100字范文 > 冷弯成形 cold roll forming英语短句 例句大全

冷弯成形 cold roll forming英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-20 16:43:30


冷弯成形 cold roll forming英语短句 例句大全

冷弯成形,cold roll forming

1)cold roll forming冷弯成形

1.In this paper, the theoretical approaches on simulation ofcold roll forming are classified into four types: simplified analytic method & kinematics method, energy method, finite strip method, and finite element method.辊式冷弯成形是一项具有显著经济效益和社会效益的板加工工艺 ,它又是一个涉及诸多因素的复杂的工艺过程 ,对其进行计算机仿真研究是十分必要的 。


1.Research on the Roller Design and the Cold Bending Forming Laws of Stainless Steel Corrugated Plate;不锈钢波纹板辊型设计及冷弯成形规律研究

2.Simulation Research of the Influence Factors on Cold Roll Forming Experiment Process冷弯成形实验的有限元分析中的影响因素研究

3.Simulation and Experimental Study on Residual Stresses for Multi-Stand Roll-Formed Sections多道次辊弯成形冷弯型钢残余应力有限元仿真与实验研究

4.The Thermo-coupled Analysis on Bending and Cooling of Medium Steel Plate;中厚钢板弯曲成形及冷却过程的热耦合分析

5.Analysis for Distortional Buckling of Cold-formed Thin-walled C-section Steel in Bending;冷弯薄壁C形槽钢受弯畸变屈曲分析

6.overhung cold roll forming machine悬臂辊式冷弯成型轧机

7.The Influence of Cold-Formed Effect to Stress Capacity Performance of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow Section Beams;冷弯效应对冷弯矩形钢管梁受力性能的影响

8.Experiment Research on Spring Back and Forging Accuracy in Automatic Frame Cold Bending;肋骨冷弯自动加工回弹问题及成形精度的实验研究

9.Processing of Cold Bending Rectangle Steel Pipe,Its Performance and Application in Construction;冷弯矩形钢管的成型工艺、性能及在建筑中的应用

10.Forming a curved configuration.成曲线形的,弯曲的

11.form a curl, curve, or kink.形成卷曲、弯曲或纽结。

12.The rainbow arches the heavens.虹在天上弯成拱形。

13.A bright rainbow arched above.彩虹在天上弯成拱形。

14.He curved the piece of wood.他把这条木头弯成弧形。

15.Bend a piece of iron into a horseshoe.把一块铁弯曲成马蹄形

16.Finite Element Method Simulation and Springback Research on Cold Roll Forming;冷弯成型有限元数值模拟及回弹分析

17.Research on Expanded Steel Member by Rollforming Process Experiment金属扩张件的冷弯成型工艺实验研究

18.Design of Cold Roll Forming Production and Controling仿古琉璃瓦冷弯成型控制系统的设计


cold forming冷成形冷弯

3)Cold bending forming technique冷弯成形技术

4)forming craft of cold forming冷弯曲成形工艺

5)cold-roll forming冷弯成型

1.Effects of anisotropic yield criteria on the spring-back s FEM simulating of stainless stell sheet scold-roll forming process;各向异性屈服准则对不锈钢板冷弯成型回弹模拟的影响

2.Inorder to reduce periodicity ofcold-roll forming processs and improve the quality of products and me- chanical property the explicit dynamic finite element method with the software of ANSYS/LS-DYNA to simulate thecold-roll forming processs of channel stell,is studied including deforme,stresses and stains in the forming process.采用ANSYS里的LS -DYNA模块对槽钢辊式加工工艺进行显示动力学有限元法模拟,分析成型中轧件的变型特点及应力应变分布,为冷弯成型CAD\CAE技术提供有力的实验数据和理论支持,最终应用于实际生产。

3.The basic principles and arithmetic of FEM numerical simulation of cold roll forming process are reviewed in this paper,the large structural analysis program ANSYS/LS-DYNA is used to simulatecold-roll forming progress,analyze the simulating results,and gain the theory and technology which are useful to directing real manufacturing.概述了冷弯成型过程有限元数值模拟的基本原理和基本算法,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA分析软件对冷弯过程进行有限元数值模拟,并对模拟结果进行受力和应变分析以验证其可行性和正确性,为冷弯成型的工程设计提供了科学依据,从而降低设计风险。

6)cold bend forming冷弯成型

1.A kind of rectangular hollow I-beam made of two M-type steels,which were rolled bycold bend forming machine with plate or strip under the condition of room temperature and were welded together,was Introduced.介绍了一种矩形空心工字钢,该空心工字钢由板(或带卷)经冷弯成型机组在室温下冷弯成型成两块近似M形型钢后再焊接在一起而制造,与热轧H型钢相比较,在单重相同的情况下,WXG可提高5 56%-45 96%,WYG可提高51 01%-105 46%;在截面系数相同的情况下,可节约材料1 1%-18 42%。

2.According to the mechanism of equivalent function between imposed on the slab by the force of shaping roll and needed to get the desired shape in this step,a theoretical expression for calculatingcold bend forming force is presented on the basis of previous work.在研究冷弯变形过渡区基础上,按照成型过程中成型辊施加于坯料上的力所做的功与坯料在该道次中实现规定的几何形状产生变形所消耗的功相等的原理,建立了计算冷弯成型力的理论表达式。


冷弯成形机组冷弯成形机组roll forming unitlengW0n Chengxlng J.Zu冷弯成形机组(roll forming unit)用于生产冷弯型材的整套设备。(见彩图插页第20页)由原料准备、成形及精整3段设备组成。原料准备段有拆卷机、矫直机、头尾剪切剪、对焊机、活套装置以及圆盘剪等设备。成形段有成形机、定径机、焊机以及矫直机等设备。精整段由定尺剪断设备、检测设备、堆垛机及打包机等组成。成形机和定径机是冷弯成形机组中的主要设备。一般,成形机和定径机均由传动的平辊机架和不传动的立辊机架组成。成形机的平辊机架数一般在6一30架之间。所生产的冷弯型材形状越复杂,所需的成形机架越多。而定径机的机架总数通常不超过10架。成形机平辊机架按轧辊装配形式可分为悬臂式和龙门式。按成形辊数量可分为二辊成形机和多辊成形机。按传动方式可分为不传动、肘节齿轮传动以及万向接触传动。(姚健)
