100字范文 > 互动影响 interaction英语短句 例句大全

互动影响 interaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-09 04:04:56


互动影响 interaction英语短句 例句大全



1.For explaining theinteraction between them on the foundation of the modern enterprise theory, the paper makes an economic analyze on corporate governance and accounting information logically by applying Principal-agent Theory, Contract Theory and Property Right Theory.本文对公司治理和会计信息的内涵作了简单的界定,运用委托代理理论、契约理论、产权理论对公司治理和会计信息进行了经济学分析,公司治理与会计信息在现代企业理论上互动影响的逻辑基础。

2.By means of research methods of literature,comparative analysis,investigations and so on,the paper reviews the impact of EXPO on the theme park from its origin to evolvement and analyzes theirinteraction today.本文运用文献资料法、对比分析法、调查法等研究方法梳理了世博会自举办以来对主题公园的启发和二者之间互动影响的脉络,发现世博会的主题公园化趋势将持续,但二者存在本质差异,以期对上海世博会的规划建设有所借鉴。

3.In recent years, theinteraction between China domestic media and China foreign policy decision-making has become apparent.作为政治决策有机组成部分的外交决策也自然与媒体存在着密切的互动影响。


1.The Affection Between Society Information and Government Informationization;政府信息化与社会信息化的互动影响

2.Study on the Mutual Effect between China s Urbanization and Residential District Construction;我国城市化与住区建设互动影响研究

3.The Media Culture under the Influence of the IPTV"s Two-way Interaction网络电视双向互动影响下的媒介文化

4.A Study of the Effect of Teacher Questioning on Interaction in the EFL Class教师提问对英语课堂互动影响的研究

5.How do different animal families interact?这些不同的动物家族间如何彼此互动影响?

6.An Approach to the Interaction of EXPO and Theme Park世博会与主题公园发展的互动影响分析

7.Interaction between Teachers and Apprentices Influencing the Formation of Apprentices Behavioral Skills;师徒互动对动作技能形成影响的研究

8.The Influence of Internet on the Homosexual Interaction and Identity;互联网对同性恋互动方式与身份认同的影响

9.The Effects of Peer Interaction on ESL Learner s Reading Comprehension;同级互动对ESL学习者阅读理解的影响

10.The Effect of Teachers Questioning Strategies on EFL Classroom Interaction;教师提问策略对课堂师生互动的影响

11.On How Human Resources Management and Labour Relations Influences on Eachother;人力资源管理与劳动关系的相互影响

12.Technical Symbol and Its Impact on the Interaction of Social Psychology;技术符号及其对社会心理互动的影响

13.The Influences of the Interactive Outside Teaching on the Mathematic Teaching;课堂外互动式教学对数学教学的影响

14.Effects of Internet Interaction upon the Socializationof University Students;网际互动对大学生社会化的影响分析

15.Amalgamation of the money market and the capital market and its impact;货币市场与资本市场的互动及其影响

16.Co-effect and Feed-back:On the Influence of Vietnam"s Culture to China互动与反哺:越南文化对中国的影响

17.Statistical RLC Interconnect Delay Considering Process Variations考虑工艺波动影响的RLC互连统计延时

18.The Impact of Interaction on Service Brand Equity互动对服务品牌资产影响的实证研究


Mutual impact互动影响

1.In the case of Nanhui county, this paper demonstrates the relation of fast trunk road s building and suburb towns development in Shanghai, and analyzes the mutual impact of the two things.以南汇县为例,论证了快速干道建设与上海市郊区城镇发展之间的关系,分析了两者之间的互动影响,指出快速干道的合理布局与建设并辅以科学的规划和严格的管理,将极大地促进上海市郊区的城镇发展;同样,科学的城镇发展规划也将有利于上海市快速干道网络系统的顺利建设和运营。

3)mutual relationship互动影响

1.On the basis of literature review both in home and abroad,this paper studiesmutual relationship between urban transport and urban space pattern in Guangzhou,a metropolis of south China,in terms of documents,data and on-the-spot investigation.该文在评述国内外相关研究的基础上,阐释城市交通系统与空间格局之间的互动影响关系。

4)Mutual effect互动影响

1.Firstly,the mutual effect between dynamic mechanisms ofmegalopolis and its economic competitiveness were probed by using the theories of new economic geography and urban competitiveness.基于城市群发展和区域经济发展的视角,构建指标体系,探讨山东半岛城市群内在驱动力和外显经济竞争力的变动轨迹,并运用相关分析、GDP增长贡献度分析等方法研究二者之间的互动影响。

5)mutual each other互动的影响

6)Interaction and Impact互动及影响


