100字范文 > 犯罪互动 Interacting英语短句 例句大全

犯罪互动 Interacting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-23 21:50:58


犯罪互动 Interacting英语短句 例句大全



2)the interaction of crime犯罪互动关系

1.Crime of swindling is the type of crime which is murdered in business,and there are four springboards for us to discuss:the injurer,the victim,the interaction of crime and the social control mechanism.诈骗犯罪是典型的交易被害型犯罪,其加害人与被害人情况、犯罪互动关系以及社会控制机制是我们探讨该类犯罪预防对策的出发点。

3)wandering crime流动犯罪

1.Thewandering crime is a new edition of traditional zigzagging crime,which is committed with the characteristics of zigzagging crime,with plans and with goals across the provinces,cities and counties,so it severely endangers the social economic order and people s safety of lives and properties.流动犯罪是传统流窜犯罪的一种新翻版,以流动犯罪为特征,有计划、有目的跨省、市、县异地作案,严重危害社会经济秩序和人民群众生命财产安全。

4)criminal motive犯罪动机

1.The crisis of psychology promotes the production and development ofcriminal motive.网络文化不仅为犯罪心理的形成提供了重要的氛围,而且在其发展过程中引发的几种心理危机助长和推动了犯罪动机的产生与发展。

2.On the other hand, it is based on thecriminal motive and a being and manifestation of that in the stage of carrying out crimes from the dynamic viewpoint.从动态角度看,它是在犯罪动机的基础上形成起来的,是犯罪动机在犯罪实施阶段的存在和表现形式,犯罪目的的展开和实现过程实际上就是犯罪意志的形成和表现过程。

3.As for the intended crime, the psychological foundation of criminal liability is based on maliciouscriminal motive and contempt to the criminal law.对故意犯罪而言 ,刑事责任的心理基础主要表现为行为人恶劣的犯罪动机和对法律的蔑视态度 ;就过失犯罪而言 ,刑事责任的心理基础主要表现为行为人人格的缺陷和对法律的轻视态度。


1.Abstract An important reason, which causes criminal offence, is a crime motive of the crime native.引起犯罪行为的一个重要原因是犯罪人的犯罪动机。

2.A Brief Talk on Internet s Strengthening of Criminal Motives;略论网络环境对犯罪动机的强化效应

3.Questioning the Concept of Criminal Motives--On the Basic Theory of Criminal Psychology对犯罪动机概念的质疑——关于犯罪心理学基本理论问题的探讨

4.I put It to you that you are the only person who have a motive for the crime我让你明白你是唯一具有犯罪动机的人

5.I put it to you that you are the only person who had a motive for the crime.我让你明白你是唯一具有犯罪动机的人.

6.The combination of illegal desire and outside inducement results in the shaping of criminal motivation.不当需要与外界诱因相结合,则形成犯罪动机。

7.Can we assign jealousy as the motive for the crime?我们能否确定这一犯罪动机是出於嫉妒?

8.They examined into the criminal"s motives.他们研究了罪犯的动机。

9.A criminal practice or act.犯罪活动,犯罪行为

10.the investigation of criminal activities to determine the perpetrator.调查罪犯的犯罪活动。

11." Many crimes have a monetary profit motive.很多犯罪都有获得金钱利益的动机。

12.Moreover his crimes are often motivated by good intentions.而且他犯罪的动机总是出于善意。

13.His real motive for the crime remains obscure.他犯罪的真正动机仍不清楚.

14.The Features, Causes and Countermeasures of Committing Stealing Motor - driven Vehicles;盗窃机动车辆犯罪的特点、原因及对策

15.--- Reform-through-labour institutions actively encourage family members of prisoners to take part in the persuasion process.--劳改机关积极发动在押罪犯的家属参与对罪犯的感化工作。

16.The contemplation of a crime well enough in advance to show deliberate intent to commit the crime;forethought.蓄意预先对犯罪的周全考虑以显示犯罪的故意动机;预想

17.It is a new tendency of the present economic domain crime of utilizing the cell- phone message to bilk.利用手机短信实施诈骗犯罪是当前经济领域犯罪的新动向。

18.Looks at Application for Situational Crime Prevention Strategy from the Present Situation of Vehicle Burglary Crime从机动车盗窃犯罪的现状看情境犯罪预防策略的应用


the interaction of crime犯罪互动关系

1.Crime of swindling is the type of crime which is murdered in business,and there are four springboards for us to discuss:the injurer,the victim,the interaction of crime and the social control mechanism.诈骗犯罪是典型的交易被害型犯罪,其加害人与被害人情况、犯罪互动关系以及社会控制机制是我们探讨该类犯罪预防对策的出发点。

3)wandering crime流动犯罪

1.Thewandering crime is a new edition of traditional zigzagging crime,which is committed with the characteristics of zigzagging crime,with plans and with goals across the provinces,cities and counties,so it severely endangers the social economic order and people s safety of lives and properties.流动犯罪是传统流窜犯罪的一种新翻版,以流动犯罪为特征,有计划、有目的跨省、市、县异地作案,严重危害社会经济秩序和人民群众生命财产安全。

4)criminal motive犯罪动机

1.The crisis of psychology promotes the production and development ofcriminal motive.网络文化不仅为犯罪心理的形成提供了重要的氛围,而且在其发展过程中引发的几种心理危机助长和推动了犯罪动机的产生与发展。

2.On the other hand, it is based on thecriminal motive and a being and manifestation of that in the stage of carrying out crimes from the dynamic viewpoint.从动态角度看,它是在犯罪动机的基础上形成起来的,是犯罪动机在犯罪实施阶段的存在和表现形式,犯罪目的的展开和实现过程实际上就是犯罪意志的形成和表现过程。

3.As for the intended crime, the psychological foundation of criminal liability is based on maliciouscriminal motive and contempt to the criminal law.对故意犯罪而言 ,刑事责任的心理基础主要表现为行为人恶劣的犯罪动机和对法律的蔑视态度 ;就过失犯罪而言 ,刑事责任的心理基础主要表现为行为人人格的缺陷和对法律的轻视态度。

5)criminal motives犯罪动机

1.:The freguent occurrence of internet crime shows that the environment on internet has an influence on ciminalpsychology,whose symbolt is the formation ofcriminal motives.犯罪心理形成的标志是犯罪动机的建立。

6)Criminal"s labor罪犯劳动


