100字范文 > 地下交通工程 underground traffic engineering英语短句 例句大全

地下交通工程 underground traffic engineering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-14 05:11:55


地下交通工程 underground traffic engineering英语短句 例句大全

地下交通工程,underground traffic engineering

1)underground traffic engineering地下交通工程

1.The article introduces the performance and characteristic if this new material of the Glasal in the ornamental shield material for theunderground traffic engineering in detail, discuss its application in the urbanunderground traffic engineering, and expects its spreading in the social benefit and the economical benefit.该文详细介绍了地下交通工程装饰围蔽材料卡索板这种新型材料的性能特点,探讨了其在城市地下交通工程中的应用,并对其推广的社会、经济效益作了展望。


1.On Geotechnical Engineering of Freezing Method in the Underground Traffic Construction地下交通工程施工中冻结法的岩土工程问题

2.Study on Durable Concrete and Its Application to Underground Rail Transit Engineering轨道交通地下工程耐久性混凝土的研究和应用

3.Waterproofing technology in underground structure of Tianjin Railway Station Back Square天津站交通枢纽后广场工程地下结构防水技术

4.Underground waterproofing design of Chongqin rapid traffic重庆市轨道交通地下工程防水设计概述

5.Standardization of Underground Railway Traffic Construction in China我国地下轨道交通工程建设标准化分析

6.Probe into the management measures of the whole process control of city rail project cost--Take the first knot of rail transit in underground engineering in the city as an example城市轨道工程造价全过程控制管理措施——以某城市轨道交通地下工程先行节点为例

7.an urban passenger transportation system using underground or elevated trains.使用地下提速火车的城市的交通工具。

8.Article14 In constructing trunk lines of underground traffic and other underground projects in a city, consideration shall be given to the needs of civil air defense.第十四条城市的地下交通干线以及其他地下工程的建设,应当兼顾人民防空需要。

9.Research on Ventilation for Large Scale Underground Cavity Groups Construction;大型地下工程洞室群施工期通风研究

10.Cover and Cut Method and Finite Element Analysis of Comprehensive Transportation in Futian Subway Station深圳市福田站地下综合交通枢纽工程配套设施盖挖逆作施工方法与结构整体有限元分析

11.Construction Technology for Large Underground Rail Line Traffic Hub in Soft Soil Area软土地区地下大型轨道交通枢纽施工技术

12.In the inner harbour, they are a supplementary mode of transport to cross harbour buses and the Mass Transit Railway.至于港内交通方面,则是隧道巴士和地下铁路以外的辅助交通工具。

13.Study on Construction Mechanical Behaviors of the Complicated Urban Muliti-Tunnels Engineering;复杂城市地下立交工程施工力学行为研究

14.On the Cultivating Strategies of the Education of Master of Engineering and Local Transportation Human Resources;论工程硕士教育与地方交通人才资源培育策略

15.Study on the Construction Mechanics and Scheme Optimization of Underground Interchange Tunnel;互通式地下立交隧道施工力学研究及方案优化

16.Integral and Synchronous Construction Technology for Urban Rail Transit Station and Underground Space轨道交通车站与地下空间一体化同步施工技术


18.American Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE美国交通工程师学会


underground connecting engineering地下连通工程

1.The exploitation of underground space becomes the main trend in the future,in this paper theunderground connecting engineering is scientifically defined,six constructing modes of underground connecting project are put forward,the construction benefits are analyzed and the main problems for its construction are pointed out.城市向三维方向发展,大力开发城市地下空间已成为今后城市发展的主流趋势,文章对城市地下连通工程进行了科学定义、并提出了六种地下连通工程的建设模式、分析了地下连通工程的建设效益,并指出了当前建设地下连通工程存在的主要问题。

3)underground traffic地下交通

1.In this article the changes of traffic forms due to the technology development, the direction of the city traffic development and the necessity of the exploitation ofunderground traffic are med.概括了人类交通方式随着技术发展的变化,城市交通状况发展的趋势和开发地下交通的必然性。

2.In this paper, the combined development mode ofunderground traffic and urban green area is put forward by analyzing the urban green areas and urban traffic problems at present in China.城市的可持续发展 ,需要解决比较现实的问题是城市交通与城市环境 ,本文通过分析我国目前城市绿地与城市交通问题 ,提出地下交通与城市绿地复合开发的模式 ,认为此举是我国城市解决绿化用地不足、城市交通污染等问题的有效途径。

4)traffic engineering交通工程

1.Key points for oftraffic engineering construction and supervision;交通工程监理及施工要点

2.Study and analysis on the teaching of combining thetraffic engineering theory with practice;交通工程理论与实践互动教学探析

3.Design and realizing method oftraffic engineering CAE system;交通工程CAE软件系统的设计与实现方法

5)traffic project交通工程

1.The application of modern information management in the construction oftraffic projects;现代化信息管理在交通工程建设中的应用

2.On how to do well consultative examination oftraffic project design for highway如何做好高速公路交通工程设计的咨询审查

3.According to the volume of traffic flow and demands of economic development in specific area,we may design atraffic project with comprehensive plan but implemented by different stages.根据交通量与本地区经济发展,经过综合分析,在公路建设中可对交通工程一次设计,分期实施。

6)communication engineering交通工程

1.In the paper, we study random serving scheme incommunication engineering by queuing theory , gain the quantity standard which show the effect of the scheme, explain relationship between the standard and serving way.利用排队论的基本方法研究了交通工程中的随机服务系统,得出衡量该服务系统效率的主要数量指 标,说明了这些指标与服务方式的联系。


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