100字范文 > 冷搓成形 cold roll forming英语短句 例句大全

冷搓成形 cold roll forming英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-05 22:11:17


冷搓成形 cold roll forming英语短句 例句大全

冷搓成形,cold roll forming

1)cold roll forming冷搓成形

1.Based on large deformation elastic-plastic FEM theory, the nonlinear finite element simulation of involute splinecold roll forming is provided by means of the software of ANSYS.依据大变形弹塑性有限元理论和接触理论,综合考虑成形中的几何非线性、状态非线性、材料非线性以及工件与刀具的接触摩擦因素,借助有限元软件ANSYS对渐开线花键冷搓成形的过程进行数值模拟,方法新颖独特,其应用将对刀具的设计有参考作用。


1.Nonlinear Analysis of the Finite Element Simulation of Cold Rolling of Involute Spline;渐开线花键冷搓成形非线性有限元分析

2.Numerical Simulation of Cold Rolling of Involute Spline基于有限元数值模拟花键冷搓成形关键技术分析

3.Development of the Roller Burnishing Plastic Precision Forming for Planes and Thread Rolling Compound Machine;平面滚压塑性精成形和搓丝复合机的研制

4.She chafed her cold hands.她搓热她冰冷的双手。

5.twist sth. into把某物搓成…,把某物编成…

6.turn or wind(threads,etc)to make them into a rope,etc把(线等)捻或搓成绳等

7.Form the dough into a ball with your hands.用手把面团搓成球。

8.She made a rope by twisting threads.她把线搓成一条绳子。

9.Rope is made by twisting threads together.绳索是用线搓成的。

10.The mother chafed her child"s cold hands.母亲搓着孩子冰冷的双手。

11.The boy chafed his cold hands.那男孩搓着他冰冷的双手 (使其变暖) 。

12.The woman rubbed her hands and observed that it was cold enough to have a white Christmas yet.这位妇女搓了搓手,说天气够冷的,会有一个白色的圣诞节。

13.chinchilla cloth finishing灰鼠呢整理,珠皮呢整理(厚呢经缩绒、起绒后用灰鼠呢面整理机将呢面茸毛搓成小珠形)

14.To twist(fibers) into thread.搓丝成线把(纤维)捻成线束

15.This splitting and rubbing is done by a machine known as a condenser.这种割条和搓条是由一种叫搓条机的机器来完成。

16.made with strands or inserts of elastic.用搓成股或者插入的方法使得有弹性。

17.She crumpled the letter into a ball and threw it into the wastepaper basket.她把那封信搓揉成一团, 扔进了字纸篓。

18.Escaped by climbing down it.我们把床单搓成绳子,援绳下坠逃跑了。


plain laid右搓绳(绳纹成Z形)

3)right hand lay右搓绳(绳纹成"Z"形)

4)cold forming冷成形冷弯

5)cold roll forming冷弯成形

1.In this paper, the theoretical approaches on simulation ofcold roll forming are classified into four types: simplified analytic method & kinematics method, energy method, finite strip method, and finite element method.辊式冷弯成形是一项具有显著经济效益和社会效益的板加工工艺 ,它又是一个涉及诸多因素的复杂的工艺过程 ,对其进行计算机仿真研究是十分必要的 。

6)cold forming冷成形

1.The obvious anisotropy in mechanical properties, non-metallic inclusions in array, some martensites transformed from austenites duringcold forming were observed.通过化学成分分析、磁性试验、力学性能及显微硬度测试、金相及扫描电镜观察 ,分析了奥氏体不锈钢高压锅盖冷成形时形成裂纹的原因。

2.The section shape of ring part duringcold forming has been researched in theory and experiment.针对环形件立弯冷成形过程中的断面形状问题开展了理论与实验研究 ,采用三维弹塑性有限元法研究了金属在变形过程中的三维流动 ,分析了立弯成形中性面偏移对环形件厚度变化的影响 ,并对成形过程进行了计算机模拟 ,模拟结果对冷弯环形件生产具有指导作


