoped.他到达的时间比我们预期的要迟.

4.We can put it off till next week.我们可以延迟到本周较后的时间。

5.Drive with caution. Get there sooner or later But get there.开车小心,别抢时间,迟早会到的。

6.How do you come to be so late?你怎么迟到这么长时间呢?

7.Time is limited. There is a strong likelihood of being late.时间有限,很有可能要迟到。

8.Latecomers will not be admitted until the interval.迟到者在休息时间方可入场.

9.Strewth, look at the time! We"re late!哎呀, 瞧这时间! 咱们迟到了!

10.If you are punctual you are not late.如果你严守时间,你就不会迟到。

11.I am late for school because I mistake the hour .我上学迟到了,因为我把时间给弄错了。

12.I"m afraid I may be a little late for our appointment.我想我会比约定的时间稍为迟到一点。

13.RCD Row to Cas Delay行地址到列地址控制器延迟时间

14.It is therefore requested that you extend my admission to Spring 1992.所以我请求将入学时间推迟到1992年春。

15.time-delay analyzer(延迟) 时间分析器

16.An hour late for dinner,尽管已经比往常的晚饭时间迟到了一个小时,

17.People who cannot find time for recreation are abliged sooner or later to find time for illness.找不到时间休闲娱乐的人,迟早都会找到时间来生病。

18.To delay or prolong something until a desired event occurs.羸得时间延迟或拖延直到希望的事件发生


time delay of arrival到达时间延迟

3)cuttings lag time岩屑迟到时间

1.A calculation ofcuttings lag time for foam drilling泡沫钻井岩屑迟到时间计算


5)She is not always late.她有时迟到。

6)Delay time延迟时间

1.Optimization of scan delay time for multi-slice spiral CT angiography of portal venous in liver cirrhosis;多层螺旋CT肝硬化门静脉成像延迟时间的优化

2.The study on delay time of EEG sequence;脑电序列的延迟时间研究

3.Investigation of several delay times in operation process of multi-cycle pulse detonation engine;多循环脉冲爆震发动机工作过程中的延迟时间研究


