100字范文 > 交通工程设施 traffic engineering facilities英语短句 例句大全

交通工程设施 traffic engineering facilities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-18 23:08:04


交通工程设施 traffic engineering facilities英语短句 例句大全

交通工程设施,traffic engineering facilities

1)traffic engineering facilities交通工程设施

1.,in terms of the design oftraffic engineering facilities and .本文借鉴高速公路服务区设计和部分服务旅游交通出行的公路观景台设计经验,从交通工程设施设计和交通管理的角度,针对中小交通量旅游公路休息区的选址、基本形式、功能定位以及相关设施的总体平面布设等问题,以内蒙古林区旅游公路S203线为例进行了论述。

2.The studying contents of the paper contain traffic forecast technique, traffic safety evaluation,traffic engineering facilities system analysis, social economy influence evaluation, sustainable development evaluation, direct benefit evaluation, environment influence evaluation, space structure influence o.本文从完善公路建设项目后评价内容、指标和方法的角度出发,对公路建设项目在过程评价中的交通需求预测技术、交通安全技术评价、交通工程设施系统评价分析等;社会经济影响评价;可持续发展评价;环境影响评价和直接效益评价、建设项目对周边城市空间结构影响、建设项目目标评价、建设项目综合评价等进行了系统理论研究,旨在促进公路建设项目管理的科学化、规范化,进一步推动我国公路建设、运营及公路网的可持续发展。


1.Reuse of traffic installation in reconstruction project of highway高速公路改扩建工程中交通工程设施的再利用

2.Current Situation and Developing Direction of Highway Facilities In our Traffic Engineering;我国公路交通工程设施的现状与发展方向

3.Influence and Relating Measures of Traffic Engineering Equipment to Traffic Safety of Low-grade Highway交通工程设施对低等级公路交通安全的影响及相关对策

4.Design of Traffic Engineering Facilities at Cold Ares,and Problems which should be noticed in Engineering Protection寒冷地区交通工程设施设计及维护方面应注意的问题

5.Measures about “2 Focus” for Key Communications Project Construction;交通重点工程建设中“两手抓”的措施

6.Design and Construction Technology of Foundation Excavation of Beijing Dongzhimen Transportation Hub北京东直门交通枢纽基坑工程设计施工技术

7.Simple Talking about Cost Management of Traffic Safety Facilities Project浅谈交通安全设施工程项目的成本管理

8.The design of access road of large-scale hydropower station could directly influence its cost and construction progress, as well as local society and economy.大型水电工程对外交通设计直接影响工程造价和施工进度。

9.A large number of infrastructure projects in such areas as water conservancy, transportation, telecommunications, energy and environmental protection have been completed.建设了一大批水利、交通、通信、能源和环保等基础设施工程。

10.Design and Discussion on Holing Through Error of Urban Mass Transit城市轨道交通工程隧道施工贯通误差测量精度设计与探讨

11.Regulation for construction of railway SPC digital telephone switching engineering铁路数字程控交换通信工程施工规范

12.Study on Investment Control Theory and Method of Rail Transit Construction Projects at Construction Stage;轨道交通建设工程施工阶段投资控制的理论与方法研究

13.Wuhan Urban Track Transporation Engineering Construction Technology Research;武汉城市轨道交通工程施工技术研究

14.The construction technique of South-North water transfer canal traffic bridge跨南水北调干渠工程交通桥施工技术

15.Redevelopment of Urban Transportation in The City Center -- Boston’s Central Artery/Tunnel Project城市中心区交通设施更新实例——波士顿中央干道/隧道工程

16.On Geotechnical Engineering of Freezing Method in the Underground Traffic Construction地下交通工程施工中冻结法的岩土工程问题

17.Analysis and Countermeasure on Traffic Influence of Urban Traffic Construction Project城市交通建设项目施工交通影响分析及对策

18.Technical code for design and construction of expressway safety appurtenances高速公路交通安全设施设计及施工技术规范


traffic engineering and road facilities交通工程机电土建设施

1.The expressway design is formed by the main road-bridge design andtraffic engineering and road facilities as a multi-system construction.高速公路设计是由路桥主体工程设计和交通工程机电土建设施设计组成的复杂系统工程,后者对前者有相当大的影响。

3)highway facilities of traffic engineering公路交通工程设施

4)traffic facilities交通设施

1.Study on the Combination Planning of Large-scale Public Building and Traffic Facilities大型公共建筑与交通设施组合规划研究

2.The current situation of urban roadtraffic facilities management in china was discussed in terms of traffic management mechanism,traffic facilities management and standard and system construction, and the drawbacks of currenttraffic facilities management were pointed out.城市道路交通设施是城市道路的重要组成部分,是城市道路交通安全、有序、畅通的重要保障。

5)means of transportation交通设施

1.The text briefly introduces the status,position and problem of themeans of transportation management of Beijing,analyses the scientific concept of development to the guidance meaning of themeans of transportation management,discusses a few opinions of realizing the comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable developmentmeans of transportation management in the newly position.通过简要介绍北京交通设施管理工作现状、面临的形势及问题,分析了科学发展观对交通设施管理工作的指导意义,探讨了新形势下实现交通设施管理工作全面、协调、可持续发展的几点意见。

2.It also anatomizes the major technical and tactical targets, and suggests some configuration plans for the protection of majormeans of transportation.基于对GPS干扰的初步分析,提出和剖析JTSS-GPS干扰箱组的设计思路及几个重要的技(战)术指标,研究用于重要交通设施防护的配置方案。

6)traffic facility交通设施


